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Fan Fiction

The Covenant Invasion: Primal Confrontations 2
Posted By: Infernal<JRUNFIRE@YAHOO.COM>
Date: 16 August 2004, 6:46 AM

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The Jungle

0635 Hours, September 23, 2552 (Military Calendar)
UNSC Carrier, The Silver Bullet, Earth Orbit
6000 kilometers from the moon

Captain David Monson let his newly created AI construct take care of the maneuvering of the carrier. He ordered a couple squadrons of Longsword Fighters to take out the Seraphs harassing some nearby defense stations. The ship jerked as its MAC cannon shot out a round.
"Covenant destroyer has been dealt with, sir. Live by the sword, die by the..."
"Can it, Odysseus, what's our status, and how's the fleet?"
"Covenant forces have broken through the second defensive perimeter. They're preparing to move some of the orbitals into tighter formations around the poles. We've been able to hold them at current positions, but distant system reports indicate an influx of cruisers and warships gathering off of Jupiter orbit."
He looked at the vid-screens, minute by minute fleet reports and tactical grid. His orders were to keep this section of space open for some classified strike against the covies. He didn't know for sure, but rumors were rapidly spreading about some Section 3 personell soon to be departing his vessel. He didn't even know there was anyone designated with that high a rank on his ship.
"Sir, we have incoming fire at 9 o'clock starboard level!"
Three plasma torpedoes struck the starboard section of the Silver Bullet. Its hull melted and broke away from the ship. UNSC Marines and Naval personell were sucked into space.
"Report! Get us on par with that damned cruiser! Odysseus, what the hell just happened?!"
"They caught us off guard by appearing within our defense position through slipspace sir."
"Fire our MAC cannon, those bastards are too close to repel the force of the blow!"
"I'm sorry to say sir, but we're just sitting ducks right now."
"And why is that?"
"They destroyed our accelerator coils, nothing's coming out of that tube sir. Archer missile silos F through M are fused from the heat blasts as well. We're done sir, I can suggest we..."
Captain Monson couldn't believe his ears. He'd never heard an AI sound so negative in dire situations. He got angry and was tempted to take him offline.
"No we're not. Do as I say, exactly how I say it."

Olahim awoke to the pitter patter of cool liquid dripping on his forehead. His landing pod had a leak from the damage put on from the fall in the skys. His left shoulder was bruised, and cut from some metallic piece that jutted out off the corner of his seat hold. His head pounding, he ripped off the other harness strap, and slammed into the front of his pod.
He reached for the release activation knob. It hummed, then gave a low sigh, as the pod began to depressurize. The pod rocked, then began to sink, as water rushed into it. Olahim frantically pushed against the hatch, realizing that he was in a pool.
The water rushed in around his face after he pushed away the hatch, flooding the pod. He turned 180 degrees around, facing the surface, then pulled himself up and over the sinking pod. He swam hard and fast, trying to overcome the downward pull of the sinking pod.
He broke the surface of the bubbling water, finally tasting the thick, humid, jungle air. It was warm and rancid with rotting vegetation and animal fodder. He pulled out his new and improved plasma rifle. It was a hot pink, red color and longer, its metal magnets elongated for a faster, hotter bolt of energy. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the differentiating rays of broken sunlight, he waded to the edge of the stream fed pool.
The screeching sound of jet engines roared overhead. Olahim hid close to some trees and underbrush. Something fizzed and smoked on his left shoulder, catching his attention. Six or seven leeches hung on to his wound, melting away like a snail with salt poured on it. His blood was toxic to these creatures, causing them to burn and disentegrate. He moved on, away from the crash site. There was no doubt that the human jets knew his position. His thoughts were confirmed as he looked up and saw a hole in the canopy and trees burnt at odd angles away from the impact of his landing pod.
He pushed on through thick jungle foliage, fallen trees, and fatigue. The landing had been hard, but the bugs constantly harassed him and his wound, slowly nawing away at his patience as he fruitlessly swatted at the air.
After he felt that there had been some ground put between him and the land site, he pulled out a small, field communications kit. It was risky in this particular situation, but he had to find his crew, or call them to one common area. Some of the components were loose, due to the bumpy drop. So he brought up a simple topographical read out of the region. Different symbols and readings scrolled across the top, giving clues and hints as to where the human base of operations were in this area. Even if he and his landing force hadn't dropped on their intended target, the Al'djurian warriors would still do some damage.
Some movement in the bushes nearby caught his eye, initiating his reflexes to kick in. He pulled up his weapon and hid while aiming in the general direction of the movement. He dug his claws into the tree he was next to and climbed up its side. Quick and stealthy, he grappled along some vines, while now aiming his weapon downward at the area of suspicion.
"Commander Olahim, by the gods. It is warriors Soki and Kahnd. We have found other Al'djurian warriors as fortunate, and are ready for your leadership."
Olahim was slightly relieved, and dropped down from the vines. The other two Elites, startled because they hadn't even seen him until that moment, pulled up their weapons at him. He raised one claw in the air and clicked all his mandibles.
"Fools, it could have been a trap laid out for an ambush." The one Elite named Soki then waved out to unseen eyes. The jungle trees bent and rippled, as 23 Al'djurian warriors uncloaked, and 32 others moved in swiftly from the surrounding brush. His lower mandibles clicked, which would pass for a grin.
"Well done, Soki. I had not doubted your cunning for but a moment." He gave the order for the Elites to form up. Three teams of four scouted surrounding areas for more survivors.
"The rest of you shall gather together your weapons, and set up defensive positions 200 meters in all directions. This is the command center for the time being. Once we have a force of sufficient size, we will go and slay the humans."
They all bowed their heads and crossed their weapon holding claws across their chests. With zealous fervor, they moved out accordingly, each to their respective posts.
Olahim returned to reading the holo-topographic display, searching for any geographical advantages that would come into play if they needed to do hit and run tactics on the enemy. After an hour, the Elites' scouting units brought some more warriors back to the command camp. The Al'djurian warrior was pleased, but not exceedingly so. All together, there stood only 87 infiltration Elites, out of an initial force of about 300. Had they not been betrayed, they would have begun the taking over of the intended target.
He looked up at the sky with disbelief and disgust. The sun had already begun to set. He and the other Elites were used to 53 and a half hour days, meaning that they could continue for another two Earth days, working while human forces would be sloppy and tired from shift changes and normal sleeping cycles. This was yet another deadly characteristic to add to species' already long list.
Five Elites came running back with a sense of urgency. They roared and yelled for the entire camp to get low and hide. Immediately following was the screeching sound of jet engines flying overhead. Olahim winced as he realized that the human aircraft had most likely picked up the energy signatures of the Elites and their equipment. He shot glares at his secondary command units and gathered up his gear.
Already having set up protocol for contingencies as this, the Al'djurian warriors split up and seperated into different teams. They held themselves at their points until Olahim signaled the okay to regroup, an hour later.
"Kahnd, give me knowledge on known landings." Olahim counted every head in his force, and had not found his close friend, Zorian. "And bring to me the warrior, Obsidian."
The Elite bowed his head submittingly, and rushed off. Kahnd was put in charge of head counts and locating more of the infiltration force. He had done well, but there was one more warrior that Olahim had to find. He had to know what Zorian found out about their ship. He needed to know who it was that deserved his revenge.
An eight foot tall, bulk sized Elite walked before Olahim. Each of the twelve specially appointed command Elites worked in pairs. There were actually six head positions, but 12 were assigned the same tasks in case on of them were killed or imprisoned. Soki was Olahim's other half, but since he was alive and well, took orders for now. Obsidian was Zorian's other half; the communications specialist bowed appropriately.
"I am here commander, what is it that you need?"
"Knowledge, as is the matter in all moments. Tell me, what of our great ship the Sirenous Requiem? Have you been able to retrieve any data from Zorian before the fall? If not, aid me in understanding what it is that has befallen us."
Obsidian took out his crystalline data prism, and put it on the other Elite's wrist. The small object slotted into place, and hummed with life as Olahim's data reader on his armor projected a holo-vidscreen above his wrist.
"Zorian gave me some knowledge before our trip's ending. He had spoken with several Al'djurian warriors, before we broke out of range. The commanders of our ship had been slain. They were attempting to break in upon the intruders, but had to fight off unknown warriors."
The vidscreen was jumpy with flashes of imagery. Voices played, as Zorian commenced conversations with the Covenant regulars on-board. An Al'djurian warrior roared with anger while plasma fire went off.
"-Speak warrior, what has taken place?-"
"-The commanders have been assassinated, the ship's alarms have confirmed this as truth. Warriors of unknown origin are within the command center, and locked themselves in.-"
"-Speak again warrior, what species, what defiant race has risen against us?!-"
"-...not Covenant..they..." The incoming signal went dead.
Olahim switched off the player. He looked at Obsidian, and handed him the prism. It couldn't be possible, wasn't possible. If the assassins weren't Covenant, who were they? Not humans, they couldn't possibly infiltrate a Covenant vessel of the Requiem's size and proceed to slay the commanders. Just the thought of humans aboard their vessel made him cringe and angered him. "Zorian also had more knowledge for me, Commander. But our scouting units have failed in their search for him."
"Very well. Return to your duties, Obsidian, and send for Soki."
"As you command, Olahim." The Elite bowed and walked away from him, rushing over to find Soki.
A few minutes later, Soki walked into Olahim's work area. He found the Elite replaying images of the fall. The Warrior punched in a few keys, and looked at his holo-topographical display. Three green-blue arrows pulsed on three different locations that shaped into a triangle within a mile radius.
"We must find Zorian, Soki. He withholds the answers we seek. Our malefactors shall be unveiled, and once they are, we shall reveal them to the fleet."
"Speak, Olahim. What is it that you seek?" Up until then, Soki, like the rest of the crew, had believed that the landing was a mistake, or a mere redirection of the commanders. They hadn't questioned anything of their superiors, to do so would be blasphemy, and they would be slain immediately. But Olahim and Soki were commanders as well, and always had to question every miscalculation or suspicious activity and report it to higher authorities. Olahim's words and actions sent a channel of curious energy up his spine.
"Our landing was not the work of our superiors, Soki. Transmissions before we hit the Earth speak of assassinations adn intruding, unknown warriors." Soki listened intently, becoming infuriated by the truths as Olahim relayed the story that lead him here to his ideas. The landing force were in unknown territory, with no reinforcements and limited energy supply. Their initial campaign was supposed to last a few days, not an unforeseen amount of time.
"Once we have found our intruders, we will be able to warn the fleet of who betrayed us, and upon seizure of human communication systems, return to safety for another assignment."
"How do we begin our search?" Olahim clicked his lower mandibles, waving him over to the topographical display.

Four teams were organized by Olahim for new, more important purposes than just waiting around playing let's-see-what-happens games. Three teams, led by Olahim, Obsidian and Kahnd, went directly to the different possible locations of Zorian's fallen craft. Each team consisted of six Elites. The rest of the force, led by Soki, went ahead to a possible human base. Readings indicated some flat, cleared out land with the silhoutte of pointed columns and bunkers. The force would infiltrate and take command of this possible human base, and await for Olahim's arrival.
Olahim and his team pushed through thick, jungle bush, fighting off bugs and the annoying sounds of animals screaming. It was dark now, almost impossible for the human eye to see. But the Al'djurians were used to dim lighting conditions, so the minimal moonlight was satisfactory.
His team was going after the pod that had landed itself 500 meters into the side of a cliffface along the west, inner wall of this huge Earth-penetrating valley. He percieved this to be the most difficult location, as they would be susceptible to aircraft fire, and open targets for any sharpshooting humans who were already, undoubtedly, in the jungle searching for them.
It took them a little over four hours to come to the moss covered rocks that guarded the actual clifface. They climbed slowly over the rocks, keeping eyes and ears open for any contacts. Olahim looked up the wall as it disappeared into the black sky. The sky, it was a whole day since their mission began, and the jungle canopy had obscured the heavens from view.
"Sehon, Nosulat, follow me. The three of you, guard our area of retreat." The Elites bowed their heads and hid among the outcropping rocks. Olahim and the two other Al'djurian warriors grabbed hold of some rocks, and began their ascent.

Soki let his warriors have their amusement with a couple of captured humans. They came across a small platoon of United Nations Earth Forces recon units a few hours earlier. It wasn't much a fight for the Elites, if anything, it was a massacre.
The soldiers had been sloppy, resting a few hours before another hump through the jungle foliage. The few guards on duty were improperly walking their posts. The 71 Elites cloaked and had their rifles beaded on every soldiers' head before Soki gave the signal. 50 shots went off, 50 soldiers went dead. He found a few of them alive, and decided to interrogate them for information.
"The humans are resilient, commander." The Elite named Ukilo brought up an optic sheet with images. "But I have succeeded in drawing knowledge from the fallen. It appears we have landed somewhere distant from the human fortress at SIDD-NEE." Soki clicked all his mandibles in a clockwise movement.
"Where are we, Ukilo?" The warrior handed him over the plastic, transparent map. Soki touched a glowing red circle, and the continent grew bigger to show the readings of their position. He clicked on the area again, and this time, words scrolled across the top as the mid-northeastern section grew bigger. The words in human letters spelled out:
GREAT RIFT VALLEY: AFRICA -092://88706//25520923
"We are within a deep ravine, surrounded by many lengths of bush. The human base is located by the waterfalls at the northernmost section of these forests." Ukilo demonstrated by touching another section on the map, which caused it to zoom in on simple, colorless images of a waterfall and a human base built on and next to it.
"To state taht we appear to be distant from the mark are small words." He looked at the map one last time, rage building within him.
"Slay the humans in our captivity. Alert the others, we take the human stronghold today."
