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Fan Fiction

The Mars Annihilations
Posted By: Janglurevil7<jjohnson4@attbi.com>
Date: 11 June 2003, 1:31 AM

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The Mars Annihilations: Part 1
By Janglurevil7

Chapter 1:

The Pelican drop ship Convict 7-13 slowly turned into the view of the rear docking bay door opening. It hovered suspended by the air-foil. Its engines burst into action and it shot out from the hull of the UNSC Carrier Athena.
The largest ship in the UNSC forces. It had 6 meters of titanium A-plate armor. Almost fifty Archer missile pods lined the cruiser's honeycombed structure. The three MAC guns, were laid on the top, port, and starboard lay lines. Four point defense cannons stood at the front and back of the ship. Ten fighter bays we're strategically placed on the Athena. Two in back, four on starboard, and four on port.

The Pelican flew in the darkness of space...slowly moving towards it's objective. To get to Mars. The Pelican banked awkwardly to the port, and cut its engines. Convict 7-13 drifted momentarily in space to the right. An array of plasma nearly scraped along the Pelican's starboard hull. Convict 7-13 turned and opened fire at the offenders.
Bullets pinged helplessly off of the new Covenant drop-ships called Hellwakers. The shields slowly dripping on the Hellwaker, were deflecting most of the bullets. Then they gave out. A salvo of bullets impacted the plasma gun on the front of the Hellwaker's single holding cell. The plasma gun exploded, casting a fiery, hellish glow in front of it. The first two chambers of the holding cell were severed from the rest. The Covenant troops inside gasped for air, but simply froze.
The second plasma turret below the cockpit of the Hellwaker opened fire. Convict 7-13's hull reverberated once as a missile struck the Hellwaker squarely in the cockpit. It detonated in a fiery ember of orange and red.

Convict 7-13 made best speed to the atmosphere of Mars. When it arrived, it was ambushed from the groggy atmosphere by more Hellwakers.
"Master Chief, you have to jump!" The pilot yelled into the hatch of the Pelican. The doors opened, and the Master Chief leaped from the hatch, freefalling.

He landed on a passing Hellwaker, and punched a hole into the cockpit, tore out the Elite inside and took the controls. He opened the cell's holding chamber, jettisoning the Covenant forces inside. He turned to face the remaining Hellwakers...and opened fire with both plasma turrets.
Surrounded, the Master Chief started going backwards into the atmosphere of Mars, firing all the while. A shot from the other Hellwaker, listing badly, hit the engines of the Hellwaker. The Master Chief couldn't jump and live. He turned, and made fastest speed into the atmosphere.

The view of Nicollet, a urban center in Mars, from the atmosphere startled the Master Chief. The other Hellwakers hit a shot to the drop-ship again. The Master Chief's Hellwaker plummeted into a sky-scraper, igniting both the building and the Hellwaker in flames. The Master Chief clambered from the drop-ship, and got his MA5B assault rifle loaded. He looked out the window, and saw Covenant forces ravaging the streets below.

He jumped from the window, and landed with-in the force...made entirely of Hunters. He squatted, with his MA5B at the ready. His shields were depleted, and were slowly rising. He opened fire with his MA5B. Six of eight Hunters on the street turned and rushed the Master Chief.
Using a burst of adrenaline, the Master Chief jumped, and five Hunters collided with each other. The Master Chief landed on the sixth one, witch thrashed wildly. The Master Chief hanged on to the spines of the Hunter's armor.

The Master Chief was thrown from his ride on the Hunter as a fuel rod shot struck his back.
He was thrown nearly twelve meters in the air, before he landed with depleted shields. He backed himself against a wall, tasting the copper inside his mouth. He reloaded his spent MA5B rifle with armor piercing rounds.
He took out two pistols, and loaded them with explosive rounds.
The Master Chief was thrown through the wall he was covering behind when a Covenant Hellwaker fired a small plasma torpedo. The Master Chief's body was contorted in inhuman ways as he landed in a hill some thirty meters back.

A Covenant Whisper approached. The new airborne vehicle looked very much like the Ghost standard Covenant assault and reconnaissance vehicle. The Whisper had the same frame build up as the Ghost. Except that the Whisper had anti-grav pods similar to a Banshee implanted underneath the "wings". A mechanical tail-like plasma gun was mounted on the rear, like a scorpion tail. The two smaller plasma weapons on the cockpit sides were still there, and a fuel rod gun was also implanted just above an anti-grav pod below the center of the Whisper.

The Master Chief hopped to his feet. He searched for his MA5B, but could only find the two pistols. They had had the firing mechanism torn off. With no shields, the Master Chief was a sitting duck. He knelt on the ground, looking for the MA5B.
The Whisper was closer, he had no other options, and took off running. He looked behind them, and the Whisper was skimming the ground, less than a foot away. The Master Chief jumped, and a Pelican drop-ship crushed the Whisper, dwarfed by its size. Marines filed out, and the Master Chief got a sniper rifle from the ammo locker of the Pelican.
It was time to re-take Mars...
