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Halo: A Troubled Galaxy Ch. 3
Posted By: Ghost<joesmoe@jackfrost.com>
Date: 19 October 2003, 11:42 PM

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Halo: A Troubled Galaxy
By: Ghost
Chapter 3

The Chief was spinning out of control and the ejection seat was jammed. So the Spartan sent an emergency message: "Covenant takeover of Confer IV, crashing, no human life signs detected." Than the MC saw the ground and braced for impact as his long sword fighter exploded. Then his head smashed into the dashboard and his vision blurred away...

The Chief dreamed of himself running down a large hallway. He was killing elites by the hundreds then he felt strange his muscles shrank to where he couldn't lift a pistol. Then he ran scared and an elite ran next to him and smashed his plasma rifle into his weak forehead. He felt himself fall to the ground as he was drowning in his own blood while the elite crushed his head...

His vision started come back as he noticed he was in an oval shaped container. While he was being transported in a modified dropship which was loaded with many more containers filled with humans. The Spartan had no armor and had no weapons on him as he kept wondering what will happen to everyone. Then they broke the atmosphere and docked with a covenant Cruiser.

When they docked with the cruiser elites ran inside and started moving them like cargo. When an elite saw the Chief he pushed a button which spewed out sleeping gas which made the Chief fall asleep...

"Ten Hours Later..."

The Chief woke up with him muscles screaming in pain as he moved them for the first time in a while. He saw hundreds of human board personnel and soldiers put into huge rows. Then they were pushed into another room with a mutated creature that was somehow making humans serve the Covenant. The creature was huge and looked like a neon elite with six hands and four feet and the Chief saw him shove a glowing orb down the throat of a marine. Who then saluted his elite guard and left down a hall where the Covenant-humans were kept.

Then the Chief had to think fast to stop him from becoming the worst enemy of mankind. He had an idea to fight them: while the orb was going down his throat he would blow as hard as he could until he could blow it out. Then he would pretend to serve the Covenant until he could revolt. After 30 minutes he was taken out of the container and placed on a counter with hand and feet locks.

When they locked him up they started to shove the orb down his throat. The Spartan squirmed as mush as he could until it finally slid down most of his throat. Than they unlocked him and he saluted them and walked down the hall as his face started to turn purple. Once he turned the first corner the Chief spit it out and jammed it in a vent. Then he ran ahead to the mutated humans.

The Chief got in a line and started out doing target practice while the Chief took two plasma pistols because he hid one in his pocket for his escape. The MC waited until they were called for dinner while the Chief snuck out into a storage room. Once he went inside he saw a plasma bars blocking his entrance. So he fired a plasma bolt into the control panel and the bottom two bars faded out.

Than he scrambled around looking for his armor and in the back corner he found it and quickly put it on. Then he grabbed a shotgun, duel SMGs, and four of every type of grenade. The Mc ran outside and saw a gold elite who quickly hit the alarm as the Chief put a shotgun shell in his chest. Then he heard on the "speakers" with his suits translator "The Green soldier has escaped kill him!!!"

The Spartan ran down a hall hoping to get away from the humans. He ran through the mess hall as quick as he could go as he ran into an elevator to the bridge and important areas. When he got up there were three elites as he shot machine gun bullets into their slimy heads as they bled to death on the floor. After he turned right he saw the neon elite as it shot a super powered fuel rod gun.

The Chief ran at him and threw a grenade on his face and then drowned him is bullets as he roared and chased the Chief until he exploded. He jumped over his burnt intestines and ran past his body when three evil marines with fuel rod guns fired at the Chief. The Chief shot the fuel rod gun shots which exploded and killed the marines which made the Chief angry at himself.

Then he threw down his empty SMGs and picked up a fuel rod gun. He ran down the hall into a planning room and found out their plan. To use the two thousand mutated humans, to find Earth, destroy its defenses, and when the human army arrives make Earth explode killing everyone within its blast. The Chief was furious and luckily saw a knock out gun that the covenant used on the marines.

Then he scrambled around the room looking for the cure until he found it: a huge electrical surge. He then radioed in what he knew to Reach and was told to crash the cruiser on the planet and destroy the defenses and they would drop an electric bomb. The Spartan was leaving the room when ten elites rushed in and the Chief threw two grenades at them and opened fire.

The Spartan fired ten shells and finally they all dropped to the floor dead. Then the Chief ran ahead and blew open the locked door into the bridge and shot the high ranked Covenant officers. After the Chief was finished there was blood splattered on the wall. Than the Spartan went to the console and also looked for their homeworld but could not find it. Then he told it collide into the unknown planet in the huge body of water.

The MC ran outside and headed for the docking bay. Then he was stopped on his way by twenty marines who locked down the entrances into the docking bay. The Chief turned around to hopefully find an electrical weapon. He ran to another weapon storage room and found a human tazer which shot electrical blasts about twenty feet.

Than he dropped his fuel rod gun and his shotgun and grabbed the tazer and two SMGs. He jumped into a ventilation shaft and squeezed through and was wondering why they didn't block it off. Then he got closer to the exit and he saw two Seraph Class Space Fighters and those would be his escape.

He slammed the grate off the other side and slipped through firing his tazer at the surrounding humans as they slumped to the floor unconscious. He ran through zapping the guards as he ran up the stairs. Than he got shot with a sniper bullet in the arm and he fired back at them with his SMGs. He did that because he wanted to stop them from killing him and so they would still be alive and able to cure.

The Chief ran up the next floor saving as many marines as possible then he ran up to the top and unlocked the fighters then he started to descend the floors when a group of elites entered the room. The Spartan hopped in a shade and fired plasma bolts into the elites dumb skulls. When at that moment a group of grunts and jackals appeared behind the MC.

Then a few marines at the bottom floor rallied against the elites while the Chief pummeled the attack force. Than the Chief commandeered the Seraph fighter and the ten conscious marines hopped on after a quick stop at the weapon storage room. The marines hopped on as the Chief took off as he headed for the structure housing the evil marines. Then he landed on a landing pad on the outpost and gave the coordinates and then he saw something that gave the Chief a shiver through his spine...

To Be Concluded...
