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Fan Fiction

Fallen Angel 13: Curse of the Gods
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 18 April 2003, 5:38 PM

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Fallen Angel 13:
Curse of the Gods

       The Covenant where rejoicing as the Invaders made their way towards them, the Covenant thinking of them as their friends the God's gift to them did not feel threatened. All over the Galaxy on thousands of planets Invaders began to wake from their cryogenic sleep, some where on yet to be explored planets where they had been left many millennia ago and some in the temples of the Covenant and onboard their ships.

       "The Gods have arisen," yelled out an Elite getting up behind cover and walking towards the Invaders which were approaching in a stiff walk. All around troops where standing firing their weapons into the air in celebration and yelling out on joy.

       One grunt ran towards the nearest Invader and stopped in front of it and knelt down in prayer. Many of the troops followed the grunt example and dropped their weapons running towards the Invaders and praying. Slowly The Invader in front of the Grunt reached down and picked the tiny creature up by the back. As the grunt dangled in the air in amazement the Invader lifted its other appendage and in a swift movement drove it through the grunts neck killing it.

       Every Covenant stopped and starred as the Invader threw the grunts body off to the side and let out a strange shrieking noise. Suddenly all of the Invaders charged into the unarmed crowds of Covenant soldiers ripping them to shreds. The highest ranking Elite there activated his plasma sword and charged at the invaders slashing at any that were close by. On Invader grabbed hold of the Elite's head and in one squeeze crushed the Elite's head like a paper cup.


       Sam sat upon a throne to the right of the Grand Priests which was currently empty studying an ancient document dating back to the pre-alliance days between the races. Suddenly a messenger burst into the room panting from his dash from the comm. Room.

       "Sir, its urgent," said the messenger bowing quickly.

       "Yes what is it," said Sam putting down the document.

       "The Invaders they have turned upon our troops, out lines have been obliterated," said the messenger.

       "WHAT!" yelled Sam in standing up.

       "The Invaders are decimating our ground forces and there is word that the Invaders that are still stored all over the galaxy are awakening," said the messenger quickly.

       "How can this be, the Invaders where a gift not a curse!" said Sam still standing.

       "Shall I order a complete retreat," said the messenger.

       "No," said Sam, "call an emergency meeting with the council immediately."


       Josh sat in the corner of his cell looking down at the floor made up of a strange metal. He had been left alone except for the occasional passing guard. Inside his head was raging.

       A voice inside his head said, "if only you were faster, if YOU had saved Kelly she could of killed Sam before he could get you, but no YOU weren't good enough and now your stuck up here while what's left of YOUR men are down there ALONE fending off the Invaders." Josh tried to think of something else but that voice yelled out inside his brain, "you're a failure Josh, and now all humanity is going to die because of you."

       "Stop it please," cried Josh now tears began to drip down from his eyes. Josh sobbed for what seemed like hours until voice came from outside his cell.

       "Did you hear," said a Grunt.

       "No, what's happening?" said another Grunt.

       "The Invaders, they've turned against our own troops," said the Grunt.

       "O my God!" yelled the other grunt in shock.

       Josh stopped sobbing and stood up silently not trying to make a sound walked towards the front of his cell to hear the Grunts better.

       "From what I hear Grand General Sam has called an emergency council," said the Grunt in a hushed voice.

       "I hope they can solve this quickly, there must be millions of troops down there under attack," said the other grunt.

       "My commander says that they will probably glass the planet," said the Grunt in almost a whisper.

       "We must wipe the planet free of Invaders quickly to ensure that they do not find a way to infiltrate any of our ships," said an Elite commander wearing white armor.

       "If we glass the planet the Gods may take vengeance upon us," said a Jackal.

       "The Gods have left us we must act, can't you see that this is a plague that they have left for us," said another Elite. At that statement the whole room exploded council members shouting and arguing.

       "Silence," yelled out the Grand Priest sitting on his throne at his right stood Sam. "We have been given a test, already the Invaders stored on many of our own planets have started to awaken. We must send the mothership into deep space and activate the God's Ring."

       Even Sam was in shock, the God's ring was an ancient relic that sat in orbit around the Covenant home world. Inside it was where the Invaders where found in their dormant state. It was said that the God's Ring was the only thing capable of killing the Invaders by sending out a huge pulse of energy that would kill off everything in the galaxy with the exception of a few single cell creatures.

       "Are you sure that the God's Ring is the only way?" asked Sam breaking the silence.

       "Yes it must be done," said the Grand Priest, "Sam pick out your finest men to set off the ring. We will then us the mothership to escape with only the strongest of the races."

       "Yes Sir I will begin immediately," said Sam, "I still do not understand why the Ring is the only way."

       "In the oldest of our known scriptures dating back to before the God's exile they speak of their one of their creations turning against them and the only way to stop it was by activating the Ring worlds," said the Grand Priest in a shaky voice. "According to the scripture they could not activate the ring in time to stop the spread of the race they called humans, apparently they ran rampant onboard their ships and were able to adapt quickly to their technologies. In the end the Gods fled the galaxy leaving their home world, the vary planet that we orbit now infested with humans."

       "I see now," said Sam in deep thought, "but it still does not explain why the Invaders are attacking us."

       "That I am afraid we may never know," said the Grand Priest thinking. "Order the planet glassed, than withdraw the entire fleet to the home world immediately. This council is over."

Next: Last Man
