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Fan Fiction

Freddie's War: Chapter Six
Posted By: Jason Nash<rjnash@optusnet.com.au>
Date: 1 June 2005, 7:10 AM

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The Grenade stopped rolling. With only seconds to react, he ran to the side and dived behind a pile of metal crates. The Grenade exploded, demolishing Freddie's tent and destroying all the electronic books and bottle of wine he had stashed in it.

Outside, a rather nasty looking Elite walked over to him and took out a rather nasty looking Plasma Sword. Freddie hit it across the head with his Shotgun. Blue blood splattered all over him, and the Elite reeled backwards, and then fell onto a pile of metal crates. They fell down all over the ground, their contents spilling open.

Some contained weapons; others contained ammunition for weapons while others contained First Aid gear. Freddie picked up a packet of Shotgun ammunition and shoved it onto his belt.

A Banshee flew over, bombarding the camp with Plasma bolts. Some of the tents caught on fire and burning troops ran screaming out of them, setting fire to everything else.

The Banshee turned around and headed back for the camp, and dived towards an area where Freddie was standing. Freddie had a clear shot at the pilot, and so, taking up the opportunity, he quickly fired off three shells at it. Most of the pellets hit their mark.

The pilot, a Commander Elite, fell out of the Banshee and hit the ground, blue blood spilling all around it. The Banshee slammed into the ground and started sliding through the camp. It knocked over two tents before coming to a stop after running over a small group of Grunts.

Freddie ran over to the main tent and caught two Elites standing over the equipment inside it and trying to read all the messages that had been sent to the camp. Freddie blasted one while he hit the other. He then took out a fire extinguisher from a compartment under one of the tables and ran outside, spraying the nearest burning tent with foam to smother the flames.

At the same time, Private John Flecker and Sergeant Greg Forsythe were trying to protect the camp's electricity generator from a rather mean bunch of Elites.

They were crouched behind a burning Ghost which John had blown up with a well placed grenade a few minutes earlier.

Three Elites were crouched behind some crates ten meters in front of them. They were rapidly firing their Plasma Rifles and Needlers at John and Greg.

John and Greg fired back, but with less effect due to their weaker Human weapons.

They had been trying to protect the generator for most of the battle, and that would be abruptly ended by a misplaced Grenade and a rather angry Hunter.

John, taking aim with his SMG managed to, under continuing fire, take out one of the Elite's shields, making a lot more vulnerable to attack.

Greg, with his S2 AM, shot dead that same Elite.

And a badly injured Private suddenly ran out into the middle of them with a Grenade in his hand. He screamed just before a Needler needle exploded on his head, cracking open his skull. He dropped the Grenade, which rolled down the uneven ground and stopped against the side of the generator.

The generator then exploded in a great fireball with the occasional electricity bolt flying through the air.

"Ah, no!" John shouted.

Their problems weren't quite over. The massive bulk of a Hunter came into view. Greg shot at it, one of the bullets he fired scraping one of the Hunter's orange, meaty bits. This angered the Hunter, and groaning in pain, it fired its Fuel Rod Cannon and John and Greg, with hardly any time to react, got up and started to run, only to be sent flying towards the burning generator by the force of the explosion.

The camp was a total battle-zone now. Most of it was on fire, but Freddie had managed to put out most of the fires.

The Covenant seemed to be losing the battle, since all their Ghosts and Banshees had been destroyed and most of their Elites were dead with one of their two Hunters injured. The Humans, however, had only lost five troops with two injured.

Freddie, at the moment, had a half-dead Hunter to deal with.
They were standing outside the Medical Tent, and Freddie was armed only with a Shotgun with three shells left and a fire extinguisher while the Hunter had a Fuel Rod Cannon and its sheer strength.

Freddie had dealt with Hunters many times before, but most of those times has had to run away to save his life. This time he wouldn't do that, this time he was determined to win.

The Hunter lunged at him, its massive shielded arm coming forward. Freddie jumped backwards out of its range. The Hunter, missing its target, lunged again. Freddie jumped backwards and pumped its meaty orange bits full of lead. The Hunter staggered, and Freddie now only had a fire extinguisher to help him. His Shotgun had no more ammo left for it.

Freddie sprayed the Hunter with foam from his fire extinguisher. Its head was now completely covered in the stuff. Now that it couldn't see, it started to run around waving its arms about wildly.

Freddie slammed the fire extinguisher into the Hunter's meaty orange bits. The fire extinguisher dented, but it had done its job.

The Hunter fell forwards, dead. Freddie stepped out of its way, as it would've fallen on him otherwise.

Most of the Covenant was dead now, and with only a few straggler Grunts left, Freddie walked off to help with getting rid of those few Grunts.
