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Fan Fiction

Fallen Angel 14: Last Man
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 29 April 2003, 6:35 PM

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Fallen Angel 14:
Last Man

       A woman cradling her baby ran from her house in a desperate attempt to escape the creatures that had just broke in through the back windows. They were quick to kill her husband who had tried hopelessly to hold of the creatures with an antique shotgun, he had fired off several shots into one of them but to no use, the creature fell down then got up again killing him with one swipe of its arm like appendage. Now behind her one of the creatures ran out through the door which was left open in her rush.

       Within seconds the creature was upon her she dodged the creature's first swipe by side stepping but she was too slow to avoid the second. With a quick blow she was left dead on the ground blood flowing freely out of her mouth from her crushed chest. The baby lay on the ground screaming, up above a bright blue light broke through the atmosphere and came down upon the ground quickly vaporizing the baby and the creature, the heat was so immense that the ground glassed over.

       In space every cruiser that the Covenant had where opening up glassing every inch of ground to destroy any ships that may allow for the Invaders to get into space.


       "The invaders in storage are awakening!" yelled out a communications officer to the captain onboard a Covenant assault carrier.

       "Order the self-destruct sequence, we cannot let them take control of this ship," yelled out the Captain.

       "Yes Sir," yelled out another officer.

       The carrier sent its final message to the Grand Priests ship explaining the situation then quickly pulled away from the fleet to avoid harming any other ships. In a blinding light that for a few seconds was brighter then the sun the ship's plasma reactors overloaded and exploded in such an immense heat that everything was vaporized not even leaving any space junk. All throughout the fleet ships which were unfortunately caught with Invaders that had not been launched were pulling away from the fleet to self-destruct.

       The Grand Priests ship which was the remnants of an ancient battle cruiser dating back to the days of the Gods reign did not carry any Invaders thus making it safe, for now.


       Humanity had ended the last of Earth's defensive fleet that had fled was caught by covenant battle groups that had been sent out to hunt out the last of the remaining colonies inhabited by humans.

       There was all but none. Two humans still stood one of them warped beyond belief ordering the assault against his' own kind, so warped was his mind that he could hardly be considered human. The other a warrior, standing in the shadows staring out through his cell to the outside world, he was the last true man ready to fight, ready to avenge an entire race, but instead he was helpless standing their alone in the shadows.

       As the ship entered slip space there was a slight flicker in the lights, in this slight flicker the shield wall that trapped in Josh deactivated.

       "What's happening?" said a Grunt who was patrolling the holding bloc

       "It's a power surge the shields will be back up in a second!" yelled out another Grunt at the far end of the bloc. "Watch out for that human, he's a dangerous one!"

       There was no answer the first Grunt had been quickly knocked out by Josh, the grunts body was inside the cell on the floor with a large wound in the back of its head.


       Josh slowly ran into a small alcove along the side of the long passages outside the holding bloc where he had been held. The floor sloped downwards on a gentle grade. From somewhere down the hall a wall mounted comm. System yelled out something which Josh did not catch.

       Suddenly two doors across from each other in the hall opened up and in the clanking of armor and weapons toe rows of elites ran out of both doors down the hall. They were not wearing the White armor that the Covenant on the surface had worn but instead a set of black armor.

       Josh quietly followed them down the hall ducking behind everything that could protect him from the gaze of an Elite if one happened to look back. Up ahead of the two rows there was a set of large heavy doors which as they approached slid open revealing the enormous docking bays of the Grand Priest ship.

       Inside the docking bay there were several drop ships all with black Elites standing in front of them looking towards a raised platform on the back wall of the bay. On that platform stood the Grand Priest and Sam at his right a step below him. Josh quickly        and silently ran out through the door before it closed, he quickly hid behind a large crate near the open end of a heavy transport which also had Elites standing in front of it.

       "You are now all that stands to save the remained of the Covenant Empire," said the Grand Priest. "The homeworld lies in ruins from the Invaders that were stored, there are virtually no colonies left that have been untouched by this curse."

       He stopped for a second to let this sink into the force of Elite's. "You're mission will be to activate the God's Ring," said the grand Priest. "The Ring is infested with Invaders, go to the control centre and insert the Index. You must succeed for there to be any hope of the Covenant to ever be able to repair it's self, if you fail the Covenant and all other life in the galaxy will come to an end."

Next: The God's Ring
