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Fan Fiction

Mysteries Part 6
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 21 April 2004, 10:49 PM

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Authors Note: Back on track!

Jack could hear his own heart beating, and it scared him. This he admitted to himself. He grunted and, having already accepted talking to himself said, "Is this staff getting heavier? And why am I still carrying it?" Confused as he was he kept it with him, staff in his right hand over his shoulder, MA7B in the left. A low rumble echoed down the corridor. Jack dropped the staff and raised his rifle to an attack position. An Elite crawled out from around the corner, his armor was battered full of holes and most of all covered in his own blood. The Elite looked at Jack and without its helmet Jack could see an almost pleading look in its eyes, then it saw the staff. His eyes widened to a look of fear and he scrambled away from it. Gunshot. The Elite collapsed and died.

Jack picked up the staff and turned the corner the Elite had come from and was confronted with "A nest? Oh this just gets better and better." The nest had the same eerie orange glow that he had originally seen in the wall by the creature. When passing it he had found nothing by orange mucus or acid, he didn't take the time to find out. The nest was made from twisted steel and crates. It was at this point Jack noticed the emerald on the staff start to glow, He took a step to the nest and it glowed brighter. He stepped back the glare lessened. "What the hell?" He tossed the staff into the nest and suddenly the whole area became a blinding green light.

Jack woke up and looked around, trying to remember what had happened. He slowly began to recall it. The past few hours went through his mind, Covenant battle, mysterious old marine, dead marines, and pure hate for Olsen and Solan, finally the unknown creature, staff and the nest. Where was he now though? Oddly his weapons were still with him but the staff was not. "Am I dead?" He wondered outloud.

"No, but you almost were." Jack whirled around to face Captain Higgans. The captain looked atleast ten years older, and his uniform was tattered, ripped, and bloody. "Thought I died didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. What happened?"

"I'm not sure exactly but a few minutes after our last transmission, these things came out of the forest and just started to attack the men."

"There's more than one!"

"Yes, but we managed to kill a few of them, but they just kept comming until I gave the order to what's left of us to retreat into the ship."

"Wait, you killed some? There were only parts of humans out there none of those things were there. Are you sure they didn't just decide to sunbathe?"

"Jack, we killed them I'm sure of it. I saw some of them go down hard."

"Well sir they're not dead now. What do you know about the Staff I found?"

"Nothing except that one of my officers did say he saw a mist holding a staff with an Emerald in it, how mist holds a staff I don't know."

"Sir when I first picked it up I felt a rush of hate for Olsen and Solan, And I found myself about to kill Olsen, but then I realized what I was doing. Olsen thought the staff had infected me with something so he held me at gunpoint. I don't know what went on with Solan but next thing I knew he had shot Olsen only to be shot back. They're both dead."

"That's bad because that means were the only two left alive."

"The ships lowest hanger still has its Longsword docked so that could be our exit."

"Good, but Jack I don't think I'll be leaving with you." He revealed that he had a large gaping wound in his chest.

"Sir you can make it to the ship even if I have to get some medical supplies to assist you to get there."

"Jack don't do this, I'm going to die and accept that."

"No damnit! I will not let you die!"

"Jack, just go! Those things will be back any moment now I'll distract them you have to get off this damned planet."

"But sir..."

"That's and order!" Jack got up off the floor, picked up his weapons and started to leave. "Good luck Jack." He turned back to face the captain and saluted him waited for it to be returned then left. Jack headed back through the corridors of the ship back to the hanger. He arrived at the debris that had originally blocked his path to find it had been knocked over and the Warthog was almost symbolically waiting for him. It was like a slap in the face, he rushed to the Warthog and revved the engine heading back to the captain. As he arrived, one of the animals was about to enter the room the captain was in held back only by gunfire. Jack drove straight at it and drove over it coming to a stop a few feet past its crushed body. Jack jumped out of the hog.

"Let's go Captain." He helped the captain get up and brought him to the passenger side of the warthog. He put the captain in the hog and ran back to the driver's seat. He drove out of there fast but not before the thought to be dead beast simply got up and took leaps and bounds after the Warthog. "This is not good!" Its claws gripped the walls and would simply leap down the wall like it was the ground. Jack unpinned a grenade and tossed it backwards. The explosion missed the beast but it distracted it. It jumped onto the smoking crater as Jack sped away. Jack almost flipped the Warthog over while slamming on the breaks to stop at the hanger. A group of four Special Ops Elites were guarding the Longsword fighter. "Crap..."

To Be Concluded.
