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Fan Fiction

The Mars Annihilations Part 4
Posted By: Janglurevil7<jjohnson4@attbi.com>
Date: 26 September 2003, 8:25 PM

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The Mars Annihilations: Chapter 4:
The Atrocities
By Janglurevil7

The two Warthogs were traveling across the red deserted terrain of the Sakri'Harra Desert. The Warthogs started pulling into a pair of fishtails. The Warthog's stopped as the Convict 7-13 Pelican drop-ship was descending rapidly towards the ground below. From this distance, even the Master Chief couldn't even see why it was going down so fast.
From of in the distance, the Pelican fell into the ground and burst into flames. The Warthogs both floored out from their stall and headed straight towards the downed Pelican. Half-way there, the Master Chief spotted the source of the problem. A small force of Covenant vehicles had destroyed the Pelican's engines.

There were four Ghosts, a Wraith mortar tank, seven Banshees, a pair of Whispers, A Creep transport "bus", a pair of standard Covenant drop ships, and a single Hellwaker drop ship. There was no way in heaven or earth that they could use to defeat this threat. Then, the Master Chief saw the Wraith explode in a shower of sparks.

The Master Chief was able to observe a lone UNSC TM71-hL13 tank. Also known as the UNSC Dreadnought. The newest and finest of UNSC forces technology was the Dreadnought. It was twice as big as the Scorpion battle tank and was a fortress like no other.
The Dreadnought sported two of the Scorpion's main shell cannon. It had a large automated machine gun turret that had a three-hundred-and-sixty degree revolution. The Dreadnought also had the smallest Archer Missile launcher on the back. It had a small rocket pod that held two rockets in each of the ten "sections" of the pod.
The way it moved across terrain was even more remarkable. The people that designed the Dreadnought knew that they couldn't use wheels, treads, or any other available resource. Instead, they took anti-grav pods from disabled Banshees, Ghosts, and other Covenant vehicles that used the anti-grav pods and assembled them on the bottom of the Dreadnought. A large amount of grav pods were towards the back to support the heavy Archer Missile launcher.

The Hellwaker, and other Covenant drop-ships landed and started to unload their troops. The Dreadnought backed as far away as fast as possible, and launched its Archer Missile. The Dreadnought continued to back up as the missile fell and detonated in a brilliant flash of bright white.
When the blinding light cleared, the Creep, and all other Covenant vehicles were nowhere to be found. The Dreadnought, however, was sitting totaled just out of reach of the blast and the crater it left. The Pelican was nothing more than smoldering carcass of shrapnel and metal.

The two Warthogs drove at full speed towards the downed Dreadnought. Smoke bellowed from within the massive machine, and sparks periodically sprang from the cockpit. As the Warthogs came within one hundred yards of the Dreadnought, it exploded in a red and white flash that sent both the Warthogs flying backwards into the desert. When the dust settled, the Master Chief's shields were begging to recharge. His bio-meter was at half, and he tasted blood in his mouth.
The monitors inside his helmet started to turn back on. His vision returned and he surveyed the area. Both Warthogs were laying useless against a small butte, some forty yards away. The five Marines were scattered, motionless, around the side of the butte also.
The Master Chief wandered over to the Marines and Warthogs. He tried to wake the Marines, even though he knew they were dead. He picked up their grenades, and took one of their MA5B standard assault rifles. He took their ammo, and added a scope to the MA5B. He righted one of the Warthogs, but found that it had been totaled. He tried the other one, but to no avail.
He saw Nicollet city, but it was no more than a speck. The Master Chief started to jog towards the city and slung both guns over his back. He found a pistol laying on the ground. He picked it up, and put a clip in it. He holstered it and started to jog again.

The Master Chief was thrown a foot back as a purple beam came from the sky and landed in front of him. A small chip was there, and it was unmistakably made by the UNSC. He picked it up, and placed it in the chip placement drive by his ear on his helmet. He heard the cool voice of Cortana in his mind.
"Hello Master Chief, it's been some time."
