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Fan Fiction

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 5/ Part 2
Posted By: Fleet Admiral
Date: 5 November 2003, 2:05 AM

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1140 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Engaging Covenant Fleet /
UNSC Modified Halcyon Cruiser Lancer

Captain Ralston saw the Chicago's missiles hit the main turret of the Titanic covenant ship, the turret exploded. With that the Chicago headed back to the rally point. "Ready our MAC guns, and lock Archer missile pods G through L on target," Ralston ordered.

"MAC guns ready. Pods G through L locked on target," Lt. Latka at tactical said.

"Coming into firing position," Lt. McMahan at navigation said.

The ship turned and faced the covenant ship. "Fire," Ralston said.

The MAC guns fired, then the Archer missiles fired. The MAC rounds hit the covenant ship, the shields simmered as the MAC rounds hit.

Damn, their shields came back up, Ralston said in his head. The shields then popped and went out. Then the Archer missiles hit and bubbly explosions went all over the hull. Then 5 plasma torpedoes launched at the Lancer.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Ralston yelled.

The ship started to turn, but it was too late. The first 2 hit the starboard side, the ship started to burn. Then the next 2 hit, one on the bottom and one on the top. The ship lurched to her side when the 5th hit the command deck area.

Ralston heard the consoles explode. The lights went out, "Get on emergency power," Ralston yelled. Then he saw 4 pulse lasers launched at his ship. They hit, then the local positioning computer behind him exploded with a huge force. He flew through the command console and hit the deck below.

He felt blood run down his face, he rose and staggered back up to find Lt. Latka's body on the deck. Her console exploded in her face, the bridge was on fire and only a few men were left alive. "Damage report," he asked.

"MAC guns destroyed, Archer missile tube launching systems offline, nuclear launch tubes melted over, only the secondary reactor is online and only at 40 percent," the Ensign who took over the ops. station said.

"Damn, we can't do anything in this condition," he said. Then he knew what he had to do. "Get all crew to the lifepods now," he ordered.

"Sir the lifepod systems are offline," the Ensign said again.

"Then here are my last orders," he hesitated, then said, "Push reactor to full. Remove the safeties from the nukes and all the Archer missiles, and stop all coolant flow to the reactor."

"Sir?" The Ensign asked.

"Lt. McMahan ram us into that covenant bastard," Ralston ordered.

The ship accelerated strait for the huge covenant ship. "Sir, all safeties disengaged sir," the Ensign said.

"We'll hit the covenant ship in 10 seconds," McMahan said.

"Reactor going critical sir," the Ensign yelled.

Ralston turned, "It has been an honor serving with you and being your captain."

The Lancer slammed into the huge covenant ship, the reactor went critical and triggered the nukes and Archer missiles. The 2 ships exploded into a white flash, and when it was gone, so were both the ships.

1200 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Engaging Covenant Fleet/
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Kennedy saw the Lancer and the Titanic covenant ship go off his tactical screen. That meant that there were 2 more of those ships left.

The second, fired its blue- white laser 5 times and 5 Super MAC platforms went into flames. That left 15 left.

The ship passed over 2 of the nuclear mines not yet detonated. He pressed the detonation button. The mines detonated into 2 white flashes. When they cleared the ship was still there. "Prepare our MAC guns, one heavy round a piece. Get us into position to fire it at that Titanic ship," Kennedy ordered.

The ship turned, "Liz?"

The woman AI came up, "Yes admiral," she asked.

"Monitor that ship, if that new weapon fires I want you to activate our emergency thrusters and nock us out of its path," he said.

"Aye, aye sir."

The ship moved toward the covenant monster. "MAC guns ready sir."


Six white-hot projectiles launched toward the covenant ship. The first 3 hit, the shields simmered, popped, and flickered out. The last 3 hit the middle bubble, it exploded in a ball of fire, but the rest of the ship was still there.

At least there main laser was destroyed, he thought. Then 5 plasma torpedoes launched out at his ship. "Evasive maneuvers," he ordered. "Launch the countermeasures."

The ship turned and launched its countermeasures. Two torpedoes went toward the countermeasures and exploded. The other 3 still came toward his flagship. "Sound collision alarm, prepare to vent atmosphere on all decks, but the bridge," Mayfield ordered.

"Braise for impact," Kennedy yelled. He held on to his chair.

The torpedoes hit, the ship shook, alarms flared.

"Damage report," Mayfield yelled.

"Decks 11 through 17 have melted away. Decks 18 through 25 have been breached, sealing those decks off. All weapon systems still operational," Lt. So at ops. reported.

"Archer missiles A through F, lock on target," Kennedy ordered.

"Targeted sir."


"Missiles away."

Three hundred missiles launched toward the covenant ship, the covenant ships pulse lasers shot a third of them down before they hit. Almost 200 missiles hit the covenant ship, finally the ships' hull buckled. The ship exploded into a ball of fire.

He looked at his command screen. Almost 30 ships had been destroyed. The last Titanic ship turned and accelerated away from the battle with the rest of the covenant fleet. "Tell the fleet to regroup at Rally Point Zulu," Kennedy ordered.

The 76 ships left went toward Rally Point Zulu. "Get the fleet into a spread out wall formation. Get the 3 last stations ready to be used as shields," Kennedy ordered.

It took the fleet 6 minutes to get in formation. "Sir, message coming in from... Admiral Stanforth," Hally said.

"On holotank 2," Kennedy replied.

The face of Admiral Michael Stanforth came up, "Admiral Kennedy, the Leviathan and her fleet are at the edge of the system. We should be there soon. What's your situation?"

"The covenant already made a first pass, there coming around for a second," Kennedy replied.

"Don't worry, the cavalry's on the way," his image went off the screen.

"Sir, covenant fleet coming back in," Commander Flaud said.

"Liz, get a firing solution for the fleet. Send it, and put it on timers," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she said. "Done. Solutions given to the fleet, and on timer."

The covenant fleet of about 300 ships came back toward Lunar. "Ten seconds," Liz said.

The fleet fired there MAC guns, the rounds launched toward the covenant fleet. They hit, damaged ships blew apart. The covenant fleet kept coming though. "Liz, get new firing solutions online and get them to the fleet ASAP," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she replied.

The covenant fleet was now in range of the Super MAC platforms. The platforms aimed, and fired. Fifteen covenant ships blew into flames from the Super MAC rounds. The covenant fleet fired their plasma torpedoes. "Get another platform into position," Kennedy ordered.

"Firing solutions online and transferred to the fleet. Timers set, we're ready to fire," Liz reported.

The station flew in front of the fleet, the torpedoes hit and the stations' surface turned red hot. The station spun out of control after the last torpedo hit, she started to fall toward the planet. "Fleet firing sir," Liz said.

The fleet fired its MAC guns at the now close covenant fleet. If they fired their torpedoes this close the UNSC fleet would be unable to escape. "Tell the fleet to break and attack," Kennedy ordered Hally. The fleet broke formation and sped toward the covenant fleet.

"We have to take out that last Titanic covenant ship," Kennedy said as the covenant ships' blue- white laser fired and 3 more Super MAC's went up into flames, that left 13. If the Super MAC's fell then so would Lunar. "Captain, intercept that covenant bastard," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Mayfield said. "Helm come about to 343.5 mark 7. Tactical get MAC guns charged and ready to fire."

"Aye, aye sir," they said.

The ship turned and accelerated toward the Titanic covenant ship. "MAC guns at 75% sir, now 80%," Lt. Brandon at the ship tactical said.

"Liz, if you detect that ships main laser powering up I want you to use the emergency thrusters and nock us out of its way," he ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she said.

They kept going for the covenant ship. "MAC guns at 100% and ready to fire," Brandon announced.

"Good, lock Archer missiles G through P on target, I want those missiles to hit the same time the last MAC round hits," Mayfield ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Brandon replied.

The covenant ship started to turn, seeing the Enterprise coming toward her. "Missiles locked sir, we're in position to fire," Brandon said.

Before Mayfield gave the order though a bang resonated from the hull, and the ship flew side ways as a blue- white laser just passed them.

"Thanks Liz," Kennedy said.

"You're welcome admiral," she replied.

"Get us back into position now," Mayfield yelled.

As the ship turned 8 pulse lasers launched from the massive covenant ship and hit the Enterprise. He heard an explosion, then screams, and a burst of fire flew up in front of him from the lower part of the bridge. He slapped the intercom button and yelled into it, "Medical teams to the bridge, damage teams to the bridge." He looked at his command crew, "Get helm and weapon systems control to the auxiliary bridge and tell the crew their to take control."

"Aye, aye sir," they said.

The lift in the back of the bridge came up with Captain Mayfield on it. He was blackened from the explosion and covered in blood. "I'm going to the secondary bridge," he said and went back down.

"Commander Hally, get me a direct link to the auxiliary bridge. Also tell them that Captain Mayfield is on the way," he ordered.

He looked back at the screen, the ship righted herself and turned to face the last Titanic covenant ship. "Sir, one of our MAC guns is unable to fire. Pods G through P and the remaining 5 MAC guns are ready to fire," Mayfield reported over the intercom.

"Send them to hell," Kennedy said.

Four thumps resonated from the hull. The 5 MAC rounds launched from the Enterprise, and so did 500 missiles. The first 3 hit, the ships' shields shimmered, and turned white hot. The next 2 hit and the shield shimmered, popped, and went out. Then the 500 Archer missiles hit just after the last MAC round. The missiles blew into the hull of the massive ship. Her main laser fired one last shot before the missiles hit.

The laser went through 2 more of the Super MAC platforms, leaving 11 left. Then the hull pressure became too great and the ship exploded. The last Titanic covenant warship was destroyed.

The covenant fleet turned to regroup for another attack. The last one cost them both dearly, only 38 ships remained in the UNSC fleet. Most of them had been hit hard or had heavy damage. "Tell the fleet to regroup at the rally point," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said.

He looked at the battle area; it was full of destroyed or disabled ships. The covenant fleet had 260 ships left, they tuned and started to come back to finish the UNSC fleet. "Have the Kencon arm a Shiva and put it in the tube, ready to launch," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said.

"Captain Mayfield, get one of our Shiva's in the tube and ready to fire," he ordered.

"Yes sir," Mayfield replied.

"Liz, have the Kencon's nuke go strait into the middle of the covenant formation," Kennedy said.

"Aye, aye sir," she responded.

"Captain, have ours launch 20 seconds after the Kencon's. Not a moment sooner."

"Yes sir."

He watched as the Kencon's warhead launched toward the covenant fleet. Then he saw his launch. A white flash erupted in the middle of the covenant fleet, as it started to decrease the Enterprise's came in and detonated. When the white flash was gone the covenant fleet had been reduced to 200 ships.

"Liz, get firing solutions to the fleet ASAP," he ordered.

"Yes sir," she said. "Done, I've sent it to the fleet and set the timers."

The fleet fired. So did the covenant. The MAC rounds hit the covenant fleet, most of it unshielded from the 2 nukes. Almost 20 ships went up in flames. The covenant torpedoes passed the fleet. They were going for the Super MAC's! All but 4 of the platforms went up in flames. Then a white flash erupted in the middle of the covenant fleet. When it cleared only 146 covenant ships were left. MAC rounds launch from a fleet of UNSC warships coming in from the side of the covenant fleet.

"Tell the fleet to break and attack," Kennedy ordered. They just might be able to defeat the covenant fleet. Then 150 covenant warships appeared behind his fleet. They looked dead in space, no weapons, lights, or shields. It didn't last for long though, they powered up and blasted the last Super MAC platforms to dust. Then 50 more came in where the first covenant fleet had. That meant 200 fresh reinforcements.

They would not be winning this battle, "Liz, get a random jump vector for the fleet and give it to all ships, even Stanforth's ships," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye," the AI said in a sad tone.

"Commander Hally, tell all UNSC ships to get to Rally Point Knox as fast as they can," Kennedy said.

"Aye, aye sir," she said.

The UNSC fleet moved out of the covenant fleets way. They rallied at Rally Point Knox and jumped out.

The UNSC lost 68 ships, but destroyed 254 covenant ships.

After a 6 hour blind jump they went to the Sol System, to Earth.

Fleet Admiral- Please Make Comments
