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Fan Fiction

The Mars Annihilations Part 5
Posted By: Janglurevil7<jjohnson4@attbi.com>
Date: 21 April 2004, 8:45 PM

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The Mars Annihilations:
Return Trip

"Cortana, how did you get here?" asked the Master Chief.
"The Athena was able to pinpoint your location, and used an advanced transport device to beam me down. Kind of like that old twentieth-century show."
"Where should we go? We're stranded down here in this desert. Last I heard there was a meeting in the capitol of Phillip Massae."
"The meeting was canceled. There is no more capitol. The Covenant glassed it. We are now to head to Caspian, where there will be a Pelican to pick us up. The walk is roughly 8.7 kilometers, I suggest we get moving."
The Master Chief and Cortana began moving in the direction of Caspian.

After about six and a half kilometers, they came in contact with a downed Banshee. They found a dead Marine located about fourteen meters away. The Master Chief opened the cockpit of the Banshee, when an Elite sprung up from behind it. It growled, and grasped the Plasma Rifle at its belt. The Master Chief un-shouldered the MA5B assault rifle on his back, and fired a round into the Elite's head.

The bullet ridden head fell and rolled off the right wing, and the body landed, spread eagle, across the top of the hatch. The Master Chief moved the body off the top, and got into the cockpit. He was taking off, when a pulsating stream of blue light passed by the left of the cockpit. He flew up high, and then swung around for a peek.
Below, a dozen of the silver-golden armored Hunters de-cloaked. They started firing at the Banshee. The Master Chief started flying towards Caspian again. The Banshee wouldn't be able to stand up to the Hunters fire-power. He flew in a zigzagging pattern in attempt to throw off the Hunters' aim. As he was almost out of range of their firings, a pulse stream struck the left anti-grav pod, shearing it from the wing. Sparks started to fly from the left wing, and the Banshee started to dip in that direction. The Master Chief tried to maintain the altitude, and had nearly stabilized when a second pulse stream struck the right wing, separating it completely from the Banshee.
The Banshee started to fall towards the Martian surface, and the Master Chief jumped out from the cockpit just as it crashed and exploded against the terrain, leaving a crater the size of a house.

The Master Chief started running towards Caspian, enhanced by his super-human augmentation. He looked over his shoulder, only to see the Hunters pursuing at almost equivalent speed. He was running when he came across a Warthog, with three dead Marines around it. He hopped in, and started driving. The Hunters disappeared into specks behind him, and he saw Caspian nearing.
As he approached, he came across a barricade of Covenant Jackals. He throttled the gas peddle, and drove directly through them. He drove down the first street, and pulled a hard right when he saw a group of Elite's armed with Needlers. He turned left and then another right, and came to an open field. The Pelican was there, under heavy fire from Covenant Elites. The Pelican started to thrust from the ground, and aimed for the heavens. The hatch was open, and two Marines called for the Master Chief. He jumped from the moving Warthog, and ran towards the Pelican. He leaped using the augmentations, and gripped the hatch door with his left hand, laying down covering fire with the MA5B. He pulled himself up into the hatch.
He looked down, and saw a Covenant Wraith pulling into position. The Master Chief ran up to the cockpit.
"Ensign, disengage the Warthog! There is a Wraith within firing range."
"But sir, I don't understand, how will th-" the ensign began.
"Just do it!" yelled the Master Chief.
He ran back to the hatch, and saw the locks on the Warthog disengage. It dropped, spinning vertically. The Wraith fired its plasma mortar. The Warthog and mortar collided, sending a debris of wreckage hurling downward. Bits and pieces of the Warthog sprinkled upon the terrain, burning holes through the surface.

The Pelican lifted high, and took off into space. It passed through the oxygen rich atmosphere, and eventually passing through the o-zone layer. It strayed left, just out of sonar range of a small invasion force of Hellwakers, and approached the Athena. The docking bay door was raised, and the Pelican landed safely within the Athena's hull.

Un-noticed by the scanners, a small battalion of Banshees with modified cloak modifications snuck in and landed in the dock with the Pelican.
