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Fan Fiction

An End To All Wars: Prologue
Posted By: FuzzyTerror15<cycelest1@aol.com>
Date: 14 April 2005, 2:37 AM

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      In the year of 2547 a time of peace and prosperity existed for the planets in the Derimus system, but unknown to the general public, there is more of their race, more of humanity than just in their system, and if one enemy hates one of your kind; you had better prepare for a war or just accept defeat.

      Derimus Orbital Defense Station, February 26, 2548

      Admiral O'Neill sat hunched over at his desk pondering over the course of actions and events from the previous mission. He had just finished reading the basic mission report, which lacked serious detail. This particular mission report had the standard bright red lettering on the top marking it as classified, meaning the public would never see this document. After a few minutes of critical thinking and rereading, he realized that the Derimus Special Taskforce (an elite group of combat ships designed for advanced recon in dangerous enemy territory) did the right thing even if it meant... his thoughts trailed off as someone approached the door.

      "Sir reporting as ordered, Sir." A middle-aged man announced, standing just outside the finely polished wooden doorframe.

      "Ah, I was hoping I'd see you soon. It's been far too long since we last met," said O'Neill with a pleased look in his eyes.

      "Sir, cut the flattery, I have urgent news for you from Fleet Admiral Jordan." The Captain told him, his right hand still forming a crisp salute.

      "At ease son. Now if you don't mind tell me what exactly happened to your taskforce before you give me the news." He said patiently.

      "Sir? I thought you had gotten the mission reports."

      "Of course I got them, but I wanted to know what actually happened from someone who was there."

      "Understood Sir, but this could take some time, if you don't mind may I take a seat." He said, his face showing the expression of being Exausted, the bloodshot eyes and the wrinkles across his face gave it all away... war is hell.

      "Not at all, please take a seat." He said generously.

      As the Captain sat down he made sure not to ruin his finely ironed military uniform. "It started of as a routine run, but we didn't realize..." the Captain paused for a moment trying to find words that would describe the DST's fate. "That we fell into a trap of some sort, a false SOS buoy from one of the navy's ship was going off so we decided it would be best to check it out. As we neared the Navy ship it sent out a hail. If I can remember correctly it was Captain Browski who sent it and warned of an unstoppable force that couldn't be beaten. Every one knew he was a very trust worthy man, but the crew of our ships was skeptical. Shortly after three unknown vessels came out of slipspace just out side the asteroid field around Derimus IV. Little did we know that Captain Browski was being targeted by these "whale like" vessels. Sorry Sir, you probably already know this."

      "Not at all, it gives me a better description that I can picture, please continue."

      "Shortly after the unknown ships discharged their weapons and his ship was reduced to debris; some sort of advanced plasma weapon, definitely not of any human make. We followed all the protocols for finding new ships of unknown design even though we knew it would be futile. I think we hailed them about 5 times... before the incident." He said cautiously scratching his nearly bald head. "These unknown ships were larger than most of our recon frigates or even the destroyers." He described to the exact detail, it was all too fresh in his memory. "By the looks the ships were armed to the teeth. Then it happened, out of nowhere the strange "organic" like ships started to glow a faint blue around their weapon ports, the lights illuminated the whole entire asteroid field we were in." He took a long pause, staring coldly into the Admirals eyes. He asked "Do you believe there is a way to avoid any actions that can lead to war?"

      The Admiral peered deep into the eyes of the Captain and found only one thing out, that this incident was far worse than what the reports had told him. "I believe in many things, one being that there is never true peace, no human being can ever agree on the same thing, and that my friend leads to wars, great loss of lives, but worse than both is the hatred that rages on after the war has been won. You see if people from the losing side are brought back to the winning sides territory there will never be equality, peace or even sanity. The people, who lost the war, not only lost their pride, but now they are not even treated as equals, and this leads to either small unorganized revolts, or massive rebellions. Either one brings back the war that originally separated them." The admiral paused a moment and took a sip from his cup of water that was on the right of his desk.

      "Now if you don't mind, can you get back to what happened to the 'whale like' ships." The Admiral demanded, but kept his anger concealed because he could tell that the Captain had been through a living hell over the past few months.

      "Sorry to keep you waiting Sir, as I was saying, as those unknown ships glowed, my weapons officer a Lieutenant by the name of..." he said feeling a little woozy and unstable.

      "Son, are you all right?" The Admiral said worriedly.

      The Captain's only response was a few garbled words and he fell limp in his chair.

      "Son of a ..." The Admiral said angrily, but with the utmost respect to the under ranking officer, as he would never been able to coupe with the knowledge the Captain had. O'Neill jumped up and spilled his glass of water on the Captain's finely pressed dress suit. "Ah crap he's going be pissed when he wakes up." He said so loud the people in the waiting room heard them. In a matter of seconds the Admiral was at the entrance to his "private" room. He pressed a few buttons on a wall panel that emitted a faint blue glow. A few seconds later an image of a young doctor by the name of Jennifer Mariano appeared on the panel.

      In a soft soothing voice she said to the Admiral "How can I help you, sir?"

      "Ma'am, Captain Johnson has passed out and is probably in shock, he needs immediate medical treatment" The admiral said with urgent speed.

      "Roger that Sir, I will have a medical team down there to check Johnson out." She said with a more serious tone.

      The Admiral made a quick movement with his hand and the panel turned off. He thought to himself what could have gone so wrong that Johnson would have passed out. As he thought the doctors and nurses (including Jennifer) were on their way to the Admirals quarters, running through the tight unlit corridors of the Derimus Orbital Defense Station.

      Jennifer turned to her friend and probably the best doctor onboard besides her and asked "I think something is going on that we shouldn't know about, something so serious that only a select few know the truth." Her friend answered with a mere nod and kept running as if she was trying to save her child from a burning fire.

-End Prologue
