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Fan Fiction

Story Of UNSC Constituter Ch1
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 May 2004, 11:41 PM

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Date: March 23 2551
Aboard UNSC Respect
19 Hundred Hours

From his post, Captain Rogers could see the twister of red light, could hear the screams of an alarm, and despite it all was calmly talking to the onboard AI Construct, simply named NG. "And the hull how is it holding up so far?"

"Almost 100% perfect condition sir, it was just a recon group. Still we have to destroy them all so that they don't get back to their superiors."

"Right, tell the marines to launch the 10th Longsword Division, and search the maps for the nearest inhabitable planet."

"Yes Captain." NG's image disappeared and the Captain went to a computer screen to see where the remaining fighters were. There were two, one had a faulty engine and was limping away, headed for a small asteroid belt and the second was turning around for another pass at the UNSC Respect.

"You there!" The captain hailed a technician.

"Yes sir?"

"Is the starboard Mac Cannon ready to fire?"

"Yes it is sir." Captain Rogers smiled as he told the technician to fire it at the oncomming fighter. "Yes sir." He repeated back to the captain. The cannon turned to its target like a bloodhound, held for a few seconds, then unleashed its wrath on the small fighter, obliterating it completely.

"NG, the marines only have to take care of the last remaining fighter now and it should pose little threat."

Her picture flickered back on. "Yes Captain, and nice move with the Mac Cannon if I may say so."

"Why thank you NG." Her picture disappeared again leaving the captain to watch the Longswords launch onscreen and chase after the retreating Covenant. He smiled as its small red blip ceased to exist and the blue blips returned home. "Well NG I'm going to get some shut-eye so set my alarm to 7 hundred hours."

She reappeared "OK Captain, sleep tight."

"I will good night NG."

"Goodnight Captain Rogers." Captain Rogers walked slowly off the bridge and through the halls of his ship. He contemplated getting a snack from the lunch halls but then remembered that it was closed because of the late hour. He sighed and continued on to his room. Rogers went into his locker and opened a candy bar for his final snack of the long day, until he was disturbed by a loud beeping noise. His personal computer told him that he had a new unread message so he opened it and began to read.

Message Received At 18 Hundred Hours
From UNSC Constituter
Captain Tanner

Captain Rogers, The UNSC Constituter has sustained severe damage. Our scans show you as the closest Human ship within our proximity. Attached to the massage is our coordinates, please assist as soon as possible.

"Damn, and I was going to finally get some sleep." He furled his brow, copied the coordinates to a data stick and left his quarters, muttering about sleep deprivation the whole way to the bridge. When he arrived at the bridge he handed the data stick to a technician who ran the navigational computers. "Now I know its off course and I personally wouldn't do this if it wasn't for a good reason, but plot a course to these coordinates."

"What's there sir?"

"The UNSC Constituter took heavy damage and have requested assistance."

"Is there a Covenant presence there?"

"I don't know, so I will have NG keep the Longswords ready to go at a moments notice."

NG's image appeared on the bridge. "Already on it Captain. Sorry you couldn't get any sleep."

Rogers sighed. "Yes but such is the life of a Captain. Those privates think they got it bad having to take orders but to give the orders that decide the lives of many is a lot more difficult."

"You know Captain you have always seemed to regret performing the actions that lead to your rank." Rogers shrugged and sat in a chair. Rogers opened a folder and started to play a game. NG continued to talk to him, but he had tuned her out and was absorbed into his game. A technician tapped him on the shoulder a few hours later and told him that they had arrived at the coordinates.

"Good. Is there any Covenant?"

"Not a one sir, but we've tried to establish a working communication with the UNSC Constituter and have failed every time."

"Well perhaps their Comms Network got knocked out by the covenant."

"That's what I thought until I did a thermal scan on the ship, and either they're all hiding in the engine room or there is no on aboard that ship."
