
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Mysteries Part 5
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 9 April 2004, 4:33 AM

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Authors Note: School School School, the one place that needs a children's armory and doesn't have one.

Solan started to yell out shrilly "What the hell!? More like what the fucking hell is fucking going fucking on!"

Olsen tried to talk to him "Calm down soldier, we need to figure out what the hell happened. Jack could this have been the flood?"

"I don't think so. Usually a few flood would be taken out, or they would still be here, ahem eating." He winced somewhat at the last statement, as did the other two men. "We should check out the ship, maybe the Construct knows anything, or is still there."

"Solan, stay here and guard the..." Olsen started but was interrupted by Jack.

"Look around, do you think it's such a good idea to leave a man with one hand here?"

"Umm, good point." From the wreckage, Jack picked up an MA7B ammo for it and some more pistol clips. It was at that moment that something caught his eye, unfortunately for him if was under what remained of a marine's torso. He shoved the body away, with much disgust, and saw a staff. The head of the staff was encrusted with a large emerald, the handle was probably five feet long and the end of it went from steel to intertwining gold.

"Umm guys" he picked it up and turned around to face Olsen and Solan, but upon seeing them he felt a sudden rush of pure hatred toward them.

Olsen looked over at Jack "Jack? Solan, did you see that? He just disappeared." Jack dropped the staff and raised his MA7B. The hatred left, and Jack was looking at Olsen's head through the scope of his rifle. "Jack? What's going on?"

"I... I... don't know, I just felt a sudden hatred when I picked up the staff" A look of pure confusion was expressed throughout his face. He lowered the rifle. He approached Olsen, but stopped as he was threatened by Olsen aiming his rifle at Jack. "Olsen, the staff, it has to have something to do with what happened, don't be so hostile I wouldn't shoot you."

"Who's to say it didn't completely take you over and this is just an act?" Suspicion coursed through Olsen body. A single shot rang out; Olsen dropped his weapon looked over to see Solan's hand extended with a pistol in his hand. Olsen dropped to the ground, raised his own pistol and shot Solan, twice once in the stomach and his second shot went right between Solan's enlarged frightened eye's. Jack stood rooted to the spot where he stood. The thought of being the only human being alive on the desolate planet, like the old man they encountered in the caves.

He said to himself "Alone." He went back to the staff and picked it up again, looked around and felt no hate. He didn't know why, but he took it with him on his approach to the ship that had brought them here in the first place. He arrived at the exterior doors, and found they weren't locked, but were barricaded with debris of twisted metal, that was jagged and would most likely slice him to pieces if he tried to move it. He hoped that the rear hanger was still open, but just to be sure he went back to the warthog. Sure it would be faster, but if he came across any tight places he would have to ditch the hog. The hanger still housed the ships only Longsword, a good sign but Jack felt he needed to get to the bottom of this mystery. He moved the Warthog into the hanger still wondering why Solan had shot Olsen, maybe he had a second staff was found by Solan. "I should have checked that out." he muttered to himself. He drove the warthog into the service branches, checking the alphanumeric patterns above the exit doors. Rounding the corner, he came across a problem, there was a road block of debris with a opening, small enough to fit only a person, not a warthog. After letting out a few cuss words, kicking some things, and grabbing his weapons and the staff, he went through the opening and saw a four-legged animal with reverse knee's and a head of jagged scale like armor. Next to the beast, dug in the wall was a deep hole that was lit with an eerie orange glow. "This could change things slightly..." He raised his MA7B and opened fire on the beast which took immediate notice of this new annoyance and with unexpected speed charged Jack. He retreated back through the debris opening, and the beast collided into the wall, then let out a screeched in pain.

Jack went to investigate and saw it was impailed on a beam sticking out of the rubble. Jack went back to the warthog to use the partially depleated blow-torch to kill the animal but when he went back only blood remained on the beam, the thing was no where to be seen. "Aw crap, why me? What the hell is with the goddamned planet. No colonies are going to be here that's for sure." He sighed and realized he was in a madman's paradise.
