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Fan Fiction

Rites of Passage:Part 1:Chap. 2
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 9 August 2004, 7:30 PM

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Authors note
Okay, I've had some good comments about my Chap. 1. But I don't want to get to thinken I'm hot stuff. So I'm going to pretend they said it sucked and write even better. Hope you like this Chapter to.

Chap. 2

0800 hours
UNSC Independance
In low arbit over Angus four, Lambda Serpentis System.

Prescott turned and faced the holo-tank, his face contorted into a worried grimace. "Leia," he said addressing the small holographic image of an anciet chinese priest.

      "Yes Admiral," she replied calmly.
"Leia, how far out are the Covenant ships?" the Admiral asked hastily.
"Sir, Covenant ships are twenty thousand kilometers starboard and approaching at a high rate of speed.

      Prescott quickly whipped around and faced the young Lieutenant at the navigational officers station.
"Parker," the Admiral said addressing the young man, "Come about one hundred eighty degrees starboard, and bring up the Covenant ships on center screen."
"Aye sir." Parker replied hastily following the Admirals orders.

      Prescott felt the ship move under him, as the ship rotated to starboard. As the ship slowed it's spin, the center screen snapped to view the Covenant ships.
Prescott grunted, it felt as if he had been hit in the stomach.

      Before him on the view screen were at least twelve Covenant ships, amongst them were the swollen headed frigates, the long sleek cruisers, and at least three of the lethal predatoral looking destroyers.

      "Leia," the Admiral breathed.
"Yes, sir."
"Bring up sensor readings, tell me how many of each class of ship are in that formation."
"Yes sir." Leia said, her image fading from the holo-tank.

      "Lieutenant, Peterson."
"Yes Admiral." the more aged Peterson said, turning from his weapons station to face the Admiral.
"Get those MAC guns charged, and give me a firing solution on the destroyers." the Admiral ordered.
"Aye sir." Peterson said, turning back to his station.

      "Leia," the Admiral said, his face turning back to the Covenant ships approaching, "Have you got those scans yet?"
"Yes sir," Leias artificial voice acknowledged though her image could not be seen.
"Good, send the scans on the destroyers to Lieutenant Petersons station, then read them all of them off to me."
"Aye sir," Leia acknowledged.

      Within seconds her imaged appeared again in the holo-tank. The Admiral faced her.
"Sir, scans have been sent to Lie," "Yes, fine, the scans please Leia." the Admiral interrupted.
"Aye sir," she said, her voice still calm.
"Sir, amongst the enemy formation are, one assault carrier, three destroyers, three cruisers and four frigates.

      Prescott, sighed. That was a large enought force to obliterate a standard UNSC formation. This was going to be difficult.
"Sir," Peterson said not looking up from his station, "I have a firing solution on two of the destroyers, and both MACs are at 100%."
"Good," the Admiral replied, "Prepare to fire once in range."

Admiral Connely faced the center screen. The Independance began to move forward, towards the Covenant ships.
Suddenly both it's MAC guns fired. Two huge depleted uranium shells streaked toward the Covenant ships.

      Connely followed the projectiles untill both slammed into one of the Covenant destroyers,it's shields flickered, flashed a brilliant white, then faded. The second round pierced the ships hull causing it to spin out of formation and towards the planet.

      Connely then shook his head as angry moats of red light began to collect along the lateral lines of one of the remaining destroyers. Connely shook his head, the situation looked hopeless.

      "Lieutenant Patterson," the Admiral said calmly.
"Yes, sir?" the young black-haired women acknowledged without even looking up from her communications panel.
"Lieutenant, I want you to send out a fleet-wide distress signal, tell them we've fallen under attack."

      "Aye sir, I'm on it." Patterson said, flipping her long dark bangs that were past regulation length out of her eyes.
Connely then turned and faced the center screen as a lethal blade of red plasma streaked through space towards the large cruiser, Independance. He then knew that this was going to be one hell of a fight.

"What is it, Jacobs?" the hard faced Captain said, leveling his gaze with the Lieutenants.
"Sir, we're recieving a distress call from the cruiser, Titan. It seems they've fallen under Covenant attack.

      The Captain sat up straighter in his command chair.
"That's Admiral Connelys' ship. What are their coordinates.
"Sir, the Titans coordinates are, one, five, seven, zero, one, zero, two.

      "Jesus, that's close to the Covenant lines. What the hell are they doing out there?" the Captain asked to no one in particular.
"Sir, should a broadcast the signal fleet-wide?"
"What? Oh yes, and bring us into close orbit, I want to use the gravity field to move in quicker." the Captain ordered standing from his chair.
"Let's not miss a chance to stick to those alien bastards."

      Prescott, watched the center screen as the two menacing plasma projectiles streaked through space toward his ship.
"Parker, reroute all power to port thrusters and set them to maximum burn."
"Yes sir," Parker said as he quickly typed in the proper commands."

      "Sir," Leias' calm voice said. "The Covenant formation is begining to break."
"What?" Prescott asked astonished. A small formation like that wouldn't just break off. At least not untill they'd destroyed all the human ships.

      He faced the screen and sure enough, the Covenant frigates began to break formation and proceed at high speed toward the UNSC frigates that had taken up positions in orbit.

      Prescotts features contorted into a confused frown, which quickly faded as he noticed one of the deadly plasma torpedos graze the ship.

Hope you liked it, please post comments.
