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Fan Fiction

Merick's Journal's, Episode II: Streaker's Annonomous
Posted By: John Kitchen<unskathed777@yahoo.com>
Date: 18 November 2003, 12:26 AM

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Journal Date: 17-1-03
Hi Love,
Hey, how you doing? I was just reassigned to Battle Creek, I mean, this place is tiny! We loose hundreds of kills' everyday; I can't believe how far the Blues' have come. I swear, they are going to wipe us off the face if Halo soon. Back to reality now, Alaska is getting kind of cold, if I didn't tell you, I went to Alaska to play Halo for 70 straight days! It is a riot.
Well, today, I decided to go up on top of some arch and go pee. The snipers over there didn't see me thankfully, but that didn't stop them from killing. I was the only survivor of that battle. Well, Obie finally got his fricking stereo back. He was so happy, and then he left and camped a little longer, Sgt. Lou is back in the game, last time I saw him, he was going for the longest respawn time record. He made it, 156 hours, 45 minutes, and 76 seconds. Well, anyway, I need to think of some more strategies. We have seven traders a day! Do you know how many that is!?
Got to go, Love ya,

Journal Date: 23-1-03
Hey Lizz,
I feel that I'm not wanted and I have decided to become a loner. I kill everyone, and I don't take orders! The best part is that I can streak wherever I want! It's the best thing that ever happened to me. My plan for world domination is coming along quite nicely. All I have to say is that Obie and Fish came with me, we are the marauders! Man, we have heart to heart talks; we even tattoo each other's hands! Oh, man it keeps slipping out. I got some more RAM for my PC, so I'll be able to listen to the audio messages you've been sending me, while I kick butt!
Much Love,

Journal Date: 1-2-03
Hey Sweetie Pie!
Okay, I've joined back up with the Reds', especially after they fell to their knees once I pointed the Rocket Launcher at them, I love my men. Well, I think it's time for me to say that my butt cheeks have finally gone numb. That's right, the Alaskan chilliness has finally caught up to our cabin. Good news though! More Blood Gulch!! Yeah! I'm proud to announce that "Streaking" is now an official combo button on my keyboard. Also, I hope you know that I want to marry you some day, but I felt that you reject me, always staying home when I leave and stuff, I mean your Grandma died, so what? You still could have come to the LAN party! It was a closed casket anyway! Come on! Loosen up! I'm buying a plane ticket for you ASAP!

Journal Date: 15-2-03
Hey, someone.
I knew eventually that Lizz would break up with me, so I'm just writing to whoever my bagboy always was at Meijer. I'm glad to know that that guy who was caught beating his little girl was caught, good work bagboy. I'm at a 70 daylong LAN party off the coast of Alaska. It's nice to know that people actually care...well; it's to go streaking!! Yeah!!
In loving memory,

Journal Date: 16-2-03
I'm sorry I creped you out with the "In loving memory" thing. I just got to say that I made Streaking an official MOD for Halo PC. I can't believe that so many people liked it. Well, I was asked to make weapons for this MOD and I think you can figure out what kind of weapons I added to a MOD named Streaking, yeah, right.
See ya,

Journal Date: 1-4-03
Long time, no talk!
Well, it's been roughly two months since the Blues' last attack on our base. We think that they're planning an ambush, a big one, next time we go Scorpion Streaking. My friend Obie got his "head" (cough) blown off by an 8-gauge slug. Let's just say that he didn't feel any pain. Oooh, it hurts just to remember the scene. Well, I think it's about time that I have become gay. That's right, my hand just got boring, and well, guys are much better kissers.

Journal Date: 1-4-03
You sicko!
You really thought I was gay? Well, I found out how you feel then didn't I? Well, the Blues' massacred us! Turns out they blew all of our "heads" off. It didn't feel good. Well, we finally set up a medical station at the Gulch. It seems that we need it real bad. The doctors have to re attach things they thought they would only see during a physical, ewww. So, I need to stop typing to you, I need to try to hook back up with Lizz
Last time,
