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Fan Fiction

The Rebellion Chronicles: Number 2
Posted By: FUELRODGUN<knexster@cableone.net>
Date: 11 May 2004, 1:57 AM

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The Jackals, or Skarat'pa as I would like to start calling them, now understood what they heard, and began to run around frantically, shouting worried yelps at the others in that language of theirs. The Grunts, or Brenno as I would like to start calling them, woke up and started watching them with sleepy eyes. All the Hunters, or Po'otes as I would like to start calling them, stared at Ritsucha. "What? Who's here?" asked Mitsucha, who looked utterly bewildered. "The Covenant! They're here! They've found us!"said Ritsucha, looking around frantically, as though if looking at all the walls in a certain amount of time would stop the Covenant's advance. "Where is Yaghad?" "Here." said a suprisingly high voice. A very snobbish-looking Brenno strode into the compound, his methane filter under which his nose was hidden high in the air. "I was patrolling the corridors, looking for trouble-makers," He looked at the Skarat'pa, who were now all dancing around as though they had about twenty Flood infection forms on their backs, eating them alive, with a disgusted look on his face."and it looks like I found what I was looking for." He said, turning back to Ritsucha. "Do not worry, they will be dealt with." "No, sir, that's not it. The Skarat'pa and I heard the Covenant outside! They're here!" Ritsucha said, waving his massive arms around like a madman. However, Yaghad's eyes narrowed. "There are no enemy units on our scanners," he said, still eyeing Ritsucha suspiciously. "we would have seen them." "Sir, you have the word of all the Skarat'pa and me! You still deny it?" said Ritsucha, absolutely thunderstruck. "If I have the word of you and all the Skarat'pa, than I have plenty of reason to do so!" said Yaghad, and he turned on his heel and left the compound. "The Covenant will be her within a few hours!" Ritsucha yelled after him, but he did not respond. Mitsucha flipped him the birdie. "Son of a b****," he growled, and he turned back to Ritsucha. "Well, we can't just sit here, what are we gonna do?" "We'll have to activate the defenses somehow..." said Ritsucha, thoughtfully. "Right under Yaghad's-wait, no-Faghead's nose?" asked Mitsucha, making up a new name for Yaghad. "Yeah, thing is though, how?" replied Ritsucha, still thinking. "We'll help!" said Ti'fe, gesturing to his bond-brother, Pi'fe. "We can create a distraction, that should leave the control room clear of guards, and then you two can activate the defense turrets!" he said excitedly, as though this were some sort of game. "No, we're not fit out for stealth." said Ritsucha, looking around. Then his scan stopped. "Maybe..." he said, not quite finishing his sentence. The Po'otes followed his gaze. Their eyes rested on the fritzing-out Skarat'pa. "No..." said Mitsucha, shaking his head. "Yes!" said Ritsucha, and he started heading toward the Skarat'pa, Many of which had already passed out from exhaustion.

Rotew was ready to collapse. By the looks of it, so were the other Skarat'pa, if they had not already done so. He had shouted so loud, he felt he'd never be able to talk again. Suddenly a group of Po'otes walked up to them, examining them. One saw Rotew, and he called to another one. It came over and talked to the him, and then it looked at Rotew. It nodded to the the other, and they started walking toward Rotew. Rotew had no reason to be afraid, even though Po'otes were huge and could easily smush a Skarat'pa between it's toes, because they were fighting for the same thing, and when not under dictatorshiplike rule as they were before, they were actually pretty peaceful. "Who are you? What do you want?" he said as they came over. Apparently they did not understand him, and he didn't understand them, either. After several hand-gestures and confused minds, one got frustrated and ran off. After a while he came back holding four, small, metal, teardrop-shaped things. He must have gone to the supply station. Rotew knew this because he'd seen these things there on his patrol duties. He'd never used them before, though.The Po'ote gave two to Rotew, instructing him to put them in his ears. He did as told, and when he did a strange, cold feeling came over his ears. After it cleared, he saw that the Po'ote had put them in too. The Po'ote spoke. But this time, Rotew could understand him. "Hello, my name is Ritsucha. These are Interpretive Ears. They enable the user to understand every language that the makers knew." he pointed his salami-wide finger at his ear. "We need some help."
