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Fan Fiction

Something of a poem
Posted By: Inept Zombie<pcksu@swbell.net>
Date: 15 January 2004, 10:33 PM

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'Twas a few months 'fore Christmas, when all through the base
Every creature was stirring, readying to face
The plasma was charged, clipped to the belts in prepare
Needlers and pistols, all brought to bear

The Grunts, they were nestled all snug on the floor,
The inferior race, they were all ignored
Brutes in the temple, Elites on guard,
Hoping that the door would hold (it was barred)

Then out in the hall there broke such a silence,
Visions of happiness, torn into violence
Out from the vent, they rose in a hurry,
And tore through our armor all in a fury

The light how it glinted upon their chests
It shone on the Spartans and what they did best
And then to my bashful eyes did appear,
I reached for my weapon, frozen in fear

The green thing, it raced and beat and fired
And what could I do?, my stature inquired
It turned to me, and brought up its gun,
For now, I knew, I was soon to be done

When all of a sudden, from the shadows came fore,
It made its way over to me, and the gore
A single Elite, clutching a sword,
Brought the thing up, and let out a roar

The plasma swooped down, missing my head,
It followed the green man, sure to be dead
The Spartan, it ducked, and retook his place,
And whacked the Elite, stopped in its pace

The soldier stood up, swung his sword again,
But it was no match for the human's great aim
Bullets ripped through him, he fell to the ground
The sword, it extinguished, with a faint sound

The green man looked my way once more,
As I lay huddled, curled up on the floor
His gun raised, in the air the man hovered,
I let out one last breath, and then it was over.
