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Fan Fiction

Halo: A Troubled Galaxy
Posted By: Ghost<joesmoe@jackfrost.com>
Date: 16 October 2003, 11:31 PM

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Halo: A Troubled Galaxy
By: Ghost
Chapter 1

Wrrrrr went the powerful engines of the speeding M12 LRV Warthog as it flew about 20 feet in the air. Hitting the ground after a powerful jump almost made the Chief smash his head into the dashboard. Behind him with shiny metallic overlay was a deadly Covenant drop ship. Inside the drop ship were about twenty elites ready to start firing on the chief and his marines. "Chief hurry their gaining on us", yelled Private Davidson as he kept all fire on the drop ship, until finally a flame appeared.

While Davidson hoped he would hopefully make out of this mission alive. Just a moment the Chief turned around to see the elites hopping out of their downed drop ship. At that moment steaming plasma bolts were flying all around the warthog. As the got closer to the edge of the cliff he decided to grapple on to the side of an upcoming cliff to hopefully lose the Covenant for a short while.

Finally, the Chief warned the marines and stepped on the gas. While he was speeding he could hear the plasma bolts, the screaming of Davidson, and the passenger Corporal Maverick. Then they got to the edge of the cliff and the chief wrapped the cord around a nearby tree and plunged of the side of the cliff. After a few seconds a strong tug shook him and they were dangling there on the side of the cliff.

To Davidson it felt like an hour waiting for the chief to reel them back up the cliff. Finally, the Chief reeled the warthog up the mountain to luckily find no covenant. Also he could hear sighs coming from the marines. Then the Chief called in for a pickup and was told, "Sorry Chief were all very busy be there in about an hour, sorry." So the Chief told the marines to stay on guard while he took a quick rest. While the marines decided to let the Chief rest because of his lack of sleep.

"Come on Chief move it, I need you to take out the Covenant detention center, then rush out of there and wait for a pickup," said Col. McKay. Then the Chief was remembering his flight over the plant Manaan. Then how he met Private Davidson and Corporal Maverick and how they were so nervous. Then how they all got in the warthog and then ho they finally go to the facility, and snuck out until the bomb exploded early. Also when he went over the cliff, then the Chief woke up to the voice of Lee as he told him that the drop ship was here.

The Chief hurried on the drop ship and was relieved to get off the ground. Then Davidson asked, hey chief you sleep well?" Then the Chief replied, "Ya I slept ok," as he knew that he really didn't sleep well. After 35 minutes they got to Delta base and the Chief walked down a hall hoping to get a little rest. Then he got to his bunk and had a short dream about his training to become a Spartan.

"Come on Spartan, Move it," was yelled at him from the loudspeaker. The Chief moved quicker to the enemy base as he called in for reinforcements. Then the Chief ran in the outpost, to find the controls and then he placed a bomb on it and pulled the pin. Then he saw the 20 second timer flashing down as he ran outside. Afterward he heard a Warthog rushing down the road. As he kept hoping it was his team, but as soon as he could see who was inside the warthog he was shot and the bomb was disarmed...

"Chief get to operations now on the double!" yelled Col. McKay. The Chief was woken up very quickly but he wasn't angry going to operation because he got a record breaking nap, 1 hour. When he got to operations McKay told him his mission: To enter the Covenant base steal any information inside. Then he would have to blow it up and to get to the drop zone. To the Chief this sounded like a cake walk. So he went to the mess hall and got an old and crusty hot dog meal with a so called drink.

Then he met his squadron: Col. Franks, Sgt. Jackson, and Private Lee. Then they got on a pelican and were accompanied by two other pelicans for support. As they flew over the watery section of the planet Manaan as they got closer to land they got more and more nervous about the mission. Then about 50 miles from the drop zone three phantom interceptors attacked and demolished the other two pelicans. While the Chief's pelican crash landed and luckily the covenant had thought they were all dead.

Luckily everyone except the driver was alive and ok, but they couldn't get a pickup because they were too close to the Covenant, then the Chief knew this would not be easy.
Then the Chief asked if they could drive ghost and they all told him yes, but not very well. So the Chief told him what they were going to do. First, steal ghosts at the outpost, destroy the outpost, and get to the base. Then were going steal any files that we find, and then we destroy the base, and get to the pick up zone. Then they all agreed with the plan and grabbed whatever gear they could salvage and were off on this modified mission.

After about walking five miles the Chief saw a patrol ghost who was about two miles away from the outpost. So the Chief told the marines to duck down and let him sneak up on the driver. Then the Chief jumped on top of the ghost, killed the elite and rode back to the marines. "Change of plans, I'm going to get a drop ship, then we're going to sneak into the base from the inside," and they liked that idea a lot more. So the chief gunned the engine of the stolen ghost and was on his way.

After about five minutes he saw the outpost and saw a very weak defense: five elites, two jackals, and twelve grunts. So he decided to rush them, he hit three elites, and then he shot the other two elites to death. Then he rained a deadly amount of plasma fire on the rest of the troops. Then the Chief ran inside left a bomb in the center of the outpost with one minute till destruction. Finally, he stole and drove the drop ship stealthily back to the marines who quickly hopped aboard. Then they were headed about forty miles to the Covenant base on Manaan.

Then they got a mile away from the base and that they would have a lot of trouble getting out of there. Once they got close enough they landed in an indoor landing area. Then the sides opened and something even the chief couldn't have guessed happened. The enemy had an army about 40 elites, 30 jackals, 82 grunts, 20 shades, 8 banshees, and 2 phantoms, and they were all pointed at the drop ship...

They were surrounded so they obviously decided to surrender because the drop ship's explosion would kill them all. Then they threw down their weapons, but the Chief hid a plasma grenade in his mouth to escape. After a painful dragging to the holding cells, they were thrown inside. Then plasma bars appeared to stop them from escaping. Then they took away the chief's armor and any gear the marines had on then the Chief planned his escape.

He punched a hole in the wall to the right of the bars where there was a control panel. Then he put the plasma grenade inside it and jumped away. Then the bars faded out and the Chief ran outside and shut down the other cells plasma bars. Then they found their weapons and there gear in another cell. So then they left the prison to look for a planning room.

So the ran down a hallway while they killed anyone in there way. Then they took a right a found a planning room and killed the three elites in bullet shells. Inside they found their plan to blow up the planet and escape. So the Chief radioed in to Delta base their situation and the Covenant plans. Also the Chief left the detonation bomb inside the planning room.

Then they found a control panel and shut down their bombs around the planet, permanently. Then Private Lee had an idea, "Chief lets not take a drop ship, if we take ghosts outside we can get out quieter and kill more of them with the explosion." They liked that idea and they took a left to get outside. Then they ran down another hall massacring any Covenant in there way.

After a while they came to a plasma shielded door in their way. Then the Chief told the marines to go left while he went right to look for the switch to let them go outside. Then Jackson, Lee and Franks ran down a hallway shooting as fast as possible at the few elites in front of them. Then they ran into small room where two gold plasma sword elites turned to attack them.

The Chief ran down a hall making the walls turn shiny blue with elite, jackal, and grunt blood. He ran down a hall shot a full clip into two elites and then ran past their lifeless bodies. The marines jumped back firing clips into them while Lee threw as many grenades as possible while finally killing them all. The Chief entered a good size room with nothing he could see, and then suddenly five camouflaged elites appeared out of nowhere.

The marines started hurrying back to the chief while Jackson told the Chief the switch was in his direction. Then the Chief told them to stay by the blocked door. The Chief sweating and tired searched the room until he noticed a thin wall. So he punched a hole in the wall and shut down the power. Then the Chief ran back to the marines and opened the door.

Outside they saw a descent squadron: 5 elites, 5 jackals, 10 grunts, and 2 banshees. Then they charged them and bullets went flying at both sides. Then hey finally won as there was blood of Covenant everywhere. Then they noticed Col. Franks was K.I.A. Lifeless and dead on the ground. Finally they said their good byes and hurried to the Covenant ghosts and left.

Racing away from the base, the Chief detonated the bomb and watched it explode as he heard their cries. Then they saw 3 banshees close in on them as the Chief called for pickup and reinforcements. The banshee drivers were not bad at all and then the marines pulled a stunt. They hit the brakes and shot down two of them down from behind. Unluckily the banshee on the Chief would not go down.

Then they heard a familiar sound a pelican zooming over head as they mashed into the banshee and ordered them inside. So then the pelican drove them home. When they got back they were awarded medals of Honor for stopping the Covenant. Then the Chief got another mission for his final training sessions of a Spartan a human distress signal from the planet Tares. Finally the Chief got his long sword fighter and took off. Then the Chief fell asleep for a descent amount of time.

"Spartan 117 (Chief) you need to attack with your team not by yourself," was yelled out of the loudspeaker. The Chief waited for a pickup by his team and went to the enemy base while he was in the passenger seat. Then the chief ran inside and planted the bomb and realized teamwork really does make a difference. Then he hoped in the warthog as they mowed down any resistance. Then they had a team celebration of their victory...

Then the Chief saw the planet Tares and wondered what they would need him to do...

To be Continued...?

"Hey this is my first fan fiction give me a break, anyway I'm planning to make 2 more parts I hope you enjoy my incredible Halo stories."
