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Ishkabibbl'sStory/Humanity'sLastHope/BloodyWar(Part One)
Posted By: Ishkabibbl<sock41@Cox.net>
Date: 11 June 2003, 4:30 PM

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In a few hours we will be landing on another colony world, Ans. Once we were close we were hailed by the space station, Light of Ans. "Unidentified Pelican State your name and purpose."

"This Is Pelican Omega 6479 en route to mission area and in need of repairs."

"Roger Omega 6479 permission to land granted." Once we got on the space station we started re-distributing supplies. An unknown Spartan from the station cocked an eyebrow, "You guys really need this much fire power?" I've never seen a Spartan out of his armor before so he kind of intimidated me. "You should know Tony you can never have too much fire power." Andrew and Tony laughed. While all the Spartans started talking I gathered my squad and we started repairing our pelican. On one of our planet landings the heat shield got fried and now we needed to fix it. Hec was starting to get out of the Pelican when I shoved him back in. "What's up with you Ish?"

"Hec you're on a human space station. They would kill you on sight." He nodded and climbed up into the pelican's hanger. I noticed a Spartan looking at our tank. I walked over, "Something wrong with our scorpion?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I was just wondering is this a new model?"

"No, our squad just modified it to fit most situations." Peter walked over and started showing the Spartan all the different modifications.

"Ish get over here quick!" I sprinted to our pelican to find a couple military police walking up to our pelican. I muttered to everyone, "Ok the hanger is actually a sealed storage area for ONI cargo got it?" They all nodded.

The first Mp asked, "What are doing here?" Jenny looked at him, "Transporting something for ONI."

"Well let me see it!" I shook my head no, "Sir, if you see what is in there then we would have to take you to a remote asteroid that you may never leave." He looked taken aback by this and walked away.

Peter came towards me and whispered, "We should leave before he checks to see if anything for ONI is being transported. Oh, and the other Spartans are going to come with us ok?"

"Where can we put them?" Peter pointed towards another pelican docked next to ours.

"That's their personal pelican it can fit all of us and another vehicle. They were wondering if you could modify their team's scorpion like yours." I nodded and yelled, "Alright squad can't be late with the shipment!" We boarded our pelican and the Spartans boarded theirs. After clearance we took off and looked for an empty planet to touch down and figure out what we were going to do. Jenny came over the comm.., "Sir the Spartan pilot is ordering us to land on Reck."

"What?! That planet was abandoned."

"Sir, they say no one will look for us there."

"Alright Jenny take us to Reck." After a week of travel we felt the pelican touching down. After I got out I asked, "Hey anyone see the Spartans?"

"Uh...Sir, I think I went too fast for them. They should be here in a day or two." I sighed, "Alright men set up camp in the city. Hec do a patrol of the local area. Shadow you should take the tank and make sure none of the buildings are guarded. Mark, Rusk, and I are going in the warthog to search the area around the city." As I got in the driver seat Mark and Rusk got in the gunner spots. "Alright you guys stay frosty we don't know if the UNSC has a base here." They nodded and we took off. After about 15 minutes reports came back in. "Hec reporting. No air or roof top activity."

"Shadow speaking. All buildings are clear." I gave my report to the main camp, "Ish here. No sign of life. All units return to camp." The next day the Spartan's pelican landed. I got Hec to come with me to start the tank modifications. In a few weeks we were done. Everyone packed up camp and we explored the planet. We split up into two teams, the Spartans and the Lonely Wolves. I then split our group up more, "Shadow you take the tank again only this time Phil you ride on a pod. Hec you use your shrike of course. Max, Mark, and Jenny are going in the Pelican. Rusk you're with me and the warthog. Lets move, try to find something useful." I went full speed towards the shipyards in hope of finding some spare pelican parts. I left Rusk with the warthog and went inside. I saw a few Slayer class fighters. Slayer fighters are about the size of 4 banshees and carry plenty of amendments. I didn't know much about them so I radioed the Spartans, "Hey I just found some Slayer fighters but don't know how to fly them. Any of you know how to?" I heard laughter from the other side of the comm. As I was about to yell what is so freaking funny the Slayers all powered up. Now I knew what they were laughing at, it was the fact I didn't see them in the cockpits. "We're going to find a good place to make a new camp and land these there. Also you should have your Pelican land there too." They blew out of the building and flew away. I kept walking underneath rubble to try and find something else. Once I got to an elevator I broke the doors and looked downwards and there was another pair of doors a few hundred feet down. "Hey Rusk bring the warthog around I need the cable to get to some other doorway."

"Roger that Sir." Once he brought the cable I started to repel down. At the bottom the door was locked. I tried my override code, but it didn't have high enough clearance. So I tried to kick it in and again my efforts were useless. Finally, I got tired of messing up so I had Rusk lower a jackhammer down off of the warthog. I pullet the trigger and the door blew in backwards from the force. I walked and saw at least 50 cryo-tubes filled with Spartans. "Hey Peter you need to get here right now!" my voice was hysterical so he came ASAP with the eight other Spartans.
