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Fan Fiction

The Mars Annihilations Part 3
Posted By: Janglurevil7<jjohnson4@attbi.com>
Date: 23 September 2003, 2:14 AM

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The Mars Annihilations: Chapter 3:
The Wake
By Janglurevil7

The Master Chief kicked open the elevator doors when it reached the ground floor. He opened fire with his MA5B, sweeping the destroyed ground floor clear of about twenty Grunts. He dropped the empty clip and searched for a new clip. None was found.
He dropped the MA5B and picked up a Covenant Plasma Assault Cannon. The
newest piece of Covenant infantry technology.

The cannon was shaped somewhat like the Fuel Rod Gun some of the black armored Special Operations Grunts toted with them. Unlike the Fuel Rod guns, these had a large battery where the fuel rods would have been stored. A small blade cut off small pieces of the battery which then dropped into a superheated chamber. It was then launched through a grater at the front of the gun which shredded the battery piece into small pieces which spread out like the human shot-gun. Anything impacted with the shards of battery from the cannon was melted through. Unlike the other plasma weapons that the Covenant used however, the battery could easily be replaced when it was gone.

The Master Chief punched out the front door of the building and waltzed out. He was immediately met with a brutal force of opposition. There were three equal rows of twenty Elites per row. The first row was made of blue armored Elites with Plasma Assault Cannons. The second was made up of the red armored Elites, wielding the Needlers. And the third was made of the black Special Ops Elites which had plasma rifles.
And at the very back, commanding all of them, was the golden Commander Elite. The golden Elite, which held both a dual plasma sword and an orange Jackal shield on each arm, raised his left arm, and brought it down swiftly.

The first row of Elites fired off their Plasma Assault Cannons until the batteries were empty. The Master Chief threw himself to the ground in front of him, narrowly missing the shards of plasma soaring overhead.
The first row dropped down to a crouching position and took out a new battery and started to reload. The second row of red armored Elites unleashed their Needlers. Thousands of plasma filled needles started to home in on the Master Chief. The Master Chief rolled to his left and grabbed a shield generator from the severed arm of a Jackal. He pressed the ON button and a brilliant blue-white shimmer appeared in-front of him as the needles homed in on him. The Master Chief watched in aw as the thousands of needles bounced harmlessly of his shield at oblique angles.
The second row was out of ammo for now. The first row was nearly done reloading their Assault Cannons. The Master Chief knew what was coming next. He knew that the shield wouldn't last one Plasma Rifle, what would twenty do to it. He also knew that he couldn't out run the fast firing plasma of the enemy.

The second row was dropping down. The Master Chief using the best instinct possible, tossed two fragmentation grenades into the thin area of space between the second and third row.
The Elites new that if they broke formation and ran, they would be killed by the superior with dual swords. They also realized that if they stood there, they would also be killed by the explosion from the fragmentation grenade.
Conflicted between a rock and a hard place, the Elites just fired away. Only nine percent of their batteries had been spent before the grenade detonated. The grenades sent all three rows flying through the air.

All that was left now was the golden Commander Elite that held two dual plasma swords and two orange Jackal shield generators.

The Master Chief had no idea what to do. The last Elite started to run towards him, and could sheer him in half with one blow. The Master Chief and no ammo and no grenades left. The Assault Cannon was empty and he had no time to reload it. The Elite would make it to him before he could find a new battery.
Then, before the Master Chief's eyes, the Elite was twisted in the most unnatural ways possible. The Elite's torso was separated from the waist. The left arm went flailing off and was also torn in half at the elbow. The left right thigh and kneecap were blown askew. The head was sheered from the base of its neck and went spinning to the ground.
The Master Chief looked to his left to see the two of the UNSC's reconnaissance and light assault vehicle known as the Warthog. Driver's already sat at the steering wheels. Both held passengers, and one had a third man gunning at M41-LAAG tri-barreled machine gun.
The Master Chief hopped onto the second LAAG gun on the other Warthog. The LAAG was an all around excellent gun. It had roles as anti-infantry, anti-aircraft, and anti-vehicular capabilities.

The two warthogs drove out of Nicollet and into the desert.
"Soldier, why are we leaving?" asked the Master Chief.
"Sir, there's a meeting in the capital Phillipe Massae. It's a long drive out there. We're bound to see Covenant crawling out of the wood-work."



After notes: The answers to the forerunner will finally be revealed in this story. Stay tuned to find out more!

Next Chapter: The Atrocities.
