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Fan Fiction

History of the Library(1)
Posted By: Ishkabibbl<sock41@cox.net>
Date: 1 May 2004, 2:25 AM

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(In the Library, the Guardian relates his tale about the different realms)

Since the very start of the universe, there have always been two major factions, Life and Death. They are forever entwined, in order to die you have to live and in order to live you have to die. While in the Realm of Death, there are eternal championships for control of everything. In the Realm of Life, there are wars and massive slaughters of entire galaxies to decide who shall be the champion of a faction. Several times over the millennia one side has almost grasped victory, only to be countered in the opposites realm. As with all conflicts, there is a neutral force, looking out for its own survival and nothing else. The neutrals were always meddling, believing that if neither side won, they would be better off. They lived in the go-between area, wedged between the two Realms. They are the Cull, easily described as living stone.

In a time where the Grim Reaper took his toll on the champions of Life in the Realm of Death, The Forerunner were just finishing their gigantic rings. In order to create a bridge to the go-between area, death on a scale of a galaxy had to be attained. Before the Forerunner could try to use their rings, they left guardians behind in the case reinforcements were needed, far into the future. Death, black as a shadow sat upon its throne of lost souls, their screams of agony a beautiful tone to his heart, realized that The Forerunner had to be stopped. The Flood was created and the two forces joined in battle. Decimated, the Forerunners fled to the go-between area to try to continue their mission. The Flood followed, but left behind sentries on all the rings, sealing their guards into stasis. Every Monitor noticed this but didn't have the correct programming to deal with them. Their mission was simple; cleanse everything the Flood could feed upon from the galaxy. The Flood would starve at the same rate, their entire species perishing, in order to create the bridge.

In the Realm of Death, upon the plains of sand, were the current champions of Life. Sam stood first and foremost among them, his battle scared armor still managing to shine in the dull red sunlight. Around Sam, were four regular marines in full body armor, with memories of Halo still flashing in their minds. Each one of them represented a piece of humanity around the RoL. Sam represented all the remaining Spartans. For reasons unknown, the RoL was created in a shape of a cube. Two marines represented regular humans in the top half, while the other two represented the others in the bottom half. Every wound, scrape and cut would end up with humans dieing. Likewise, everyone who died weakened the champion a little. At sunset the next battle was to begin, and Sam already had his sniper rifle loaded and across his lap as he sat on the ground. Things were grim if there were only five champions, while death had twenty. Ten Hunters represented the Covenant fleet, Five Golden Elites represented Covenant ground forces, and Five Grunts represented Solar Systems. The leader of the Grunts had the heaviest responsibility, the home world of the Grunts was his charge to protect.

The sun dipped down the horizon and the perfectly flat desert came alight with flashes of weapons. Sam lifted his rifle and gave out his commands, "Spread out and take down as many as you can!"

Sam kneeled, making him less of a target and steadying his aim. His night vision scope rocked gently with his breathing as he waited for the right moment. A hunter lifted his arm to fire, and revealed his unarmored armpit. Exhaling, Sam gently pulled the trigger, barely feeling the kickback of the weapon. Orange blood erupted across the sand, binding it together.

(In Space around Installation 03, on the Covenant Carrier Ragnorok)

Fleet Commander SoNommalee paced his bridge. His fleet had just reached the sight of the Holy Ones when a small ship blasted off from the outer edge of the ring. It attached itself to the hull of his ship and blew an entrance. Ten Combat Forms and dozens of infection forms raced into the gap of this ship, killing and infecting what they could. Racing down hallways, slaughtering engineers and defenders alike, they slowly worked their ways inwards. After a few minutes of brief but brutal fighting, only SoNommalee's personal guard were left alive. Forming a shield of bodies they circled their leader, facing outwards. The Flood poured in, slaughtering all the guards in seconds. SoNommalee activated his plasma sword and cleaved through Combat Forms when an Infection Form landed on his arm, shaking it angrily, he noticed to late as its small body hurled through towards the self-cleansing button. Blue fire engulfed the ship, and the rest of the fleet, killing all hands before they could get a single message out.

(In the Realm of Death)

Sam had no idea that he just destroyed a fleet by killing the hunter, nor did he have time to think it through as the remaining hunters lifted their fuel-rod cannons and he noticed their eerie glow.

Ugh, sometimes writing stories is like playing chicken with a brick wall. This is a lead up to what the Library is, and where it is, and all those wonderful questions people asked at the start of one of the series lol. Feedback would be nice, but if its just "d00d this sux" please just don't post.
