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Fan Fiction

MC's Eyes part 1
Posted By: Excalibur Spartan 117<tidus10000@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 April 2003, 6:45 PM

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13000 hours, December25, 2600(Military Calender)/
Pelican Dropship 432 Used as fort to UNSC Marines

"Hmph, you expect me to on a suicide mission i dont god damn think so"Mumbled one of the Marines under his breath, "What was that Marine"asked the Marine Captain. "I said i'm not going to go on a god damn suicide mission, Sir"Private Jacobs answered, the Captain strode over to Jacobs and then leaned over to whisper something into his ear. Jacobs looked up at the Captain in a puzzled look "You dont actually expect me to go up that mountain do you Captain, "listen Marine i dont tolerate it when Marines say that they are not going to go on a mission that i command them to go on!"the Captain called back to Jacobs. The Captain then opened the door hatch and swung the Marine out the door onto the hill side, the Marine then climed up the mountain side and stood there waiting for what he knew would be his death! Just then two blue armoured Elites ran up the mountain plasma pistols drawn, "Oh shi-" Jacobs tried to finsish but was shot straight in the face by one of the Elites.

That moment the Captain flung himself back into the Pelican that was concelaed by shrubs and bushes, "These stupid humans always popping out of no where"Mumbled one of the Elites to his partner, "Well hey atleast it gives us some sport eh hahahaha"Called back his partner as they searched the mountain side for anyone else. As they walked over to their "Banshee" dropship to be picked up they both laughed at what tehy had said to each other. "Alright anyone else who wouldn't like to go on this mission"asked the Captain, all the Marines at once called back "Sir no Sir", others just shook their heads at the death of their friends death. "Good then we leave tommorow to retreive our friends and the Master Cheif at the Prisoner Camp"the Captain barked out. That nigth they all planned strategic plans to get into the covenent prisoner camp.

0700hours, December26, 2600(Military Calender)/
Covenent Prisoner Camp

"Alright Marines lets move out time to get into that base if you see Plasma Cannons then fire a grenade at 'em and get ready to rock and roll"the Captain whispered over their comlinks. At the signal they stole into the shadows and behind buildings for their own cover, just then one of the Marines spotted a Plasma Cannon known to them by name of PC, and fired a stolen plasma grenade at the machine. There was a great blue light that illuminated the area and two PC's blew up at once, at that moment they all rushed into the compound fireing at every Covenent species there! "RRock and RRoll"One of the Marines yelled out as he shot a Grunt in the head with his MA5B assault rifle, the Marines then quickley finsihed off all of the Grunt gaurds in the compound and entered the front door to the "Cell Building". "alright Marines you know the Drill i want 10 with me, everyone else split up and look for our Marines, we'll look for the Master Cheif, and Marines Good luck"the Captain called out to his troops.

"Alright we found the Master Cheif's cell lets get him out"the Captain called out to his team, the Marines then opened the door and was surpriesed to see a gold coloured Elite with two Grunts standing by the door! "Damn it fall back fall back and fire"Called out the Captain but was then shot in the forehead by the Elite, the marines opened fire on the large species, and were chesed down the hallways by it. At that moment a Marine plucked a plasma grenade and shot it at the Elite, the grenade stuck to his face the big Elite scurried about and then exploded into the walls of the hallways. The Marine sthen got up off the floor and ran back to the room freeing the Master Cheif and shooting the Grunts. "Thanks guys i owe you Marines sometime"the Spartan called out as he donned his armour and picked up a plasma rifle with a nice M6D Pistol.

"We have everyone of our troops now back, soo that makes..80 of us Marines with you now Sir"a Marine named Orland called out to the MC. "good were gonna need everyone of em"MC Answered as he ran down the hallways to the exit. "One more thing Sir we still have 30 Marines out side in the outdoor buildings to retrive"Orland called out to the MC. "Good once we get them we'll take this place over and use it as our own Camp"MC answered. The Marines then ran outside shot any covenent species still alive and then retreived their men.

"Sir we have everyone now and we officially have.. 100 men with us sir, plus we have enough food and weapons to last a very long time Sir"one of the other Marines said. "Good, and now it's time to get this place fortified and ready for us"The MC calle dout to everyone. That night everyone of the Marines pitched out to help set up their base that they had taken over! "Umm sir in the building we have at leats 20 PC's just waiting for us to get 'em and set 'em up"Orland told the MC, "Excellent now get em out here and set them up in proper places"the MC Answered. "Sir yes Sir"Orland said as he signaled some of the Marines to get the PC's and set them up! The rest of the day they spent setting everything up as the MC had commanded them to do so!

