
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Ishkabibbl's Story Part 1
Posted By: Ishkabibbl<Sock41@cox.net>
Date: 18 March 2003, 8:52 PM

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The warning klaxons blared as we exited slip space. All of a sudden the ships commander announced through the PA, "All personnel battle stations. I repeat battle stations. We have encountered the enemy upon entry to this system." I ran to my bunk and threw on my UNSC marine uniform and dashed to my squad's armory. As I ran along my friend Mark popped out from a side hallway yelling, "What's going on?!" Before I could respond a violent explosion rocked our ship The Fire Hawk. I hit a wall face first and was helped up by Mark. "Heh, nice face plant Ish." "Shat-up." He laughed some more as we reached the armory. I walked into it and immediately look for Skull buster, my sniper rifle. I found it and picked up a dozen clips of 10 sniper bullets. Mark on the other hand decided to pick up a shotgun and pistol. As I strapped my sniper rifle to my back I snatched an active camouflage device with a built in shield. I looked toward Mark and he nodded at me. It was time to go to the shuttle bay where our squad's custom pelican was. We reached the shuttle bay in a few minutes. Once there it was complete anarchy. Sergeant Wolf managed to "borrow" a scorpion battle tank and a warthog for our pelican. Oh yeah forgot to tell you about our pelican. It's usually referred to as Sweet Jenny because the pilots name is Jenny. Instead of the one vehicle attatchment we could carry two. Also our 15 strong squad had to have more seats added so our pelican was longer then all the others. With the best shield technology on it its very hard to hurt. Its massive ME VI engines it could do well over 900kph. With this sort of speed we were always receiving hit and run missions. There are more modifications that will show up later in the story. Anyways back to sarge. "All right men the covenants are getting ready to board our ship and as the best damn troops on this side of the universe we need to get on solid ground so we can kill some covies! AM I RIGHT?!" We responded with the expected, "Sir, Yes Sir!" Our pelican pilot, Jenny, told us to hold on. I was the scout of the squad considering I had my sniper rifle and holographic map so I grabbed my map and uploaded our current location. Lt. Jenny opened the comm. in the pelican, "All the carriers' escorts are gone." After this statement Wolf started barking orders to Jenny, "Hey take us down to the closest area with a livable environment." "Alright sergeant there is a planet about an hour away. I'm changing course." We all felt a slight shift as the pelican changed directions.

We touched down an hour later a little shaken from the entry but fine. I automatically sprinted to the nearest tree so I could do a good surveillance as the others set-up our new home for awhile. A small bleep on my motion tracker showed something moving about 30 yards directly ahead of me. I zoomed in on it but only saw a flash of sage green before it disappeared into the forest. I opened a comm. to the sergeant, "Sir unidentified object 30 yards and closing on your position." "Well why isn't it DEAD if its that close?" "Sir, it was sage green and it jumped into the forest as soon as I could see it." All of a sudden there was rustling below me and I saw a bush move. I activated my camouflage and hopped down. The rustling continued and I walked slowly towards it. All of a sudden a green blur jumped pass me with an assault rifle. From the small glimpse I had of him I knew what he/it was, a Spartan. I radioed the camp, "Sir unidentified object is believed to be a Spartan heading towards the pelican." I didn't bother waiting for the response I just got back up my tree and kept scouting the area.

At the camp the Spartan materialized and if Wolf didn't know he was coming he never would have seen him. "Sir, Good to see a Spartan around here." The Spartan stood there sizing up the camp. He looked around then asked, "Who is the commanding officer here?" Wolf said one word, "Me." The Spartan nodded and walked towards our ammo crate, crouched, and picked up a dozen clips of ammo for his rifle. All this time I've been scouting out the area and all of a sudden there was, "COVIES NINE O'CLOCK!" "Don't waste time, boy, and start shooting." I lifted myself to a higher branch for a better shot and started to pick off grunts. After four of them fell with holes between their eyes I reloaded skull buster. While I did this I heard three words, "WORT, WORT, WORT!" I lined up the Gold elite in my scope and clicked the trigger four times, reducing the elites head to a bloody mush on a tree. The remaing grunt looked around, shrugged his shoulders, and threw his gun at a bug and leaned on a tree awaiting death. I decided I liked the little guy. So I sprinted there before the other marines and decloaked. The grunt looked up and said, "You're really loud when you walk." He saw the shocked look on my face then saw skull buster. "You know human that you should get rid of those bullet lines. They really do give you away." I just stood awe struck that he wasn't afraid of me but finally I got the guts to reply, "Ha big words considering your entire group is dead!" The grunt just laughed. I just laughed with him then realized what he was. "You were going to kill us weren't you!?" He just shook his head, "Nah I was being sent here to be executed for killing a squad of elites." I just walked over picked up his plasma pistol and climbed a tree. "How about this if you were able to kill a squad of elites then dodge one sniper bullet. If you do then I'll give you your pistol back and you join us. If you don't well... you know." The grunt nodded and hopped to the left as the bullet struck where his head was a millisecond ago. I sat there awed at his speed. Finally I threw down his pistol and led him back to camp.

This is my first fanfic so please give me some feedback.
