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Fan Fiction

The Last Battle: The Yaxans
Posted By: JOTD FanFiction Team<briane@teleport.com>
Date: 16 December 2003, 1:53 AM

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The Last Battle: The Yaxans

"Wake up.. come on... that's it..." A soft beautiful voice said over the clouded mind of Brian, and archaologist from Mars.
He began to push the clouds out of his mind, and let his mind take in all the data that had built up over time. It all hit him at once.
The pain, the fear, the anger he felt. What had killed all of his friends? What was in the sky that night? Where was he now?

"Sickbay to Captain..."

"Go ahead Sickbay..."

"Sir, the survivor just awoke, his vital signs are coming back."

"On my way..."

He opened his eyes for the first time, feeling the crackling of dried blood on his eyelids. He tried lifting his hands. Tied down.
"Wha....." He began to say.

"Shhh..." said the nurse, "you're still too weak. You need to relax. You're safe..."

"Where-" He began to say, before the swish of doors cut him off. A man in his 40's, with a few extra wrinkles than he would like, walked through the door. "Mr....?"

"Hathaway. Brian Hathaway." He said firmly, regaining his strength.

"It seems you've been through quite a hell." The Captain said, stepping forward to his table, holding what looked like an apple. It was green and shiny.

"Hell means alot of things sir." He said, sitting up, "But may I ask just what it was?"

The Captain took a bite of the apple, and nodded to Brian, walking out the door.

They awake our slumber..

We do what we do...



"Sir! I'm getting enemy readings just over the next hill! They're heading this way!"

"My God..." Lieutenant Yarmissian said, walking over dead and mangled bodies. "The ground up ahead... it's moving..."
"Men! Arm! Get Warthog Battalion 155 here ASAP!"
The sound of clips being loaded into weapons of fury, the fuzz of a radio, the squelch of undead enemies. Lieutenant Yarmissian was getting sick of it.
"Fire on my command!" Yarmissian said, sweat dripping down his brow. Up at the top of the hill, he could see the red ground begin to move, as though it were a carpet. The slimy disgusting creature lay under the rock until the perfect time, getting closer, and closer....
"Ready..." Yarmissian said, holding his AR tightly. The creatures growls could now easily be heard. One popped out of the ground 5 feet in front of them, disoriented. FIRE!
Muzzle flashes turned a dark Mars night into day, and groups of half men into bits and pieces of skin. The Scorpion tank move up, and Yarmissian and his crew moved back. The first shell vaporized hundreds of them, but they were coming out of nowhere, and no one could tell how many were left. Yarmissian began to panic, and the rising of multiple enemies all around him, didn't help his nerves much.
"Their... their everywhere!"
"I can't keep a lock!"
"Run! Fall back!"
The screams of Yarmissian's men shook the last of his fearless persona free, and he himself began to scream. The enemy was only feet away, and his tank, occupent-less.

They defy...
Why do they fight?

"Master, the dropships are away, the Human sensors never detected our cloaked fleet." Commander Zaharn'zeck said, his brutish figure in a posture of complete triumph. He was always the childish one.
He never understood how fragile our victory actually was. He used to waddle around singing and grunting the praises of our great empire. That's the best reason I can give why we lost the battle of Mars.
I had lost my left arm in a previous battle, and now I lay prone in my captain's chair, while my minions do all the work for me. But I am not out of this war. Death shall come to the one that lay me in such lame posturation. The primates called him, "Chief."
"Commander Zaharn'zeck, full power to thrusters. Contact the Bomb bay, tell them to be ready to attack Earth."

Brian slowly began to re-awake, finding a beautiful young woman on the table next to himself. Two doctos were attending to her, replacing bandages, and giving her a new IV. The ID tag read only "Sab".
He said something no one could make out, and she turned her head towards him, smiling in a sorrowful way. The smile faded, and a tear fell down her eye.
Suddenly the door swung open, but no one came through. Brian could've sworn he saw something. He heard a scream from the nurse in the medicine hold. A terrible stabbing noise.
Brian pulled the IV from his arm, and picked up his weapons lying on the table.
"Put the gun down monkey..." A deep voice said from behind. He turned quickly to find a floating plasma sword hanging just under Sab's neck. "Or the girl dies."
To Be Continued...

Author's Note: This section was written by Frensa Geran.
