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Fan Fiction

Old Style: Revelations
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 December 2003, 1:10 AM

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Note From Me: sorry this has taken so long, I haven't had much free time lately so... well anyway back in gear.

"Where exactly are we going?" I complained as Rick took yet another turn in his Monte Carlo. I was so bored, it was nighttime, we had been driving for atleast ten hours and every once in a while I decided to proclaim my boredom. This was the twentieth time. The M16's slid back and fourth in the back seat, which had minimal feet room, the car being a coupe.

"Gary, it's only a little further" He snapped, for the twentieth time. I choose to keep my silence a bit longer. Wherever we were headed it was far. I noticed for the first time a duffel bag in the back on the floor of the car. And when I asked him what was in it he told me, "supplies". I didnt really like that answer so I grabbed the bag and brought it up front. I opened them and rummaged through ammunition clips, ammunition belts, a handheld computer that looked like it was used to open doors, Radios, and the last thing confused me.

"Contacts? Do you wear contacts Rick?" he gave me a look, then looked at the contacts I was holding.

"They aren't contacts, night vision." He looked back to the road and turned again. I put a pair of contacts in my eyes and suddenly it was bright, green but bright.

"Woah" was all I could say. I looked all around at the countryside whipping past me. As I turned I thought I saw a car in the rear view mirror, but when I looked behind me it was gone. I took the nightvision contacts out and saw Rick was turning on to an unpaved road. "Huh what do you expect from the military, cheap bastards. Oooh I don't want to make you pay more taxes and pave a road to a military base." It was common knowledge that the United States government didn't exist anymore so no one paid taxes. Rick stopped the car by a stubby building. "I'm hoping that's a elevator to go beneath into the base"

"It is. I'm sure of it. Take the bag and get in the elevator, I'll grab the guns." I got out of the Chevy and took the bag then closed the door. The walk to the Elevator wasn't bad, The feeling of being watched was. I opened the door and found the elevator so I called it and heard it turn on and start to come to me. By the time it had reached me, Rick had arrived. We entered. He pushed Floor 3. And the elevator doors closed and we were off.

"Floor 3 huh?" Making conversation in an elevator sucks but nothing better to do so...

"Yea. Here" he handed me a M16 and a belt, I took them and attached the belt. "Ok take some contacts just in case." I took them and pocketed the small box. I took a radio.

"So are we going to split up or stick together." it was a redundant question, he always says split up.

"Split up and cover more ground." The elevator doors opened. The only source of light was from the elevator.

"Nighty nighty for marines I guess." I was opening the contacts as I spoke.

"Apparently." he to was getting contacts. We left the elevator and walked down the corridor until it split. "I'll go left you go right" and without waiting for response, he went left."

I started down the hall. After a few minutes of trying locked doors I found an unlocked one. I turned the handle and pushed open the door. There was noting in it except for a large sign on the wall that said A-51. I had not a clue what it meant but maybe I would find out. I radioed Gary, "Hey you know what A-51 means?"

"No, why do you ask? Oh never mind I found one to"

"Maybe it's the name of the base." I suggested. Rick thought of something before I had.

"Hey, why aren't we getting radio transmissions from marines within the base?" I pondered this for a few seconds then left the hall and went to a locked door of the facility. I attached my M16's silencer and shot the doorknob off a door. I opened the room. There were beds, clearly sleeping quarters only there were no marines at all.

"Because the base is deserted that's why! I'm going back to the elevator." I was pissed at Rick and might shoot him in the foot when we got back. But when I got to the elevator I found someone had beaten me to shooting him. There was a bullet wound in his head and blood all over the floor. Bloody footprints left the scene and went to the left, where Rick had gone.
