
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Harvest Campaign Chapter 3
Posted By: Fleet Admiral
Date: 2 December 2003, 3:46 AM

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0300 Hours January 6, 2525 (Military Calendar) /
UNSC Fleet heading to Covenant Fleet, Harvest System/
UNSC Yamato- class Cruiser Tyrant, Flagship of Rear Admiral Kennedy

The UNSC Fleet had started for the covenant fleet for the last 3 hours, and the covenant were now in sight. Now it was time for the UNSC to go into the first fleet battle with the covenant.

Cole thought it was going to be a walk in the park since there were only 10 covenant ships, from the last report. He didn't like it though.

If the covenant saw us, which they did, they would call in reinforcements.

They neared the covenants last position. The covenant ships were still there, in a rough delta formation. I don't like it, he thought.

"Sir, Admiral Cole is hailing the fleet," Hally said.

"Put it on screen," Kennedy ordered.

The face of Admiral Cole came up, "All ships prepare to fire your guns, transfer them to the timers. That is all," and Cole's face went off the screen.

"What's the status of our guns," Kennedy asked.

"Guns are at 100% and ready to fire," Lt. Commander Flaud said.

They neared the covenant fleet, "The fleet is almost in range," Captain Lauber said.

Liz came up, she was the shipboard AI for the Tyrant. "Admiral, I am being sliced into," she said.

"What?!" He said.

"I think it is one of the alien ships sir," she replied.

"Get me Admiral Cole," Kennedy ordered Hally.

Admiral Cole's face came up, "Yes Kennedy," he asked.

"The covenant are slicing into our shipboard AI's systems. I think they're trying to find all the systems we control, our weapon systems, and our strengths and weaknesses," Kennedy told Cole.

Cole looked at him almost in shock then he said, "Deactivate all AI units in the fleet now," Cole ordered the fleet.

"Shut down Liz now," Kennedy ordered.

The fleet came into firing position, but since the shipboard AI's controlled the timers the ships did not fire at the same time. The MAC rounds didn't blast through the covenant shields though.

"This is Cole to all ships, prepare to fire again."

"What is the status of our MAC guns commander," Lauber asked.

"85% sir," Flaud said.

Cole's face came up on holotank 2, "Admiral Kennedy launch a Shiva at the covenant fleet," he said and went off the screen.

"Captain, launch a Shiva warhead at the covenant fleet, set detonation for 20 seconds," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," he said and walked over to the tactical station.

A nuclear warhead launched toward the covenant fleet. When it reached it exploded into a white flash. When it was gone the covenant fleet was, STILL THERE! Not one ship was gone. Then he saw the silver shields pop then flickered out.

"Contact Admiral Cole," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said.

Cole came up on screen, "Yes," he asked.

"Sir, it looks like the nuke brought down their shields," he said.

"Good, all ships fire," Cole ordered.

The UNSC ships fired, the MAC rounds tore into the covenant ships.

When it was finished only 4 covenant ships were left, then red balls of fire fired from the last covenant ships. Cole came over the fleet wide comm, "Evasive maneuvers now," he ordered.

The UNSC fleet tried to turn, but the red plasma torpedoes hit, 2 frigates and a destroyer exploded. The frigate Chicago took the last on her underside, she kept going though.

"Cole to all ships' who can fire their MAC guns to turn and fire," he yelled.


Lt. JG Antonio Mota flew into the bulkhead from the collision with the alien plasma weapon.

What a first assignment he thought.

"Report?!" Captain Stephen Rodriguez yelled.

"Decks P through I have been burned away sir, the fires are getting close to the reactor sir," Commander Ethan Williams, the XO reported.

"Any suggestions," Rodriguez asked.

"Sir, I think you should vent the atmosphere on all decks but the bridge," Ensign Kevin Barta, the assistant tactical officer, said.

"Do it," Rodriguez told Williams.

Aye, aye sir," Williams said. He went over to the ops. station and vented the atmosphere.

Mota got back up and sat back at his station.

"It's working sir, the fires are now out," Williams said.

"Good," Rodriguez said. "Get support teams to all decks, but the bridge to check for injuries."

Mota looked at his board, "Sir, the torpedo hit fused the MAC gun control systems and point defenses are gone," he reported.

Then the speakers came on, "Bridge, this is Sargent McDonnell, we have boarders, I repeat we, have boarders on deck C."

Then the same report came in from decks D through H.

"Contact the Zeus and tell them we're being boarded," Rodriguez ordered. "Everyone get some weapons and lets kick these boarders off.


Kennedy looked as the covenant boarding ships attached themselves to the Chicago. "Prepare Archer Missiles Pods A through E, lock them onto the covenant boarding craft," Kennedy ordered Flaud.

"Aye, aye sir," he replied. He typed on the keyboard and then pods A through E fired at the boarding craft.

The missiles impacted and 5 boarding craft blew into flames, but 6 more came through their debris. They swooped in and attached to the airlocks.


Mota handed an assault rifle to Barta with two clips. He put one into the rifle and pulled the bolt; he slipped the last one in his belt. He pulled out his standard issue M6D and pulled the top back to throw in the first bullet.

Mota did the same. "Everyone get ready to defend the bridge," Rodriguez ordered.

The comm crackled, "Captain, the covenant are at the officers mess hall on the command deck! We can't hold them, they're breaking through. AH, AH, AH!" And the comm went off.

"Get ready to defend the bridge," Rodriguez ordered.

They spread out and held they're guns up and ready. Rodriguez pressed the comm button, "Send marine reinforcements to the command deck, covenant are about to rush the bridge so send them as fast as you can," he said into it.

Ensign Barta kept his eyes on the door, then an animal of some type came through it, it had a colorful battle uniform with a mask over his face. Its feet and hands were like hoofs, it reached for a disk like gun on his belt. He didn't what for it to take it out, he pulled the trigger and the gun fired; the bullets tore into the biped alien. Some bluish blood flew out as it landed on the deck.

Then dozens started to pore in, everyone opened fire, the rounds tore through the bipeds. Mota was shooting with a vengeance. He through out his first clip and through in the second, cocked it, and started to fire again.

Then one of these little "grunts" came in with a blue purple gun with needles sticking out. It fired, the air was filled with needles. One round flew into Mota's arm, he screamed and then the round exploded and he fell to the deck into a puddle of his own blood. He held his shoulder, there was a hole in-between his shoulder and neck; he was lucky he didn't loose his arm.

Barta kept on firing, he took down the bipeds with the needle guns first then moved on. Then he ran out of ammo, he put in a new clip and started firing again. He didn't need to aim, they were poring through.

Then he ran out of ammo for his rifle. One of the "grunts" came in and aimed one of the disk like guns at him, he saw Mota's rifle and dove for it. The alien fired, a green teardrop launched at him. It hit him in the side and he landed on the deck with a black spot in his side. His hand found the rifle, he picked it up, turned, and fired. The biped fell to the ground, and the gun was out of ammo.

He through the rifle to the ground and drew his pistol, then drew Mota's; and with one in each hand he fired. Then a new alien came through the door, it had a vulture like head and held one of the disk like guns in one hand; and in the other was a large shield than glowed.

He fired, the rounds bounced off the shield, he went up to it and hit the shield with all his force, the shield popped and failed. He put the two pistols in its face and pulled the trigger.

Then he saw a biped pull and held down the trigger, the gun started to glow then he released the trigger and a huge green sphere launched and the captain. The bolt hit him square in the face, he did a flip and landed dead on the deck.

He pulled the triggers and the biped fell on the deck, dead.

Then a group of 10 marine's came onto the bridge, "All hostile forces have been killed," the Sargent told Commander Williams.

"Good, contact Admiral Cole and tell him," Williams ordered.

Barta dropped the pistols and ran to Mota's side, "Get some medics here now," he yelled.


The Tyrant turned to fire at the last covenant cruiser. "Ready to fire sir," Flaud told Kennedy.

"Fire," he ordered.

Four MAC rounds launched at the cruiser, the rounds blew into the hull of the massive ship. It exploded into a ball of fire.

That was the last covenant ship. "Bring Liz back on line," Kennedy ordered.

The AI came online, "Yes admiral," she asked.

"Give me the fleet damage report," he asked.

It came on screen, 5 destroyers, 8 frigates, and a Halcyon- class cruiser had been destroyed; and 7 destroyers, 10 frigates, and a carrier were disabled.

"Thank you Liz," Kennedy said, and she closed the screen.

Admiral Cole came up on screen, "All ships regroup, get repairs underway, and start looking for survivors," Cole ordered.

Fleet Admiral: Please Post Comments
