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Fan Fiction

The ONI Chronicals Part 1
Posted By: Jaywhit and JediKnight114<Jaywhit10@aol.com/StrikeTeamAIpha@aol.com>
Date: 10 December 2003, 5:07 AM

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Jaywhit and I (JediKnight114)both have not posted anyhting as of late, however we decided to co-write a new series The ONI Chronicals, this makes referenses to our older stories which you can view via author search. Jaywhit's works include the "Hell Of War Throughthe Eyes Of A Marine", "Titan" and the "ONI Black Operations." I myself wrote Unexpected Surprises, yet to be finished, however references are from that as well, my author name is JediKnight114. We hope you enjoy our new little creation, because we are definitly pleased.


"Urgent all UNSC battle ready ships please jump to these coordinates-
Romeo one, one, even by Zulu twelve, Damčon three is under heavy assault, I repeat Heavy assault Covenant forces are ready to- Static ended the frantic distress signal that was reached by several ships near by. The only ships, battle ready where three destroyers Thessalian, Atlas, Acristius, a carrier Devil's Messenger, and two frigates Hylas, and Tiresias. The Tiresias, being the closest responded,

"Damčon three this is the Tiresias we've got your relief on the approach our ETA is, five minutes" said Mitchell, whom was the Captain of the Tiresias. He looked up at the battle screen situated behind the helm. With a plain face he watched the stats scroll across the screen. However plain was definitely not the term you'd use to describe a sinking feeling induced by the limits in which one's duty pushes him to. Mitchell rolled his head to the left, then right, cracking his neck as he made ready to send his ship into a seemingly fruitless battle.

"Plotowski, take us to mark Romeo one, one, seven, by Zulu twelve. All ahead flank speed" said Mitchell. He held his head in his hand and sighed deeply, but instantly brought his head up, eyes wide and on the brink of a smile he turned to the holopad "Darren" he shouted. Immediately after that the ships AI came into view,

"Sir?" he replied looking a bit cheerful. Darren was a tactical AI not a smart AI, meaning he is less prone to arrogance.

"Thaw our cargo we'll be needing them-

"Sir if I may inquire about the retribution that could possibly be the result of you're decision" Darren said as he interrupted Mitchell.

"I'm aware of it, just DO IT!" retorted Mitchell

In the cryo chambers of the Tiresias the engineers were clambering over their messy work stations and getting to where they needed to be, under urgent orders from the captain. "cryo bay four, tubes six through ten are to be ..unpacked.. lets go boys we need to get on it double time" said the ensign in charge of the thawing"

"Roger that, commencing retrieval now, tubes thawing in 1 minute, stand by for orientation and calibration. More crew poured into the cryo bay with equipment and five separate carts of MJOLINIR armor. The five tubes where beginning to leak a bit of steam, and then popped open. Two men came to either side of each tube and helped the five Spartans out. John, Fred, Kelly, James, and Linda all climbed out as the cryo team assessed them.

"All clear, tubes hot 'n open we're good, to move on" said the leader of the cryo team. John looked around to get his bearings and quickly did so; the rest of the Spartans moved over to the carts and started to put their armor on. John then joined he squad mates when a young engineer asked,

"Sleep alright there Chief? I know it's a bit of a hassle but there has been a change of plans, we're moving to assist the colony on Damčon three, so we need you guys do what you do best." John looked to the rest of the Spartans and offered a quizzical look. A slew of responses came from them,

"Sure" said Kelly beating Fred to the first in volunteering.

"I'm in" said Fred

"I'm good" said James

"Where's my sniper" chimed Linda

"Alright Spartans I want you all ready 10 minutes ago, get moving secure all your gear, lets head to the hanger" John said. The Spartans exited still dressing in armor and continued down to the armory. James walked over to the heavy weapons locker and eased it open, he scanned up then as he was half way down he grabbed a new looking assault rifle the MA5C. He didn't even notice too much of a difference and pouched several magazines. Fred and Kelly went through and split ammo for M6Ds and the standard MA5B rifles. Linda was busy assembling her custom sniper with a carbon fiber barrel and a modified stock with recoil suppressing pads. Her custom rifle fired a slightly more powerful 17mm x 12mm rounds and had a dampening curve of rifling at the tip of the barrel along with slits to allow the muzzle flash to dissipate slightly and at the same time to maintain proper foot pounds the round carries.

In Orbit Around Dameon 3, onboard ONI Prowler Black Death attached to the hull of the UNSC Destroyer Atlas

Lieutenant Commander J.D. Andrews, appropriately call signed "Ghost", stared at his reports in his quarters on board the ONI Prowler Black Death. The information he had wasn't the kind you would tell your kids about. Preliminary data from the battle above Dameon 3 had been promising at first, but the destruction of the UNSC forces prior to this task force's arrival was concerning. The figures were displayed on a monitor near him. Multiple ships down, numerous spatial debris, hundreds of marines and civilians dead, the figures were concerning for him.

Unconsciously he touched the scars of a not too long ago operation that grafted new skin onto his burned body, cloned organs, and another nasty piece of metal reinforcing his fragile bones. A jolt ran through out the hull, which had knocked over the helmet of his PSCS onto the floor. The PSCS, otherwise known as the Personal Stealth Combat Shield, is built like the MJOLINIR shielding but it is smaller and less powerful. The fusion energy pack is reduced to give the solider less weight to carry, the PSCS has a Personal Camouflage unit, unlike the Covenant versions that effectively die out after a period, the PSCS is never depleted unless turned off by the user or it is knocked out. The PSCS gives the solider a small shield around him to aid in his protection but it is limited. Two to Three Plasma bolts will overload it and either shut it down or fry it completely. The PSCS is also complete with a more concentrated armor and a thicker helmet. The helmets included a polarized plastasteel darkened visor, this in a sense was new technology but it had been put to use so far hadn't produced morally promising thoughts.

Ghost sighed, he went over his data again and the mission parameters. A warbling tone sounded and he pressed a button on the console.

"1st squad rise and shine, I want you at the Pelican geared up in five minutes" He un-ceremoniously moaned and rose up the seat, moving off towards the weapon bays.

The Lt. Commander stood at the base of the Pelican's ramp; he had a holopad with the squad's roster on it. Standing at attention were also eleven men and woman, they weren't filled up to the appropriate fifteen yet but it would do. They were all clad in the same PSCS armor as Ghost was but there was one difference, they had a new type of rifle. This rifle was named the CP-01, it was new like the PSCS and they were testing them out. The CP-01 was a slug thrower at heart, it had an experimental power source created by an energy pack inserted into the butt of the rifle, and it fired the same shells as the MA6B but at a greater velocity.

He looked down at the names, "Squad, board the craft as I name you. Sgt. Smith, Sgt. Taylor, Sgt. Ortega, Lt. Addison, Cpl. Carlyle, Cpl. O'Connor, Sgt. Bryant, Cpl. Greer, Cpl. Hasakan, Cpl. Howard, Cpl. Lowe, and . . . Sgt. Peterson. You are new to this squad aren't you Peterson?"

Lt. Commander "Ghost" looked down at the female officer standing in front of him, she carried an SRS99C-S2 Sniper Rifle. She replied "Sir, yes sir. Interesting outfit, glad to be in it" She strolled off into the ship where the rest of the team had already boarded.

He glanced around, he noticed the two other Pelicans being loaded with ODSTs, it was the commands' little way of keeping an eye on him. He turned and walked on board the awaiting Pelican and locked the hatch down. Soon after the hatches sealed down, the launch bay decompressed and the outer door opened up on the Prowler, the smaller craft exited the ONI ship and into space. He sighed and said out loud "I hate space travel", the ship accelerated towards the planet's surface.


As the Tiresias entered orbit over Damčon Mitchell saw he was a little late as the destroyers all made it there before him. The space around Dameon was busy and full of traffic as Pelicans made their frantic runs in tandem with Longsword fighters patrolling. The Atlas hailed Mitchell as soon as he was noticed. "Captain Mitchell if you'd be so kind as to get your boys planet side and help us here"

"Sure thing Sir, we'll get to it" responded Mitchell. He turned and walked over and stood over the shoulder of his tactical officer and asked "anything on our scanners?"

"Sir, inbound Covenant ships, I have identified four ships sir, all covenant cruisers. ETA 47 minutes sir."

Mitchell closed his eyes and shook his head, his hands were cold, a nervous feeling was upon him, he shook his head and cleared his mind of the thought and said loudly over the ships PA, "Combat teams golf through November saddle up your to assist in any way possible the evac of civilians and provide relief for any pinned UNSC forces, move out!" Marines were running throughout the docking areas driving warthogs to their designated Pelicans. Gear was being acquired through weapon racks, causing a clatter among the footsteps of several Marines jogging to their Pelicans. LT. Collins was the commander of the marines and was standing in the middle of the entrance with his rifle slung over his should and yelling,

"Lets go you monkeys my grandmother could move faster then you boys lets go go go!" he flailed his arms and almost dropped his rifle with the amount of emphasis he was putting into his motions. In the middle of the massing of marines in the hanger the Spartans made their way to a Pelican which was moving slightly and ready to go at a moments notice.

"Alright you heard the Captain our objectives are to secure any civilians on site and if possible relieve any marines, there is also a secondary objective which is an ONI base, a group of ODST are securing it and may need help , we'll split into teams for this one- the Master Chief was cut short by the sudden acceleration of the Pelican, but continued "James your with me on red team, Fred you Kelly and Linda are blue team, your blue lead Fred, secure the primary objective" the acknowledgement lights winked and nothing was said from the on.

On the Surface Of Dameon 3, approaching the LZ at ONI Installation 3317

The Pelican rocked and shuddered as it flew through the atmosphere, bursts of flak from the Covenant exploded in the distance. Longswords flew past, they were on strafing and bombing runs, all while Plasma Mortars erupted from the Forest. No one seemed to notice a trio of black painted Pelicans flying through the clouds. The Lieutenant Commander's COM buzzed in his ear "Sir, ETA to target three minutes, LZ is hot" It abruptly shut off.

The Lt. Commander stood up, holding on the hull of the Pelican. He turned on his COM onto the frequency predetermined for the Black Ops units. "We'll be landing shortly at the installation, our mission profile is to infiltrate and secure the data inside the facility. The remaining defenders are being decimated, ODST squads will proceed to the entrances and hold them, Black Ops we'll infiltrate the base and secure the data. I want a fast drop, the Pelicans do not touch down completely, we disembark and the Pelicans give us cover from above. Do not let anyone inside the base, human or covenant, fire at you're discretion, any questions?" He paused, the COM channel was clear "Good, prepare for combat, Black Ops PSCSs online"

He toggled a set of controls and closed his visor, a slight humming emanated from his suit. The air around him turned a blue shade, the rest of his squad activated their suits and they all shown on his visor's HUD with the same aura around them. The Pelican began to decelerate as it reached the LZ. The rear ramp opened and Ghost heard the firing of the Pelican's chain gun. As soon as the Pelican stopped and hovered, he shouldered his MA6B and climbed out along with the squad. The Pelican quickly accelerated, lifting off while strafing the Covenant ground forces. The ODSTs had opened fire and gained the attention of the Covenant, his squad moved.

Ghost moved forward, his rifle firing off three round bursts at any Covenant he encountered as he proceeded towards the building. Grunts and Jackals fell before them; they approached the facility and noticed squads of Covenant pulling back into it. They moved closer towards the large opening of the building, stepping over Covenant and Human corpses. The ODST squads headed to their appropriate destinations and began to fortify them. The Lt. Commander leaned against the entryway; two other soldiers reached the other side, Hasakan and Greer, he told them with hand signals to clear the corridor. They leaned around the sides and took positions, Greer and Ghost at one end while Hasakan had the center, and they fired. Their CP-01's chattered along with Ghost's MA6B, the unsuspecting Elites and Grunts were mowed down before they knew what had befallen them. An unlucky shot from a dying Grunt though, set the stage for hell as it connected with Hasakan, his shield flared.

The Lt. Commander pulled back to reload his rifle with a clip full of EX rounds when the Covenant fired on Hasakan. Hasakan's shields flared and gave out and he screamed as he was hit with multiple plasma shots, he died were he had stood. Ghost cursed under his breath and opened his COM "Fuck this, Black Ops rush the corridor". The squad converged and rushed into the walk way, straight into a fire storm. Their rifles chattered as they moved up the hallway, shields flared and died and some of the squad was revealed. Greer tossed a block of C-12 towards the end of the corridor while under the cover of supporting fire; it detonated vaporizing any unlucky covenant in close proximity. Ghost checked and saw nothing moving up ahead, he glanced at his HUD noting the charging shield and the two absent names of his squad's roster in the corner of it, Hasakan and Lowe.
He flipped on his COM "Form up, Carlyle take point, move towards the Command Center" He glanced back at the smoldering forms of his fallen comrades and moved on.

Cpl. Carlyle peered around the corner of the corridor leading towards the command center then he leaned back while priming a fragmentation grenade. He rolled it down the corridor and took cover. The explosion lit up the walls and the over pressure wave blew smoke and dust down the corridor. They approached and came around the bend, weapons shouldered. There standing among the dead Grunts and Elites were a pair of Hunters along with a single Elite and two Special Ops. Grunts with wielding torches, Black Ops opened fire. The Grunts screamed and began to run away just after the Elite had fallen. The Lt. Commander and two other soldiers fired on them as they ran, they crumpled as the bullets hit them. The Hunters yelled and aimed their Fuel Rod Cannons at the squad, Sgt. Bryant's PSCS was dead and she was visible. Sgt. Peterson, in her crouch, fired her Sniper rifle and hit one of the two Hunters in the orange flesh beneath its helmet; it died spewing orange fluids from its neck, while the other Hunter fired. The green bolt of energy flew towards Sgt. Bryant just as the squad opened fire. The bolt never got to her as it connected with Cpl. Howard who was still cloaked, he screamed and pieces of him blew everywhere in a red mist and flash of light. The Hunter, who had just fallen under the combined fire, it's shriek however drowned out that of Cpl. Howard's.

The Lt. Commander glanced around at the area and shut off his PSCS, as did all the remaining members of the squad. There was a loud grunt of disgust as Peterson tossed the remains of Howard's arm off of her back. Sgt. Smith walked over to the door of the command center, shouldering his rifle and opened it, whirling around the corner he determined no one was in there. Then Addison joined him in command center to begin the data retrieval and wipe. Ghost turned around and shook his head at the sight of the bloodied corridor.

He flipped on his COM "Bryant, Peterson, Greer take the main entrance and guard it. Ortega covers the east corridor leading towards here, Taylor you have the west. O'Connor your with me, Addison and Smith keep doing your thing" He shut it off and his COM blared "ODST 1, we have minimal casualties and fortified our position. It looks like the Covenant are coming back Sir" "ODST 2 here, Sir my squad took seven casualties, but we can still hold". Ghost sighed; relief flooded his mind but the chatter on his COM had just broken it. "#### . . . Bogies, This is Pelican Black 2, I repeat inbound Bogies. There are Seraphs and Banshees inbound, along with multiple Covenant armored ground units. Shit!, I am taking fire, going into evasive maneuvers, all Pelicans retreat towards Marine lines, I will distract them as long as I can . . . INCOMING ####### AHHHHHHHHH". There was an explosion in the background and then silence; soon a distress beacon went off highlighting a NAV point on his HUD. "Sir, this is ODST 2. Black 2 just went down, I see the covenant though, and it looks like their ground forces are holding back. Wait . . . what is that? . . . Sir, marine units inbound and it looks like the main body is heading towards the installation. The Longswords are providing cover for something, wait . . . we have Pelicans inbound! Sir, we are going to have some friendly company very soon". Ghost shut off the COM and loaded his rifle. He took a position in the corridor with O'Connor. He toggled his COM and loaded his rifle "Flash Traffic, all units this is Ghost, hold positions and defend your positions against any threat, don't let anything get by you unless I specifically say to. Squad leaders, give updated information every few minutes, Ghost out" He closed the channel and read his sensors, knowing fully that hell was well on its way.


As the Pelicans entered the atmosphere they were rocked, jarred, and shook violently until they reached the lower altitudes, Longswords kept serphs and other covenant fighters busy enough that the entrance went undetected, or no one cared.

LT. Collins and his men where deployed not far from a city under assault. The marines were dropped in a small clearing with trees and rocks outlaying the edge of the clearing. As they exited their Pelicans the marines were greeted with heavy fire, grunts appeared out of no where and commenced a vicious attack, four men where killed as the plasma burned away their fragile bodies

The marines returned fire, forming a troop square where the first rank of soldiers where kneeling or crouching and the next rank standing. The group of grunts was obliterated by a volley of grenades and suppressing fire by the marines. No one let their guard down as they began to sweep the area, then; an Elite charged from behind a rock and ran straight at a marine on the outside corner of one of the troop squares and bashed the marine, crushing his skull. But the Elite was brought down very quickly by a spray of automatic fire. Everyone waited, nothing, sensing the area was clear the LT made a transmit ion,

"This is Collins we've secured the LZ and are proceeding to rendezvous with ODST squads one and two". Meanwhile the Pelican carrying the Master Chief and his team touched down in a meadow with grass about chest high. The Master Chief signaled for James to advance via hand signals. Fred motioned his team to link with the marines enroute to the ODST. The Master Chief and James advanced to the tree line and entered the forest. They were no further then 50m when contacts showed on the motion tracker;

"Jackals" said James. The Master Chief knelt and took his pistol to aim and fired a single round into the jackal's head, James followed suit, and moved on. Both of them slipped through in the shadows and then stopped 150m from the ONI base.

"We should be within visual range soon" John said. Within a few minutes of cautious approach they spotted the base accompanied with large gathering of covenant on the perimeter headed by a group of Elites.

"Take the left flank I'll sit here and draw their fire" John said as he signaled James to his left. James moved up sporting a prototype MA5C rifle which has a twenty round magazine and fires armored piercing 7.62 magnum rounds and had an air compression chamber in the front of the breech jus before the barrel to increase velocity while reducing the report the weapon gave off. The Master Chief sat still only after pushing a fresh clip into his pistol and waited until the highest ranked Elite was in the open and fired three perfect heads shots. The Elite staggered and fell to its knees before eating dirt, as the rest of the covenant returned fire. The Master Chief's shields drained a little as he took cover behind a boulder. James' MA5C sprang to life spitting out suppressing fire which tore up an Elite running for cover. Grunts threw their arms up and ran in panic from a now continuous onslaught of bullets. After the last grunt fell, both stopped firing. "Motion tracker not showing any more contacts, proceed with caution"


Ghost's COM blared in his ear, the first of the information to arrive. "ODST 1, Heavy Covenant advances towards our position . . . FIRE THAT JACKHAMMER . . ." The COM from the squad ended abruptly as another went on "ODST 2 here Sir, we have transient contacts all over the place on our motion trackers, my sniper keeps picking them out of the foliage . . . I'll get back to you". Ghost nodded his head and his motion tracker blared, a pair of Fuel Rod Cannon armed Grunts rounded the corner, his MA6B blared as it was fired in a full auto fusillade.

The EX rounds tore through the grunts and killed them rather messily. His COM blared again "Sir, Peterson, We have friendlies approaching. Sir, they are Spartans . . . I repeat they are Spartans" Ghost stood there dumbfounded and didn't reply, "Spartans, here? How?" He thought to himself. He took a deep breath and hit his COM "All Squads, this is Ghost, hold the Covenant off as long as you can, do not fire on friendlies no matter what the mission parameters given down to us by Command states. Peterson and the rest of you there do not fire on the Spartans. Just let them come Sergeant, Ghost out" He shut off his COM. He turned and yelled up the corridor. "SMITH HURRY YOUR ASS UP, WE GOT COMPANY!" Ghost crouched and aimed his rifle, waiting for anything to come.
