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Fan Fiction

Posted By: HALO MASTER DAWG<beaudawg@bellsouth.net>
Date: 2 April 2003, 12:59 AM

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Waaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuup?! yelled a marine in the face of a dead covenant.

Master Chief went over there and saw a weird looking but fat alien. He brought to a lab in the Pillar of Autumn. He put it on the operating table and cut it open and saw a marine inside of it's body. The marine was covered in blood and guts all over. The scientists threw up at the site of the blood covered marine. "What kinda covenant species is this?" asked one of the scientists.

"I don't know?" said MC."Well what ever it is I am gonna kill it for good."

"Captain Keyes?" asked MC,"We need a dropship to drop us off at the covenant ring at 0500 hours."

"I'll see what I can do for you." said Keyes.

Cortana appeared on holographic platform in front of MC and Keyes. Captain I have readings of covenant dropships heading straight for us. I recommend that we put on our defense cannons until we can get the missile launcher working again.

(Meanwhile on the covenant ship) Grunt: We are almost at the human ship. Do you want me to get the troops ready for action.
Yellow Elite: Yes, get them right as soon as possible. I have some unfinished business witht that super soldier they have.

Grunt: But,Sir,He kills every covenant he sees and hears. You don't stand a chance against him. DO YOU? Well if you die,I will take over Captain for the covenant ship for you.

Yellow Elite: Go before I kill you myself little grunt. Also tell the Hunters to get ready to kill the supersoldier.

Grunt: Yes Sir!

(Back on the Pillar of Autumn.)

Keyes: MC I have a dropship ready for you as soon as you want to leave. You better hurry to because those darn coveneant are closing in fast. Good luck sir.

)a big blast hits the side of the ship) Keyes:Cortana what just hit us?

Cortana: I believe it was the covenant sir,wouldn't you think so?

MC: Do you know where they hit us at Cortana?

Cortana: They hit us in our defense cannons and missile cannon. Now we have nothing but our shields to protect us. MC run while you still can to one of the life pods.

Keyes: Here is an assault rifle and nine clips and a frag grenade. Good luck sir.

MC ran down the hall to a door that was blown up by the explosion. He kicked it open and flames burst into his face. MC ran to another door and opened it. Marines were in a battle with the covenant. MC pulled his rifle out and shot an Elite in the head with a couple of rounds. He reloaded and killed some gruts and the rest of the aliens that were in there with him. Marines gathered around him wondering what to do next. MC said to follow him to a droship. They ran to another hallway to meet a couple of dozen grunts. MC and some other marines threw a grenade at the grunts killing six grunts. The marines popped up and started shooting grunts in the head. MC jumped in the battle and killed a few grenades while balls of plasma flew inches from his head and damaging his shield. One plasma bullet hit him in the leg. He screamed in pain for a few seconds and started to kill some more grunts. Elites came for backup for the grunts. The marines opened fire on the Elites whil MC took care of the grunts. These Elites were equipped with shields. The bullets didn't do anything to their shields. The Elites parted and uncovered the Yellow Elite. He was equipped witha shield and a plasma sword and plasma rifle. He leaped in the air and landed on MC. The Yellow Elite hit MC in the chest and legs. MC pulled out his pistol and shot him in the shoulder. MC got up and hit the Elite in the head. Meanwhile..... The marines and the other Elites were shooting at eachother with all they had. One marine ran and barely escaped witha slight burn on his right leg. He turned the corner and was shot by a plasma cannon on a Hunter. Five other Hunters followed him to where the Yellow Elite was. Mc killed the rest of the Elites and finally killed the Yellow Elite.

MC: Let's go marines. We have a date with a dropship.

Marines: Sir,yes,Sir.

MC was almost hit the head by a plasma bomb froma Hunter. It came charging at him and the other five Hunters did too. Marines opened fire at the Hunters. A hunter charged up hid huge cannon and killed ten marines at once. All the Hunters were chasing MC around trying to kill him. MC found a plasma grenade from a dead grunt. He rolled and snatched it from the dead grunt threw it on a hunter. It exploded on it's face and killed one more hunter with it. Four hunters were left. Mc just ran as fast as he could because he had only one clip with thirty bullets in it. He ran to the weapons room and picked up a rocket launcher and some grenades. He walked back out of the weapons room and shot a hunter right in it's left are where his Plasma cannon was. He threw a grenade at it and it blew the Hunter up. Three hunters remained as MC reloaded his weapon. Hunters were firing their weapons at MC. MC got up and shot a missile at the ground between and killed another hunter. He shot another missile and killed the last two hunters,but one lucky shot f rom a hunter MC and took out his shield and half his health. MC frantically ran to the life pod where marines were already to go and leave. He jumped into the life pod just as Elites arrived right behind him firing at him. MC barely made it out alive and lived to fight another day.
