
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

fall of the chief
Posted By: iamjoel451<iamjoel451@hotmail.com>
Date: 8 November 2004, 6:35 AM

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in the midst of them all,
there stood one.
above the carnage,
he stood tall.
blood dripping from his weary frame,
he began to fall.
amidst the carnage,
the one was lost.
night brought a mist,
tinted white by wax.
he failed to stand,
to get to his knees...
he lay for days,
coated with morning frost,
evening fog.
he heard a sound,
a glorious sound!
he wanted nothing more than to be free.
the enemy come, surely,
to free him from misery!
he saw one last sight,
before our end.
one last sunset,
staining the bloody land.
