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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: ODST Chronicles (Pt. II)
Posted By: Giovanni A. Bryden<gio560@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 May 2004, 3:54 AM

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HALO 2: ODST CHRONICLES PT. II------------------------------
(Read the first part first Fool!)

The Docking Bay or "docks" as everyone in the regiment called them, were buzzing with movement. Pelicans were being outfitted and the sound of commands cut through the air like a searing knife. I of course, headed straight towards LC Ramirez. "I see you finally finished cleaning your gun..." I told him, in a monotone yet warm tone of voice. "He held up the pistol, turned it sideways and used the reflection on the handle as a mirror and combed his hair. Chris was always the flashy one. Ever since we were in the academy, he would always be the one showing off his squeaky clean apparel, something that was seen as a luxury by the other recruits. But he always seemed to find the time. "Yeah, and i still managed to get here before you, Sarge" He said mockingly. I gave a quick smile. "Get your ass in Corporal...Troopers, report in, and find yourselves a comfortable seat...Its gonna be a bumpy ride." I sat down near the pilot and strapped myself in. I looked across me into the helmet of one of my troopers. I saw my reflection: a tanned, worn leather face, bags forming under my eyes. Seemed like i was aging rapidly for someone who was only in his early twenties.I rubbed my stubble beard and sank into a deep sleep. Probably the last time I'd rest without worry.

"ETA 12 Minutes Sarge, Entering New Mombassa Airspace, Saddle up team!" said Ramirez. He sounded a lot like me when i barked out commands, and personally, it scared me. The last thing i wanted was another person barking orders. I couldnt stand following orders. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked around the pelican. Everything seemed stable, Heart Rates were a bit above Normal, Adrenaline was setting in. But that soon changed.

The Pilot yelled, "Incoming fire, Executing evasive maneuvers!", and everyone in the unit reacted in unison, they were well trained in situations like these and they moved almost automatically. "Alright troopers! Feet First into Hell! Get ready to make a quick entry... 9.8 meters per second quick." I made my way to the back of the pelican and opened the bay. I looked over at chris and he nodded. "Go! Go! Go!" I was the third one out, right in front of Ramirez. I looked at my heads up display and saw NAV Points, representing the intended drop zone, and a few teammates. I leaned forward and picked up speed, Skimming past the 2 other troopers in front of me. If there was anything down there, i wanted to know.

The Whole drop felt like an hour. After making as many drops as I do, time just slows down. 8 seconds had passed. Then i felt a burning sensation, and the hairs on my body stood up. I looked all around and then met what could have easily been my death. Before thinking i rolled to the right and flew right past the plasma bolt, mere meters from being burned alive by the white hot blob. I started spinning out of control, and came to just in time to see the bolt meet its intended target. Pelican 134-I. Transport to 17 other troopers, who because of the Storm of hellfire being launched into the air, could not escape the Pelican until it was too late.

3 NAV Points left. Ramirez, Keithley, and I. "Troopers, report in. Gimme a damage report, ASAP". I clicked the channel and listened in for a response."Ramirez Reporting In, No damage suffered here Sarge." I let out a sigh of relief, at least he was alright. I carefully walked and met up with Chris. Keithley had yet to respond. A few minutes later, his vitals flatlined. I pulled up the Roster. Of the 24 troopers. Troopers i had led into battle. Troopers i had shared living quarters with. My teammates...my brothers...my friends... Then, the many hours of combat experience kicked in, and the tear I had shed quickly dried up. Ramirez locked and loaded his rifle. I looked at my HUD. "Alright, 5 clicks Northwest. Lets get moving..." A few paces through some buildings, charred and twisted metal portruding like the skeleton of an animal, sticking out of its mangled body. "You're not gonna like this...But i see 2 brutes around this corner. Get ready." I backed up against the wall and used the corner as cover. I jumped out and squeezed the trigger.
