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Battlefield 2552: Back to Hell
Posted By: John Morris<lonewolf4001@netscape.net>
Date: 7 July 2003, 3:07 AM

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Battlefield 2552
Back to Hell

The safety clamps locked in over my shoulders with a thud and a series of metallic clanks, the tiny pelican drop-ship shuttered under the force of the thrusters as we went from a normal environment to zero G in a matter of minutes. The pelican was half empty, an idealist would say it was half-full, but not many had seen the covenant armada up close. Ellie leaned forward in cockpit and pushed the thrusters, I gritted my teeth so they wouldn't shatter from the force of the propulsion. I watched as The UNSC Iron Eagle disappeared, and Solace grew closer the glowing white orb, growing large in the viewport. I leaned my head back, our squadron had been called to evacuate the planet, and sure enough, the superiors knew in who they could trust, I was one of those elite few, a member of the Wolf Brigade.
An ODST private sat next to me, a frown of utter discontent was etched like stone on his face. Those members of ODST, in my view, were arrogant bastard's, fighting how they saw fit even with a superior officer in command, they were loyal to the cause. I at one point had been accepted into the ranks, but denied myself the opportunity, this way I knew I could help as long as possible, instead of joining a suicide outfit. I crammed a new rifle into my weapon, and ripped the hammer back, grinning at the clicking of the MA5B chambering a new round of ammunition. The young soldier looked at me precariously, I returned the favor in a more demeaning manner.
The Pelican broke hard port, causing me to be caught by the foam encased titanium bars that surrounded my shoulders. A searing score of plasma from a covenant cruiser shot past the nimble space craft. The young marine bared his teeth and yelled up to the pilot
"Damn-it fly the ship straight you bitch!" Ellie responded with the finger, which further aggravated the young ODST troop, but seemed to shut him up. A nearby Pelican took a hit, turned red, then evaporated into space, no screams were uttered, they had no time to. Pressing the release button on my harness, I approached the cabin and watched from the cockpit, Two cruisers were in hot pursuit of the squadron of friendly dropships.
"Why are they following us!" I said yelling over the roar of the engines. Ellie shrugged and flipped several switches, her normally vibrant green eyes were somehow now dull, focused on one thing, getting us to the surface alive. She guided the craft through a field of wrecked UNSC frigates, one unfortunate Marine bounced off the front of the ship, apparently he had been sucked out into space during the Naval battle. It was a Marines worst fear, dying in space, and not being able to do a thing about it. For a moment we had lost sight of the pursuing covenant vessel, only to have it surprise us as it burst through the wreckage, flaring it's shields a brilliant yellow.
"Holy Shit." A marine yelled.
A glow became evident along the side of the gargantuan monster, An explosion rippled along the hull of the ship and sent it tumbling, a cheer echoed over the comm transmission as a squadron of Longsword fighters blazed over our 12 o'clock.
"Flight Group Delta, this is Bravo Lance, your clear to descend planet side we'll deal with this little inconvenience."
I allowed a brief grin to cross my face, Ellie lifted the nose of Delta 1 skyward to avoid the remnants of a crippled UNSC Battleship, I had little time to react, and before I could brace myself, I had fallen back against the rear bulk head. My world began to spin and an ever increasing ring drown out the other sounds inside the craft, then everything went dark.

Solace: Planet side
0800 hours UNSC Time
Area: Hostile

The same ring that dominated my hearing before I blacked out, was the same that brought me back. The familiar cold of Solace once again enveloped my body, and I struggled dizzily to bring myself to stand. Sounds of plasma echoed in the distance, something I had also gotten used to over the years of service. I reached up and was surprised to feel a bandage wrapped around my head, blood still emanated from the gash on my head. I shrugged and checked my area, the once large metropolis of Hailin lay decimated after weeks of assault, pandemonium ruled the streets of the city as marines fought a gallantly struggle to hold off the oncoming storm long enough for evacuation of the citizens. Grabbing an Assault Rifle from the feet of a wounded marine, I approached a command tent nearly 50 meters away.
Pulling the flap up I entered the hut, 2 marines stood guard and quickly asked for my identification, apparently the ODST were also fanatics at guarding headquarters from their own kind. Reluctantly I removed my identification card, and was allowed through. The area was full of activity, for the exception of one area where a noncom and a Vice Admiral were directing battle plans. The older man looked up his face, rugged and unshaved, he waved me over, and I did as directed, standing at attention, the general waved a hand.
"At ease son, all hell is breaking loose down here, so don't worry about the formalities." I agreed with the superior officer, and allowed myself to become lenient. "Although the UNSC won't admit it, Solace is a lost cause, and that's why we're here. Propaganda on Earth says that our forces are winning, be it couldn't be further from the truth. So it's our job to get as many people out of here as possible, and then, get our ass out too." I nodded my head, not sure what to think yet. "Chief Peterson, give us a sidrep." The ODST noncom stood, it was apparent that he had been through hell as he traversed the side of the table.
"Currently, the UNSC evac. squads are spread around 20 large cities, 15 of which are preparing to dust off, leaving 3 city that are beyond our help, 1 where our forces were completely decimated, and here, our last footing on this planet."
"Very well Master Chief, what do you have planned." The Vice Admiral folded his hands across his chest and listened to the marines presentation.
"Sir I believe if we redirect all ODST troops here and the outlining areas we can ward off this assault for at least 5 days, my men are up for it." he pointed the topographical map of Hailin and the surrounding areas. "If we place a squad of snipers in those mountains and armor in the city, we will hold out for quite some time." The Admiral looked at me as he rubbed the scruff of his chin.
"Well what do you think Lieutenant Page?" he looked me squarely in the eyes, and I knew that, even against the principle of disagreeing with a seasoned veteran, I had to tell the truth.
"It's absolutely insane." I replied "The Covenant will over run this planet in a matter of time, even if we can fortify this area, that allows them to focus all of their resources on Hailin, and with anti aircraft batteries surrounding the city, followed by a Covenant armada of tanks, troops, dropships, you'd be lucky if you lasted 5 hours after the incursion began." While the Superior officer took in the facts, the noncom went on the offensive.
"You arrogant prick, you know that my men are up to the challenge, Admiral we can do this, we're hell-jumpers, not some Wolf Brigade pansies." He huffed and shot me a look of utter discontent.
"Sorry to tell you Peterson, while you may be up to it, even if your hell-jumpers are up to it, you still rely on those pilots up in the dropships, and if you think their going to come in when the landing zones are overrun with the Covenant, think again." I said in a sharply.
"Well than what do you propose son?" Admiral Kimmel asked in reply.
"Yeah what do you propose." Chief Peterson interjected hoping to catch me off gaurd.
My face remained nonchalant, but inside I smirked. Drawing myself nearer to the holo-panel map of Solaces outlining area I pointed to an area which Covenant forces were thin.
"We attack here, an all out frontal attack, once their forces are decimated it will force them to face the threat head on, their by taking pressure off this city for a short time."I took a breath and waited for a reaction.
"Interesting son, but we don't have the supplies." Kimmel said, I watched as Peterson put his hands on his hips, nearly assured of his plans acceptance with the Admiral.
"I understand sir, but we don't need them, 6 platoons of Marines would do, maybe with some flight cover from Bravo Lance, make them think we have more than we actually do. If we take control of that area, it could cause them to delay the attack, and while they regroup outside that area a few pelicans waiting nearby will fly the diversion team out, give us more time to evacuate, and thereby reduce casualties." I exhaled hopefully he would accept it.
"Alright son I like it, nice work." Kimmel said in applause.
"Sir it will never pass, they'll know it and those poor guys out there will be crushed to pieces, give me the task and I will not let you down." he desperately tried to change the captains mind to no avail.
"Peterson, you're a good man, but unfortunately if your wrong."
"No buts son, if you say those men out there would be crushed, imagine a division of ODST troops surrounded by a whole Covenant army, risky or not this is the better way, Lt. Page Intel and I will plan this thing, would you mind supervising evacuation around here?" He asked.
"Not at all, not at all." I assured him.
"Oh and Peterson, your ODST boys can preform distraction duty." The Chief nodded helplessly at the commanding officers orders.
I left the tent with a renewed sense of confidence, knowing that with my idea, more men would live to fight another day. Pulling the blood soaked bandage off my head, I replaced it with a standard issue helmet before walking out into the cold. Snow once again began to fall in thick white sheets, nearly obscuring my vision, to a mere 25ft, still the sounds of battle pierced through the early morning air. It would get louder as I trotted towards the front lines.

Solace: City side
1000 hours UNSC Time
Situation: Explosive

What wasn't white from snow, was crimson from blood I took the time to kneel next to a Marine and hold his hand as he slipped from life. The soldier was nearly severed in half, his intestines spilling over onto the snow. More were out there, and as I pried my hand away from the clenched hands of the young man, I ripped the dog tags from his neck. Another member from the Wolf Brigade ran up and grabbed my shoulder tightly, pulling me up to the wall of a edifice behind some fallen rubble, just as a volley of plasma shot down the street.
"Sir, we're in shit shape sir, a Covenant shade is holding us up, and those bastards won't let go."
I looked at him, biting my bottom lip, something I often did when thinking of a new plan.
"Charge it." I said
"That's crazy, no that's suicide." he protested.
"I know you wasted valuable time waiting for me to get here for something as simple as that."
He nodded "well what would you do then?" he yelled trying to be heard over the roar of weapons fire.
I pointed over to a butt caused from debris,
"Put a sniper there, get two rocket troops place them on either side of the road, it's only about 16 feet wide, the rockets have an effective range of 50, put fire about..." I waited for the shade to shoot again so I could see where the plasma emerged. "65 meters out, then increase range if needed." I got onto my knees and patted him on the back.
Walking into the building on my right I headed up a flight of stairs to the temporary battlefield command center.
"Officer on deck." A Marine shouted as the others snapped to salute.
"At ease damn-it, I don't want a plasma suppository because some trigger happy elite wanted to add an officer to the notch of his gun." there was an uncomfortable laughter as they returned to work. I tapped the nearest Intel advisor on his back.
"How's the plan going." he held up a finger gesturing that I wait a moment, and I did so until he turned to face me sullen look on his face.
"ODST forces have taken grid 8 and are waiting for a response, Covenant radio traffic is up, but we can't be sure yet, the city is almost evacuated, but the evac ships can't leave until, well until the defenses have been exponentially reduced. Charlie squad tried to dust off and was nearly anahiliated." The Soldier put his headset back on and turned his back on me to resume work, It was going to be a long day.
