
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Old Style
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 3 November 2003, 5:31 AM

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...whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god?"
"I do" It was ten days after it happened, I had known from the start it would lead to this, I was blinded by what might be...

-12 Days Ago-

"Gary, HEY GARY!" It was important. Which is why I was hiding. Rick was so easy to piss off it was almost too easy.
"Gary man this is important, I got word on a job we can do" Yea sure, Rick's 'jobs' were great, rob a gas station that had barely fifty dollars, raid a house that no one had moved into yet, and his best was trying to steal a warthog. I had tried to tell him that its a military facility and there were other warthogs there which had LAAG guns mounted on them, thus being impossible to just take it, because the nearest marine would use the gun to shoot him. "Gary I found a guy, he can get us military standard weapons" That got my attention. I came out from the bushes I was hiding in; Rick didn't see me so I grabbed his shoulder spun him and said, "boo"
He jumped back and tripped over a rock, I fell over laughing. "THATS NOT FUNNY!" I had got him this time he was pissed and it was awesome. We got up. "Military standard huh?" I asked him, I would be pissed if they were just pistols. "Not only that but rifles." something about the way he had said that struck me as odd but nonetheless we went to his car, a old Chevy Monte Carlo, which he had modified, he is a good mechanic, he took out the relic of a engine and replaced it with state of the art technology. I got in; he started the engine and started driving.

We arrived at the docks of the old city. The old city originated around the twentieth century. Its name is lost to time. Some call it New York.
"We're here" Rick said quite curtly, maybe I had pissed him off too much. We got out of the Chevy and walked to the nearest structure, it has to be for storage, because it was massive. Rick opened the door and went in, I followed. Inside it was large enough to house a small fighter like a Longsword or a few Pelicans. At the far side of the building was a desk with a light on, a man was working at the desk and didn't seem to notice us until we were right in front of him.
"Rick this is your friend?" judging by his tone he thought I wasn't up to what he and Rick had planned. Rick noticed this to.
"He's good trust me now business" Rick wanted to get out of here I could tell.
"Yes follow me, I have the weapons" At these words my eyes light up. He got up from his desk and I saw something I wish I hadn't. He was missing his left leg from the knee down and never seemingly never bothered to go to a hospital because he was using a piece of wood as his leg.
"Like my leg do you boy" He had noticed me staring.
"It's, different. You know a hospital can give you a mechanical leg?" He looked angered at the mention of the word hospital. "Nevermind" I didn't want to screw up getting a good weapon. He led us to a box in a small room in the corner of the building. Rick opened the box and smiled he took out a rifle, but it was not a MA5B Assault Rifle. Infact I had no idea what it was. Rick saw the confusion on my face and started to explain. "Gary were you expecting MA5B's? They have chips, all metal detectors were removed around 2200 when those chips were invented."
"You said military standard." I had to keep my cool because I was about to kill Rick.
"True, I never said from what century, meet the M16 Gary and it's many add-ons" he went into the box and took out three more objects. He picked them up and told me what they were " Scope from 3x to 20x, silencer, good for our mission, I'll explain later and grenade launcher. We, me and Pirate here modified them to take MA5B ammunition and launch today's frags from the grenade launchers, so this should be a piece of cake. All we need to do now is get to know these M16's." Rick laid out the mission 'Pirate' had given us. Pirate wanted us to get in to a Military bunker and take it over; his reasons were that the military didn't know how to use what they had. I was going to say no and not do it until he made his offer of half billion to each of us.
