
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Inept Zombie<amethystzucchini@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 November 2004, 8:00 PM

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1357 Hours, October 17th, 2552(Military Calendar)/
New Mombasa, Africa

      The thing was huge. About eight or nine stories high, and just as wide, Bell guessed. Four arachnid-esque legs nimbly but slowly stepped in turn towards their position. In front of it, a Scorpion tank did its best to try and take it down, machine gun and battle cannon futilely pounded at the thing's hull. A large eye-like cannon shot a wide green beam at the tank and destroyed it. The machine continued.
      Bell heard loud steps behind him and wheeled around. He saw the Corporal and.... A Spartan! It was near seven feet tall, its green and black armor stained with alien blood.
      "Oh man. When I asked for reinforcements, I didn't think they'd send a Spartan." He stated.
      "I guess the brass do give a shit." The turret gunner said.
      "Look out!" The Corporal shouted.
      They all ducked as another green beam shot towards them. There were crashing sounds and a metal pole came tumbling from the roof.
      "This thing is really startin' to PISS ME OFF!" Bell yelled.
      The Corporal started to lead the Spartan up to the roof. As he left he said. "You guys stay here and make sure nothing inhuman gets up here, we're going to kill us a Scarab."
      The Master Chief followed the Corporal up a few flights of stairs, and they passed another turret and two marines. One held a shotgun. The Chief grabbed it from him and placed his SMG in the marine's hands.
      "Sure, take it. I, uh...didn't want it anyway." The marine said, still gawking in awe at the Spartan.
      They proceeded up another flight and out a mechanical door. They were now at a series of wide catwalks, and the Scarab's feet pounded on the street below. Four other marines were posted along the walkways with Battle Rifles and SMGs. They all turned to face the Chief.
      "Look, a Mark Six!"
      "Finally, the UNSC does somethin' smart."
      "Wow, he's tall."
      They finished chattering and the Spartan assessed his surroundings. There were three bridges, directly above the Scarab's route. He would have to board it and take out the pilots. He ran to the nearest bridge and looked down as the giant thing approached below him. It was about a four-meter drop. He jumped.
      The Chief thudded as he landed on top of the Scarab. He cocked the shotgun and walked down a short ramp. His motion sensor blipped with multiple enemy readings. Alien yelling came from feet in front of him as they ran onto the roof of the Scarab. The Chief span behind a wall as he heard voices and gunfire behind him.
      Then, quickly, he wheeled around and pumped a round into the back of an Elite. It moaned and whipped to face him. He quickly shoved the butt of his gun into its stomach as purple-crimson blood spewed out. It fell to the floor. He dove behind cover once again as the unmistakable hiss of a primed plasma grenade sounded to his left. A second later it exploded and his shields flashed and dwindled. A loud, constant alert beeped in his head. He jumped up towards a Grunt and plugged it with a shell. It flipped backwards and landed, dead.
      In a moment, the Chief's armor was enveloped in a gold glow and his shield's meter shot up to full. He saw three Grunts and two Elites pound up the ramp from inside. They open fired as the Master Chief in one fell swoop removed a fragmentation grenade from his belt, primed it, and darted behind a wall.
      There was a soft clanking and a "Huh?" from an alien. They shouted and braced, but all too late. The grenade exploded in a huge cloud of smoke, two high-pitched screams and a low groan were heard.
      The Chief came out of hiding and fired at a Red Grunt, who stumbled back and fell off of the Scarab, screaming. A red-armored Elite held two shiny-blue plasma rifles and unloaded at the Spartan. The Chief's shields flashed and he groaned, but his armor shook off the plasma burns as he pumped the shotgun and dug it into the Elite's chest. He kept running and shoved it into a wall, firing a round off into its body. It groaned and its head fell to the side limply.
      The Chief continued down into the cockpit of the Scarab, where he crept quietly behind one of two Elite pilots. He jammed the butt of the shotgun into the back of its neck and it slouched dead against the control panel. The other pilot saw this and shouted for help as he leveled a Carbine. It fired off thin green rounds near the Spartan, but was no match for his shotgun. He brought it to bear and hammered the rest of the clip into the Elite, its mangled, bloody figure stumbled backward and slumped on the floor against a wall.
      The Chief clicked on a COM channel and started to radio in his victory.
      "Scarab boarded and neutralized." He said.
      He turned to leave the Scarab and was faced by an equally tall, equally fierce silvery Elite with an energy sword.

This is just a preview for somethin' I was thinking of writing, if people like it I might continue it.
