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Fan Fiction

The Poem Of Comedy
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 13 May 2004, 2:59 AM

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Thought I should let you know,
Master Cheif says Halo must blow.
Sentinels have their orders,
Don't go off Halo's border!

Dead grunt, dead grunt, dead grunt,
You smacked him in with your gun blunt.

Thought I should let you know,
Aotcr is filled with snow.
What's all this about Keyes?
He wants to collect my fees?

Dead Elite, dead Elite, dead Elite,
Stupid 343GS says bleet bleet.

Thought I should let you know,
Five minutes until PoA will go.
Jack up your Warthog and fly,
Just make sure that you don't die.

Dead jackal, Dead jackal, dead jackal,
Do not try to use your tackle.

Thought I should let you know,
Hell Forge dropped a Ko.
Halo doesn't have rune words,
But act two has giant birds.
