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Fan Fiction

Rites of Passage: Part 1
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 5 August 2004, 8:57 PM

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Authors note
Okay everybody, here goes nothing. I think I may give up my Liberties Bell series for this. This story I'm going to work so hard on, my hands are going to fall off. Code, good spelling you name it, I'll make sure it's here. I'm also going for a better story. So here we go.

Chapter 1

0700 hours, tuesday
August fifth, 2536.

UNSCIndependanceIn low orbit over, Angus four. Lambda Serpentis System.

Admiral William Prescott stared at the main view screen intently. His eyebrow raised as he watched the seven UNSC frigates move into orbital positions near the large, ghostly green, planet of Angus four. "What is going to happen here?" he asked himself quietly, not even realizing he'd spoken aloud.

The sound of the young navigational officers voice, brought Prescott quickly out of his thoughts, and back to his bridge. "Yes Lieutenant?" he said, turning his attention to the short, red haired boy in the navigation station.

      "Sir, Admiral Connely is hailing us from the Titan." the young man said with a steady voice.
"Put it on screen." Prescott ordered gesturing towards the center screen. "Aye sir." the young Lieutenant acknowledged, his hands dancing across the keys at his station as if he was doing it without thought.

      Prescott eyed the center screen as it snapped to a new picture. Instead of the seven UNSC frigates, Prescott now saw the outlines of an aged man. The man had sunken black eyes that seemed to pierce straight through Prescott.

      "Admiral Prescott," the aged man said with a low voice, nodding towards Prescott.
"Admiral Connely," Prescott replied softly, returning the nod.

      "Admiral, let me get to the point quickly." Connely said, a hint of exasperation in his deep voice. "ONI is pressuring FLEETCOM, to take back Angus four, you know this."

      Prescott nodded, ONI belevied that it would be unacceptable to lose Angus four to the Covenant, it would kill moral. So in an attempt to boost moral, they'd been throwing a lot of funding and reinforcements into taking back the planet.

      "Well, it seems they've got some sort of, campaign, that they want us to undertake." the aged Admiral turned and faced someone off screen, he then nodded toward the screen. The Admiral then stepped away from the screen, and a new man stepped in to face Prescott.

      "This is Lieutenant Colonel Smith." the Admirals voice continued though he could not be seen. "He is the commander of the ODST forces aboard my ship. He will be leading a ground op. against the Covenant.

      "I see," Prescott said eyeing the man. Smith was tall, with jet black hair, pale blues eyes that seemed to lock with Prescotts. "Do you think your men are ready Colonel? The Covenant have been dug in on Angus for about six weeks." Prescott said still looking the man over.

      "Sir, with respect, but my men and I are ready to take that whole damn planet back from those ugly sons a bitches by ourselves if we have to."
Prescott smiled, "Good, that is exactly what I wanted to hear."

Lieutenant Colonel Smith turned away from the view screen, and after a quick word with Connely, entered the turbolift and pressed the button for B-Deck.

      The lift decended quickly, and the Colonel braced himself against the guard railing as the lift quickly passed through the two rotating sections of the massive cruiser. There was a quick moment when the Colonels feet left the floor as he floated in zero gravity. But it quickly faded and the Colonel stood straight again.

      After what seemed like hours, decending through the ships levels, the lift finally setteled, and the doors parted with a quiet,hiss. The Colonel looked out of the lift, at the huge docking bay.

      Pelican dropships setteled on their magnetic claps sat motionless as engineers in the large exoskeletan armour suits outfitted their side pods with Anville two missiles.
Massive Longsword fighters sat docked on the upper decks, waiting to be deployed if necessary. And near the entrance to the troop hold, stood his platoon.

      Fourty of the most well trained and lethal soldiers to come out of Reachs' notorious camp Hathcock. He looked them over as he walked towards them. Then one of the Helljumpers stepped forward and approached the Colonel.

      The Colonel knew who it was before he even spoke, he knew all of them, as if they were his own flesh and blood. "Sergant Cramer," the Colonel said, acknowledging the man as he neared.

      "Colonel Smith" the buff Sergant said, nodding at the Colonel. "Sir they're all preped and ready for your word." the Sergant said, his voice anxious, yet firm.
"Good tell them too......" the Colonels voice trailed off as an alarm blared from the docking bay sirens.

      "What the hell is going on?" the Sergant asked looking up at the flashing emergancy lights that had kicked on. Suddenly an artificial voice sounded through the speakers, it must have been the ships AI. "Warinig proximity alert, Covenant ships approaching at high speed.

Well that wasn't to hard, I just hope everybody else likes it. And I'll do your ODSTs credit Helljumper, I've got nothing but respect for them. If everybody thinks this one is better, I'll quite my Liberties Bell series.

Elitehunter676 out.
