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Fan Fiction

The Covenant Invasion: Primal Confrontations 4
Posted By: Infernal<JRUNFIRE@YAHOO.COM>
Date: 20 August 2004, 5:24 AM

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Phantoms Within The Storm

2315 Hours, September 23, 2552 (Military Calendar)
UNEF Outpost, Savannah Loca, Great Rift Valley Sector
NorthEast Africa

Lance Corporal Fisher's eyes blinked as the rain drops soaked his uniform. Water poured down in an instant, as he and Private First-Class Banks patrolled the outer perimeter of this UNEF outpost that was built alongside a gargantuan waterfall that plummeted hundreds of feet into the jungle floor.
"Dammit, what a waste of a perfectly good smoke." PFC Banks looked at the withered away cigar and tossed it over a railing into the dark jungle hundreds of feet down the cliff.
"I can't believe you're worried about that damn thing. In case you didn't notice, we got men and women getting smoked every minute." Fisher looked up at the clouds, a sense of desparity written across his face. "You really are stupid." He shook his head disapprovingly while picking up his pace and walking away from the private, leaving him to ponder his actions.

As the sounds of the boots trodding through mud faded from earshot, an invisible figure, displacing multiple raindrops, pulled itself up and over the railing. Then three more figures pulled themselves up, then four and finally a small group gathered. In all, 18 ghostly footsteps appeared as these figures moved toward the base with mal-intent.
Like a predator moving within a rodent prey's burrow, multiple groups of invisible figures dashed between and through barracks, fuel stations and supply buildings, as they made their way to different objective points throughout the base.
Soki along with 20 other cloaked Elites, had already climbed up and slain the anti-infantry batteries' crew along the top of what he judged as the command bunker. It was clean and swift, one horizontal slash of each Elite's plasma sword sliced three men at the waist. Lying along the roof perimeter were 120 body parts, as the count of dead men went to 60. Every where at random locations, patrol units and electronic alarm devices went dead, as the Elites initiated their first phase of attack. And within ten minutes-completed it.
Soki's eyes squinted as he peered into the distance of the base. A 400 meter runway ran between eight hangars, and at the end were landing pads, which were built overhanging the cliff. Four of them were aglow with landing lights, which set a dim tone that reflected off the two hangars that housed the dropships. The base was very busy. Troop hogs were constantly bringing men in and out of the main bunker. The rising sounds of jet engines pierced through the falling rain, as two Skyhawks took off into the night sky. Four more waited for their turn at the beginning of the runway, their engines flaring a cool blue fire.
"Soki to all Al'djurian warriors. The strong arm of the head has been severed. Proceed swiftly and cautiously to secondary objective points. Neutralize the power from this place, but do not destroy it."
Like Ninja assassins of ancient Japanese lore, the Elites hitched rides on cargo transports, personnell carrying vehicles and roving Warthogs to different locations in the UNEF outpost. Unseen to the remaining two companies of soldiers and officers, and unheard due the rolling thunder and falling rain, these warriors masked by technological advancements and nature's fury were able to succeed in their second phase of attack.
Soki waited for the faint illumination of lamp posts, spotlights and building lights to blink off. The communication dish atop the bunker's transmitter spires to stop spinning. Warning lights winked off, as did the runway lights far off. He clicked his lower mandibles, anxious to slay some humans.
Without an order being issued, the 20 Elites broke into a ventilation shaft from the roof of the bunker. It wasn't long before they came upon elevator cables for a service lift. They went down four long levels, anticipating strong resistance after opening the guard doors to the corridor beyond. No one. Either the humans were asleep at their posts, or there were less soldiers than Soki expected. Whichever it was, the Al'djurian smiled knowing that the element of surprise was on his side. There was nothing like the terror in someone's eyes when they were slain, unknowing of their impending doom.

"-The recon unit has been found sir.-"
Major Lennoix didn't take comfort as the Seargant on the other line relayed the message.
"What happened, Sarge?"
"-KIA, sir. All KIA.-"
He looked around the room, knowing that everyone had frozen. The Covenant threat became real. People they had worked with, played pool against or shared a drink over the bar with suddenly left their lives forever.
"Can you tell me if there're any traces of the killers?"
A few minutes passed, then the voice responded with unmovable certainty.
"-Covenant sir, definitely covies. Plasma wounds to everyone. Did it in their sleep. Tracks seem to head east of here, sir. Should we pursue?-"
Major Lennoix focused on his tactical monitors, which displayed the region's terrain. He bit his lower lip and slowly issued his response.
"No. Return-" His voice was cut off as a boom of thunder resonated and seemed to cause a loss of power.
"Lieutenant Biggs, go find out what's going on at the plant. I know it's probably just the storm but..."
"Got it Major, no problem." The officer winked as he ran off to the generator complex.
"All right people. Just because the lights are out don't mean we're going to sleep." The Major called for the Gunnery Seargant in charge of security for the bunker. "Hey Gunney, everyone might be on edge right now, you know, non-combat related personnell. I want all your men to tighten up and secure all exit points from this command post. ACT, like the enemy is here, gunney; fishy things have been going down lately, seems they just as well are here."
"Don't worry sir, ain't nothin' gonna get past me and my men." The seargant about faced and called on his teams to their proper posts, issuing orders as he walked out the command center.
A few minutes passed, with thirty or so men armed with their standard assault rifles, setting up defense positions in the corridor leading into the command post. The Major had an MA-5C Battle Rifle, equipped with a night vision scope and flashlight. Numerous chemical flares lit up the room and corridor, but he preferred direct light.
Lieutenant Biggs rode in the passenger side of the Jungle Hog, as it spun out the bunker, followed by two other hogs for backup. They sped passed cargo vans, troop transport vehicles and men running around finding themselves turning on flashlights to make their way around. The splish-splosh of them running to different areas of the base overcame the rainfall's torrential roar. The last of the Skyhawks had taken off just ten seconds ago, leaving nothing but the occasional sound of rolling thunder to make up for the lack of intense sound. He realized after a few glances, that the power hadn't only gone out in the bunker, but the entire base.
"Hey corporal, does the communication system work in this thing?"
"Yes sir. But the relatively simple frequency won't penetrate the bunker walls, so you can't talk to anyone's personal comm. devices."
The officer gritted his teeth as he held on tight the hog's dash, while bouncing over small potholes and dips in the roadway to the power plant. A giant turbine complex with storage batteries over a century old were built into the waterfall. Three levels down and half a mile wide, it was larger than it appeared from a first impression. He put up his left hand to the corporal, ordering him to slowly approach the complex. The two hogs slowed behind him, as the men got out to inspect the area.
"I don't like this men, be ready for anything."
"Aren't there supposed to be security at the entrance?" The corporal squinted at the set of double, Titanium reinforced doors that were at this time a-jar from a closed position.
"This is First Lieutenant Biggs to anyone that can hear this transmission. I've come to the power plant, and from what I can tell, it needs some proper security. I suggest someone come out here and set up positions immediately."
The Corporal wasn't understanding of the situation that the higher authority thought the base might be in, so it was normal for him to have the puzzled look spread about in his small facial features.
"Sir, if I may ask, what's going on?" The Lieutenant cooly eyed the NCO as he equipped himself with some UNSC battlearmor.
"Ten minutes ago, we recieved word from a search team that recon was killed." The corporal's eyes widened in anger. "Our Skyhawks have been scrambled to intercept some incoming Banshee flyers and Phantom dropships, over at Gilali-Henderson. The one thing we gotta worry about now is...whatever it was that killed recon. Major Lennoix believes that Covies have touched down in our area, and they're smart. These special Elites are trained for insertion operations, and we so far, have been letting them play around too much in our jungle."
The Lieutenant dropped into some mud puddles before ordering the gunner to get out and take up a security position with the others. The rain still obscured the warthog's lights as he ordered the Corporal to slowly move forward in order to get a better angle on the area that his men were entering.
"-Lobby clear! Moving forward to the security systems.-" The Seargant on the other line waved two men forward down a corridor. A blue glowing ball stuck onto the rear warthog.
"What the hell is that?" The soldier behind the driver's seat was engulfed in flames that roiled outward and spat the wheels up and over Lt. Biggs' head as he spun the gun around to see what had taken place.
Biggs layed down a sweeping fire formation across the woods where he suspected the unseen enemy to be hiding. Plasma bolts hit the other warthog, melting away its hood and burning through its engine. In seconds, it went up in a glorious roar of fire and light.
The communication transmission went on dead ears, as the figure of the soldier recieving the message dropped to the deck from a plasma wound through the center of his body. His image spread and deformed as an Elite with its cloaking function activated, stepped over the body.
"Get us the hell out of here Corporal! Turn us around and get us the hell out of here!!"
The Lieutenant continued firing toward where some plasma bolts soared through the air at his head. Three plasma bolts followed them as they sped away down the mud filled road. They hobbled over potholes and dips that jerked Biggs from side to side. Four plasma bolts melted away and broke the windshield as the corporal dodged their shots.
"THEY'RE IN FRONT OF US SIR!!" Lieutenant Biggs spun the gun around again to look for the enemy. Nothing but the rain drops and darkness.
Biggs continued to fire in all directions, making sure to at least keep the enemy's head down and avoid their shots. His teeth rattled from the constant jerk of the automatic, triple barreled Anti Infantry gun.
Rain and mud splashed in his eyes, blinding him from any view.
The ride was cut short, when some plasma rounds tore through the right front tire, blowing it out and causing the hog to twist and flip over. The officer was flung ten feet in the air and twenty feet into the flooded road. He landed in a deep pool of water, and was disoriented by the sudden blow. As his vision began to clear, he faintly made out the image of the corporal being wrenched violently from the driver's seat that had him pinned under the overturned hog.
"Leave him alone you bastards!!" He drew his sidearm, and aimed at the area where an invisible figure had raised the young soldier up into the air. His gun recoiled as rounds shot at the air, hitting nothing, and displacing raindrops that came into contact with them. The Lieutenant watched helplessly as the figure activated its plasma sword and stabbed the corporal through his torso.
"AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" He limped forward while letting the rounds fly viciously at the Elite. A round finally met its mark, and bounced off the Covenant soldier's shield. He roared in aggravation at the human, as if telling him that he was merely angering him than actually hurting him.
Another Elite came and blindsided the officer, and knocked into the ground. His uniform soaked, he looked up and saw two Elites fading into view while allowing the down fall of water to wash around their imposing bodies. The Elite that had been shot at, hissed and stepped forward. He raised his plasma sword into the air, and roared victoriously as a lightning bolt flashed and for the brief instant, showed the Covenant warrior in his true colors and form. The officer went to bring his weapon up one last time, and was stopped, when the plasma saber sliced through him. Blood spread rapidly in the puddle of water, as the Elites laughed and ran off to the power plant.

The base's military force was awakened by the sound of personell transports exploding. Careful timing and precision by the Elites allowed them to blow up all UNEF forces walking their patrol routes and driving around the base. In all, over fifty vehicles went up in flames, as well as numerous supply building and ammo depots.
Men and women jumped out of their racks and into the rain, uniforms and rifles ready, expecting spotlights and vehicles with commanding officers to point out the enemy. Instead, they were met with the relentess fall of the rain, and the fading sounds of weapon rounds exploding from the base's armory. Plasma bolts appeared from thin air, crisscrossing the assembled ranks and platoons.
"Everyone, head for cover! We've got enemy hostiles, return fire-RETURN FIRE!!"
The rhythmic sound of assault rifle bursts were met with more plasma bolts, still, out of the thin air.
Blue plasma grenades were thrown and attached to a few soldiers. They watched in horror as the azure radiation fizzed on their skin. Four seconds later, blue white explosions killed twenty soldiers. Some men and women opted for the safety of their barracks, taking up sniping positions and trying to pick off shots at what they saw move. They only met with a ghastly, firey death, when the edifices went up in flames.

Major Lennoix and the commanding officers knew what was taking place once they heard the 'thump' of a building exploding nearby. At first, some of them speculated plasma bombardment. But then the Major ordered them to take off the safety of their rifles. The security force set up multiple defense barriers within the corridor that led to the command center. In an act of desperation, the Major ordered all of the commanding officers to overturn the chairs and tables in the room for cover.
"Now listen here people. The invaders have to make it through the Seargant and his men first. That's gonna be a feat in itself. But if these bastards get past him, they'll have to deal with the fury of a bunch of pissed off officers that send many people to die against the enemy. I know that you all have this rage of battle within you, and have been holding it for the longest. But right now, I ask you all to get pissed off, and get ready to kill!! WHATEVER GETS THROUGH THAT DOOR, SHOOT IT!! NOTHING GETS THROUGH!!"
The entire command crew gave a solemn "AMEN" or nod of the head. The Major tried to ignore the small rock forming in the back of his throat, and bubbling warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. He ignored the sweat dripping down off his brow, and burning his eyes. The sound of automatic doors being pulled apart, made it to the ears of the officers. The Major even ignored the sound of someone sobbing while another let loose the flow of urine onto the floor, a tinkling sound reverberating throughout the room.
A man screamed in agony, causing the Seargant to yell at the crew to fire upon the enemy. Gunshots rang out and pinged off the concrete walls and floor tiles. A soldier yelled the warning call of a grenade being thrown.
"FRAG OUT!!" It bounced twice before going off and causing two Elites to blow apart in a mist of purple spray. Plasma bolts seared the air around and near the men, setting them into tighter cover positions. Slowly but surely, the invisible enemy inched their way forward, gaining ground after each man went down in a horrifying shriek. Another man grabbed at a hole in his chest, burnt round and through the battle plate armor, ending the victim's life. Another grenade went off, sending a couple more Elites flying through the air as they yelled in disbelief for the end of their lives.
Major Lennoix listened as his security force was being whittled down to nothing. From inside the command center, he could make out the sounds of a handful of men retreating into fall back positions closer to the room. They unloaded spent magazines and clapped new ones into place rapidly, as the enemy drew threateningly closer.
"PULL THAT WIRE!!" The Seargant was obviously still alive, but his voice sounded spent and out of breath. An explosion rattled the room and everyone in it while dust and small pebbles fell down onto the floor. More of the RATTATTATTA of gunfire rang loud, while the Elites proceeded toward the soldiers.
"DAMN YOU ALL!!!" A young soldier primed his grenade belt and ran toward the enemy. They shot him dead in his tracks while he blew apart in a red, wasteful, glory. The last one standing was the Seargant, giving his last warnings to the Major and, his farewells.
"-Sir, done...the best I can....I...can make out about five, no, make that six of them. Oh Jesus, no, sir, I take that back! There's about ten of them!! Good luck sir, I'm gonna...-"
An explosion resounded concurrently with the sickening sound of bones and flesh tearing apart. Two Elites went down with the Seargant's brave, final sacrifice.
A tear went down the Major's face, as he steadied his Battlerifle at the automatic doors being pulled apart. The sound of heavy boots trodding down the corridor was thick, giving away the fact that there was a significant number of them on the other side. The doors slid apart, almost instantly, the sound of rounds firing on that one small concentrated area, was met with the Elite on the other side to fall dead as the bullets tore through his shield and flesh. Plasma rounds flew past the Major's head right when he ducked for cover. The communication officer next to him wasn't so lucky, recieving the round through her chest. A plasma grenade flew behind some oak tables to the far left of the room, blowing away the officers hiding behind there. He saw a slight movement on the ceiling and was too late in warning some men as an invisible figure dropped down from crawling on it, then slicing the officers in half at the waist. Other men diverted their attention on the new enemy, losing their sight on the incoming rounds that dropped them to the deck.
Major Lennoix watched in sheer horror as his men went down in gruesome animosity, one by one. The Major ducked down and tried to hide behind his desk, putting his back up against it while he heard the sound of the Elites entering the room. A young Lieutenant, someone he had seen a few times playing pool at the officer's club, cowered down across from him behind another desk. Heavy hooved thumps slowly etched their way around the room, searching for any more of the humans hiding for their lives. The young Lieutenant became overly nervous, and shook uncontrollably while holding onto his rifle. He closed his eyes tight, praying silently and crying while rocking back and forth.
Lennoix tried to put out his hand in order to calm him down. The young officer wouldn't accept. His eyes opened wide and crazily, he stood up and began to blindly fire at the enemy. An Elite grunted and ordered in their gutteral tongue while pointing at the human. The Major watched as the Officer was shot multiple times in the upper body and jerked grotesquely from the bodily trauma. The man dropped to the floor, after a few seconds, his body charred black. Major Lennoix gritted his teeth as he shook his head at the young man. He would never forget the lifeless expression of the Lieutenant's eyes that were still, miraculously intact after the intense burns.
"AHHAAAHH!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!" The Major's fears came true when an Elite appeared from thin air before him, pointing at him mockingly and laughing for the futile hiding attempt. The officer pulled up his rifle and let loose a final barrage of bullets. They hit true and clean, overloading the shields, and tearing through the armor and through his skin. The Elite gurgled his own blood, while dropping to the deck. Other Elites ran to their fallen comrade's position, wondering what had taken place. One of them slapped the rifle loose from the Major's hands, and kicked him in the chest. He drew his plasma rifle and was about to fire when another Elite ordered him otherwise.
"Guurrraagghhh!!" The Elite appeared from thin air, and grabbed the officer by the shirt and lifted him six feet off the ground. It held him there while momentarily reaching for something on his throat.
"Are you the leader of this installation!! Speak now human!!"
Lennoix looked around the room, red blood staining all of the previously white tiles. He also looked at his enemy, 15 Elites standing in a circle, bearing their teeth and snapping their jaws while growling angrily at the officer. He calmly looked down at his enemy holding him in the air, and cooly spoke, as if with an unexplicable fact of life, and solid certainty.
"You may have killed us here. You may have better weapons up there, and kill us up there as well.
But you won't win. Humans will never stop fighting. You may take our lives, but you will never have our souls." With those last words he spat in the Elites face, infuriating him more than the Covenant warrior had already been.
Soki bore all his teeth at the human, and let a slow rage build within him. He brought the officer down a few inches, then hurled up in the air while at the same time activating his plasma sword. The Major landed at an angle, and hung impaled upon the energy weapon, until it slowly worked its way through his body. It finally sliced through, and the Major fell to the deck.
The Elite stood there a few seconds, growling, then walked away from the body. He wiped his face, then looked at the rest of his team. His mandibles all clicked together, while he raised his rifle in the air, roaring victoriously. The others followed suit, celebrating their victory, in the blood stained, bullet ridden command room.
