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Fan Fiction

The Fall of New York: Part III
Posted By: hunter_elite
Date: 13 November 2003, 12:04 AM

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note: i have included a prologue it appears now, but a brief one appered in the first one that didn't have the date like after halo or halo 2.

The UNSC never thought the Covenant knew where Earth was located. In fact they knew where it was and much more.
While MC was busy fighting off Covenant in South Africa another spartan named Jay was fighting off Covenant in New York. Most of the spartan II's were thought to have been killed at Reach, but more spartan II's were made and shiped off to different planets and colonies. Maybe they all will meet on the Covenant homewolrd. (little bit of foreshadowing there!)

As the grenade landed and fused with a box of grenades Jay was instinctivly grabbing Marines and dragging or carrying them behind a wall of crates. As the grenade exploded setting off the grenades inside the box Sargent Carlo Grey was busy taking cover from a hail of plasma aimed at his head. A few feet away Carlo saw a flash of blue and then explosions lots of them. As Carlo ducked he heard the whizzing of shrapnel above his head.
Jay was busy hauling his contigent of Marines over to the Pelican drop zone. As they arrived a Pelican was under fire by some Covies who had broken past the defenses of the courthouse turned military HQ. "Open fire!" yelled Jay above the roar of the Pelican's engines. MA5B's tore into the aliens spilling purple,neon-blue,and green. As Jay fired into a Brute a flash of orange caught his eye. "The dropship crashed?" wondered jay to himself.
As Carlo got up the sound of plasma fire seemed to come from the left. "Right inside the base!" Carlo said tracing the sound. Right as he said that a growl sounded from behind him. "Oh crap..." muttered the officer from behind clenched teeth.
As the Brute fell Jay sprinted to the downed Pelican. Then a familiar green form sprinted past Jay right into the battle. "Master chief?!" wondered Jay in astonishment.
Carlo turned around slowly to come face to face with an elite clad in red armor. As the elite started to laugh Carlo pulled out a fragmentation grenade behind his bback as the elite came forward to blow Carlo to kingdom come Carlo shoved the elite to the ground and was rewarded with a smack from the butt of the elite's plasma rifle. As carlo sat dazed the Elite making ready to blow off Carlo's head Carlo thought. He had heard that you never hear or feel the shot that sends you to your doom. He wondered if it was true.
Jay did a double take and turned around quickly enough to see the master chief take down a Jackal with the butt of his shotgun. Pretty soon Jay was right beside him taking out Covenant. The two cyborgs seemed as one as they fired relentlessly into the ever shrinking mass of enemies.Soon they were down to a Jackal, 5 grunts and prity pissed off elite. wasting no time the chief tossed a frag grenade into the cluster and watched as the grunt and jackal were blown to pieces and the elite wind up legless. Marines came forward to sieze the elite and make him the first prisoner in the jail cells of the courthouse. Master chief walked up to Jay and looked him over. "Your a spartan!?" cried Jay in amazement, he though he was the only spartan alive HQ had lied to him? It couldn't be true. "Yes and i've come to Earth because of the Flood." responded masterchief.
Then in a spark of courage and adrenaline Carlo was detirmined not to die here and not to die now. "I WILL NOT DIE!!!" screamed Carlo as he tackled the elite and smacked the plasma weapon away. "You are going to die! I will not die I will not!!!" Carlo exclaimed in a primal rage. Carlo beat the elite savagly again and again in the face only remembering the grenade clenched in his hand when he smacked the elite across the kisser.
"What the hell is the flood?" responded Jay confusedly. "The flood are a parasitic life form released on Halo I have come to see if they have arrived on Earth and i pray they haven't" responded masterchief coyly. Then the elite started to yell in broken English about the devils and how once the prophets come how his captors will be extriminated and how he will be rewarded for not giving into their devilish plot's against the holy Covenant.
"The flood can rest while we talk to this son of a bitch." said masterchief curtly as they walked to where the alien was being bound.
