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Fan Fiction

Liberty City: Part 1
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 31 December 2004, 8:53 PM

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Authors note
Ok I know I've started a lot of projects in the past that I never finished, but I mean to finish this series and the new Rites of Passage series, come hell or high water.

About this story

This story is going to be a little different than what everybody is used to. This is a documentery on a battle that took place on Draco 3 that began on August 5th 2532 and lasted for six months. It is the battle of Liberty City.
This story I thought of writting not only to add flavor to my Rites of Passage story which takes place around the same time frame, but also to add a new flavor to the site.
I hope you enjoy it.

September 23 2532
Military Calander
0630 A.M.

The mist curled away from the city lazily, slowly revealing what had once been a marvel of human engineering. Where once massive towers had looked down upon grand courtyards and plazas. And where once wide bridges had crossed the beatiful sparkling water of the Liberty River and it's various canals. And where once massive office buildings had provided a constant hub of trade and buisness flowing in and out of the city.
      But as the mist faded and the city was revealed its' true form was exposed. Massive craters pock marked the once beautiful white streets and courtyards. The once massice towers stood cut off at the middle by days and nights of heavy artillary bombardment. The once proud buildings either lay in a heap of rumble, or stand roofless with jagged holes and craters masking locations for hidden enemy snipers.
      Three days after operation Liberty began, the UNSC Air Corps had carpet bombed the city with flights of Longswords carrying scorpian high-explosive missles. But it had not been enough to drive the Covenant from the city. And now, as operation Green Machine began it was clear that this was going to be no easy fight.
The operation had been thought up by FleetCom brass, who of course only had to worry about the PR (Public Relations) department giving them hell about it. It consisted of five major Marine Corps regiments, the First Marines, the Third Marines, the Fourth Marines, the Sixth Marines, and the Fifth Marines.
      The plan was to mobilize the Marine regiments into the city after two days of heavy bombing by the Air Corps and three days of artillary pounding by the armoured divisons. And then clean out the city via house to house fighting. It was a simple plan, one that even if successful was going to cost a number of Marine lives, but it was no skin off the Brasses nose, they'd just increase the draft rate.
      The story behind Liberty City was simple. The Fleet had scored two major victories in the Colons system, one at Aatari 9 and one here at Draco 3. Because of that victory the Covenants Fleet presance had been decreased by a fair margin, and since they didn't have the forces to glass the planet, they landed their ground forces in an attempt to conquer the planet old fashioned style, and keep the UNSC from evacuating the civilian populace.
      And of course, their first target had been Liberty city. Luckily the city was the first thing to be evacuated and the civilians were saved. But the Covenant decided to make the city their new home base, and of course FleetCom could not allow that and thus began this little epic struggle. Everyone knows that it has more or less turned into a big morality struggle. The Covenant believe that if they can win and throw the Marine presance back out of the city, it will crush moral and thus increase theirs giving them a tactical advantage. And FleetComs' view on it is more or less the same, if the Marines win, TV programs and newspapers all across the inner and outer colonies will be blaring the propaganda of the stunning human victory over the Covenant.
      And thus the Battle of Liberty City was underway.

Lt. General William Hathoway stood upon one of the lush green hills over looking Libery City. It was one of many hills that expanded across the wide river valley in which the city was built, yet none of the hills interupted the flow of the river. The mile wide Liberty river flowed through the hills, cutting a smooth swath across the land, and flowing straight for the city.
      But as it reached the city it was dissected into a series of canals and channels that flowed throughout the city. All of it would have been a breathtaking sight, if not for the bombed out, desolate look of the city. Gigantic colums of thick black smoke rose from the city, small orange dots pinpointed the locations of thousands of small fires sparked by the almost ceaseless bombing and arillary barrages.
      The General turned and looked down the incline of the hill to his troops. Hundreds of faces looked up at him, young faces. The General knew what had to be done, yet he hated doing it. He opened his mouth, thousands of things rushed through his head, what to say and how to say it. But in the end he could say nothing, no words could tell what he wanted to say. Instead the General clicked his heals and raised his arm to his face in a salute.
      Hundreds of Marine troops, young and old, high rank and low, immidently stood and returned the salute. "Semper Fi" came the cheer from the back and immidently it was joined by more, until it rose, like thunder.
"Semper Fi!"
"Semper Fi!"
      The General turned to his second in command a Lt. Colonel Richard Warrack.
"Move them out Colonel."
"Yes sir," the Colonel replied with a salute.

Two hours later four colums of Marine soldiers marched forward down the Hardale road, one of the only roads left intact after the Covenant attacked the city. Beside them road a single colum of M12 Troop Carrying warthogs and two colums of M12A1 LAAV's and a single three colums of M12 LRVs'. And bringing up the rear was a colum of M12G1 LAAVs'.
      All of this consisted of the Fifth Marine regiment, which was only one fifth of the total Marine attack force. With all this and a total of two hunderd seventeen Marine pelican dropships on station at the Marine Air base in Canton, a small Marine controled town to the west a few miles, and the Fleet above, how could the Marines lose?

Authors note
Well I hope you liked this one, because I really like doing this one, and I hope it also helps you understand my Rites of Passage story. If you have any questions about this story or Rites of Passage just ask in the comments section.
Thanks for reading and I hope you like the next one too because by God I'm going to finish these two stories if it takes my entire life to do it.
