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Fan Fiction

In the Life of a Grunt,getting away.
Posted By: Humbiddy<humbiddy9@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 November 2004, 5:26 AM

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"It seems that the human has done it again!"yelled Alka Andamee,"Grunts,get ready!We're getting dropped off here."
Yamyam had not only been sent on a suicide mission to kill a human that the Hierarchs found,strange,but he also had to take shit from an Elite squad!Yamyam's group,5 Grunts,were being sent to a canyon were the human had last been seen,most of the Grunts in his group were his friends,and he considered them family,if anything,he would lead them to safety when the idiot Elites died.
Suddenly the hatches opened and Yamyam ordered his Grunts near some bolders for cover,if anything at all,theyd stay out of sight.A Spec-Op was expected to be a good leader.
"Yamyam,what does this human look like?Theyre all the same."Yogog said.
"Hes alone and coming this way,it doesnt matter."replied Yamyam.
Sunddenly a figure came through the mist filled canyon,one of the Elites signaled to shut the hell up.Not like Yamyam planned on giving himself,or his team,away.
"Yamyam,this is our chance to get the hell out of here."wispered Ligig.
"Wait,for the Elite fools to die,then we'll get the fuck out of here while mister greeny is looking somewhere else."replied Yamyam.
One of the Elites opened fire and gave away the position,a Jackal backed itself into a corner with its shield protecting itself.The human was killing the Elites one by one,and the Jackals had begone to panic and take cover,yet somehow,the Grunts had gone unnoticed,and finally the last Elite went down.
"Thats it,lets get the hell out of here before we die,"said Yamyam signaling his squad to go towards a small crevice between 2 mountains,"We'll go that way,then come back here when hes gone."
"Why?"asked Yogog.
"To get a Phantom down here,teyre ran by mostly Grunts,and usually one Elite,"said Yamyam walking through the crevice,"we'll take over the Phantom and go somewere safe."
"And methane?"Said Ligig.
"Ill explain the rest later."Said Yamyam,looking back.
They finally reached the end of the crevice,there was a cave in the side of the mountain,and strangely,there was no one inside,so the Grunts settled in and dropped there supplies,Yamyam was on watch.This was a day in the life of a Grunt,it happened all the time,but no Grunts ever had a plan like Yamyam's.
It had been 2 hours,and there was no sign of the human,so Yamyam decided it was time to move out.He would get a communicator off one of the dead Elites,call a Phantom,and take it over,but what worried him was that sometimes,there was more then one Elite.
They finally arrived to carnage.Jackals and Elites lay everywere,but this was the first time Yamyam had ever come across a battlefield with no Grunt casualties.
"Sir!A com,over here,"called Bomom,throwing the com to Yamyam.
"What do you think your doing?"Said a screechy voice.Yamyam knew it was a Jackal,so he pulled out his plasma pistol and blew its ugly head off.
Now,calling a nearby Phantom link-up,Yamyam began to talk to the Grunt officer in charge of communications on the Phantom,"This battle was goury,everyones dead,except a few of us.This is operative Yamyam."
"We'll come pick you up,can you tell us your location?"
After about twenty minutes,the Phantom came and picked them up.
"What is this?Only Grunts?I smell something!"Said the ignorant Elite commander.Yamyams fears were true,three Elites were on this Phantom,but six Grunts,added to his eight,was still a good number.
"Excellency,we survived because we were snipers in the mountains,"lied the Grunt,"we were lucky,the human was able to escape though."
"Alright,we-"The Elite was cut off,the Grunt pulled him towards the grav-lift,isalated from the rest of the Phantom."What the fuck do you think your doing Grunt!?"
"Sir,do you know whats wrong with this plasma pistol?"said the Grunt,holding the weapon at the Elites face.
"Theres nothin-"the Elites words were cut off as his entrails splattered the wall.
"Idiot."said Yamyam.
Yamyam walked into the middle of the control center,who would be next?He came to the Elite in charge of the weapon systems.The Grunt signaled his team to inform the Grunts aboard the Phantom of their plan.Once all of them knew,he called his team to the weapons region of the Phantom,without looking suspicous,and the crew to the bored looking Elite on navigation.He suddenly started blasting the Elite,and every Grunt aboard did the same.After a few seconds,it was over.
The Elites hadnt suspected a thing,and all the Grunts took on their respective jobs.Yamyam took on commander of the ship.It felt good.For once,a Grunt was higher then an Elite,and he knew the perfect place to go as a "base".The cave they had hidden in.
When they got there,they parked the Phantom on the small cliff above the cave and put it in camoflauge mode.They went in and one of the Grunts asked why they had come there.Suddenly Yamyam threw a grenade on a small ditch and opened up.Grey gas came up from the ditch.Yamyam pulled off his mask and breathed in the necter.Suddenly the entire cave was filled with methane.They had hit the jack pot,a "food nipple" as the Grunts calle them.They were all taking off their masks.Yamyam had done it.
