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Fan Fiction

Old Style: Fear
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 22 December 2003, 1:00 AM

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I was scared; my mind was going at a million miles an hour. You know how you can think something like ten times faster than you can say it; it would take me hours to say what I was thinking just now. After I managed to calm myself down I started to think what could have happened. Rick must have gotten to the elevator before me; maybe he ran I don't know. His killer must have been in the elevator and suprised him. It was then I noticed Rick's M16 was gone, ammunition belt and the duffel bag, there was a bulge in his pocket, it was his contacts. I took the box only a pair was missing. I could see them in his eyes so that comforted me that the killer didn't have them. Logic told me to get out. Logic told me to run. Logic was a bitch.

-10 Minutes Earlier, Elevator, Rick-

I could tell Gary was on the edge, bored, he was waiting for the action. "So are we going to split up or stick together?" he looked like he already knew my response, but I said it anyway

"Split up and cover more ground." I said as the doors opened. It was dark, Gary was putting in some contacts so I did too.

"Nighty nighty for marines I guess." Sarcasm, the one thing I always say he is good at.

"Apparently." We walked down the hall until we it split. "I'll go left you go right." I walked away abruptly and turned around a few seconds later seeing Gary headed down the right corridor. After a minute of walking, I sneezed. When I opened my eyes everything was dark. "Damn" I muttered, with that I slung my M16 onto my back and started searching the floor. I found them and put them back in, noticing a door ajar, I headed to it.
I heard Gary's voice on my radio, "Hey you know what A-51 means?" I replied as I went into the room.

"No, why do you ask? Oh never mind I found one to" A large A-51 was painted on the wall opposite from the door.

"Maybe it's the name of the base." Gary was probably thinking out loud, but it could be true. Something struck me as being odd.

"Hey, why aren't we getting radio transmissions from marines within the base?" He didn't respond right away but I could hear him doing something.

"Because the base is deserted that's why! I'm going back to the elevator." He sounded angry, he probably was. But then I was too. Seeing as how I had wasted a few minutes finding my contacts, I got to the elevator before Gary. I leaned against the wall waiting there was a loud ding, and the elevator doors opened. It was Pirate except he didnt have his wooden leg, there was a fake leg, but it was one of those new high tech ones.

"Pirate? What the hell are you doing here?" he didn't speak but merely walked up to me. I realized he wasn't here on a friendly note, I went for my M16 but he hit me on the head, dazed I fell. I felt my M16 strap break as Pirate took it from my back. I rolled over and was looking up the barrel of the rifle.


I ran back to where the corridor split, the bloody footmarks were clearly human and were fading. I 'opened' another door with a silenced bullet and decided to wait it out. Let the bastard come to me. Well that lasted about an hour. I left the room and went further into the hall following the footmarks until they were gone. He, she or whomever was here had the same weapon I did except with the element of suprise on me. Then I wondered if they knew I was here. Maybe this person came here to achieve the same mission. This could be a source of entertainment for Pirate, maybe he had cameras all over this place, maybe he had a bet going with friends to see who would survive. Maybe I was starting to lose it.

Suddenly a masked figure came from around a corner. I hoped he, I could now tell, didn't have night vision. He raised his rifle at me, hopes shattered. He fired. It all happened in a split second, I somehow knew the bullet was coming at my head and moved it to the side. I wasn't fast enough, for I felt sudden pain. I started shooting at the man. He dived into a ventilation duct that he had clearly opened earlier. He was gone, for now. I brought my hand to my head and felt the gash the bullet had made. Fortunately for me, it hadn't lodged in my head but had just skimmed across it. The cut went from over my left eyebrow to just before my left temple. I remembered I always keep my lucky bandanna in my back pocket, so I wrapped it over the wound tightly. When the enemy is waiting for you, you wish you had a grenade.
