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Fan Fiction

The Missing Spartan: Prolouge
Posted By: Halofreak1991 Halo PC:daniel<nnaug-dan@earthlink.net>
Date: 8 March 2004, 3:54 AM

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This is my first so be kind in the emails.

Sol system; Earth, Florida, Cape Coral
0900 hours EST time 9-9-2552

Master Chief Daniel is one of the last Spartan IIs left him and Master Chief John are at the front lines and are taking back the peninsula of Florida the last stronghold of the Covenant. All of a sudden 8 spec. ops. Elites throw 23 grenades at the Spartans John is not hit but 5 of the grenades latch onto Daniel 1 second later they exploded and blew him 14 yards backwards "MEDIC" called a marine and two of the 8 medics came running to him. All of his armor on his back with the exception of his helmet were incinerated they said he needed to be moved to Delta base. The radioman called for evac but it was 15 mins. Before it arrived by then he lost ¼ of his blood

Delta base, Florida, Tampa Bay
0949 hours 9-9-2559

"Holy crap" said the head of surgery Joe "What happened to him?" "5 grenades to the back his armor is fussed to his skin and third degree burns" said a medic. "Okay boys lets get him battle ready ASAP" said Joe.

Delta base
0800 hours 9-13-2559

"Danny hey buddy wake up" said john. Daniel woke with a start and asked him how he got where he was. John told him everything and handed him new armor." Top of the line got it today and it has a neat surprise in it" said John. Daniel put it on and he noticed there was something new on his HUD with closer inspection it was his AI indicator light and it showed he had one uploaded so he activated it and he heard Cortana's voice. Hey Cortana's how did you get in here" asked Daniel. Cortana said" John gave me to you as a get well present." Before Daniel could thank John an explosion rumbled and the alarm went off. All personnel to battle stations Covenant sighted 400 meters ENE of our position over.
Daniel grinned now he was going to kill all of the covenant for what they did to him.

9000 dead covenant later
"Hey Daniel that gun has about had it. You fired off the most rounds than any 5 other people put together and you did not miss any shot" said John "Hey I think they got the message" said Daniel.

Alpha Base Orlando Florida
1200 hours 9-15-2559
Award Ceremony
"Master Chief Daniel" called the General. I give you the purple Heart and the metal of honor platinum rank (the ranks are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum).

The Pillar of light (it is the sister ship of the Pillar of autumn)
1500 hours 9-15-2559

"Okay men we are going to pay a visit to the covenant home world and bring along 54 1000 megaton Havoc nuclear mines. Any one have any questions? "said Captain Myers.
"I do sir." said one marine go on solder said the captain; "Are they being stored in a safe and bomb-poof place?"
"Yes, any others?"
"Good, now Go Go Go"

The covenant Home World
1600 hours 9-15-2559

"Okay 53 down and 1 to go now move it people those nukes have timers on them." said the Sarge."

On board the Cruiser Pillar of Light
1750 hours 9-15-2559

"Ten seconds till the detonation of the presents." said Cortana
"10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, Spartans please report to the bridge." Said Cortana

Pillar of Light
1753 hours 9-15-2559

"You two are going to have to go down to the planet and find the 34th havoc and set it for a remote detonation and that will trigger all the others and you know what happens next"
"Okay Caption"
"What about you, Daniel?"
"What if the bombs detonate when we are there?"
"Then you and John will be free floating atoms"
"Well if you put it that way, then I am in"

Covenant Home world
1800 hours 9-15-2559

"Get Down" said Daniel. A Batallion of elites shoot at the Spartans.
"I'm Hit" said Daniel.
"How bad is it"
"They hit the power pack, it's plasma has been discharged in to the air"
"Shit, Run!"
"Dan, are you all right?"
"I cant make it, go to the ship"
"You were a great person, Linda will miss you."
"Tell her to avenge my death"
"Sure thing"

To be Continued...

Authors note ~ This is my first story if you have any comments e-mail me @ nnaug-dan@earthlink.net. Chapter one coming soon.
