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Fan Fiction

Liberties Bell:The Battle that changed Draco 3:Part 5
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 26 July 2004, 9:33 PM

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Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get this one to you. I had it written, but when I looked it over, it didn't sound as good as it could so I deleted it and rewrote it. I hope ya enjoy it.

The Captain watched the plasma round arch high into the air, casting a sickly purple light over the terrain below. He then watched it begin to decend towards the bunker.
      His head whipped down to face Lieutenant Hall, and Private Anderson, who stood in the bunker, unknowing of what was coming towards them. "Get out!" he screamed at them.
      They both faced him, worry begining to form on their face. They both turned to face the door, and vanished in a bright flash of light.
The Captain was rocked backwards. He stumbled and tried to regain his balance as heat filled the air around him. He braced himself with his feet and raised his hands to his eyes. Spots filled his vision, and he could feel them watering as he rubbed them with his hand.
      He blinked the spots from his eyes as he raised his head to look at the devistation.
The end of the bunker was no more than a smoldering crater, coated with smoking concrete. A smooth glassy surface topped the black spot on the ground, where Hall and Anderson had stood, not moments before.
He then looked back towards the wraiths position. The tank sat there motionless, apparently warming it's mortar to fire again. He snapped his head around, searching for cover.
      He scanned the area. His marines were scattered out amongest the debris, ducking low, waiting for the wraith to fire again. He then looked back down, and found his cover. A large I-beam jutted from the ground at an angle, and propped up against it, was a small stone slab.
He rushed for it quickly, crouching hastily as he reached it. He propped his back up against the stone, and turned his head to peer over the edge.
Near the wraith, small shapes moved everywhere, and even from this distance the Captain could make out the creatures. The small stocky grunts, with their high-pitched barks and squeals, the jackles with their glowing energy shields, and then the Captain spotted another creature. It was tall, very tall, it stood at least a half a meter above the rest of the aliens, and it moved much quicker, ushering the other creatures around as if it were some kind of commander.
      The Captain reached for his helmet and keyed his comm, "Walker," he said into the mike, "Where are those flares?"
      "Sir," Walkers gruff voice answered, "Their coming sir."
"Good," the Captain replied unkeying his mike. He knew that at this point the flares weren't to halt the advance, since all the marines had already stopped. But they could be used for observational purposes.
The Captain continued to watch the covenant movement untill suddenly a bright yellow ball of light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the area like a tiny sun. The whole area was laid out before the Captain.
      He watched as the covenant troops began taking up positions in front of the wraith, the larger creatures barking orders to the grunts and jackles. He stared in awe, there had to be at least a hundred of them, moving from the buildings.
He continued to watch as the first flare faded and the second one shot into the air. The covenant seemed to all be gathering in the center of a large and debris covered street that lead through the buildings, but what were they waiting for.
      Suddenly a loud explosian thundered from the buildings. The Captain turned to face the source of the noise. And in the fading light of the flare, watched in terror as a second wraith tank burst from the cover of a building. Debris and dust flew from the side of the building as the wraith emerged.
      That's what they'd been waiting for. The wraith turned and proceeded down the street to take up a position alongside the other wraith. They were forming a combat formation, the troops gathering in front, the tanks in the rear. He turned and faced his marines as the flare faded out. The same expretions on their face, awe and terror.
      He looked them over, and felt guilt. He had brought them here and got them into this, and now he had to get them out. He keyed the comm on his helmet, "Okay, listen up," he ordered, in the firmest voice he could manage, "The squad under my command needs to check ammo and and get your frags ready. Those bastards are going to try a frontal assault, so when I give the signal you open fire and cut as many of them down as you can," he ordered into the mike still trying to hold his firm voice,"Then once they get within grenade range, you send them to hell in about a hundred pieces, do you read me?"
      "We read you sir!" they all replied steadily.
The Captain nodded then keyed his comm to the Lieutenants squad. "Okay you men who were under Halls command," he flinched as he said the Lieutenants name, "You wait for my signal, then you come in on the enemys flank and you cut them up real good, you get me?"
      "Sir we get you sir!" came their reply.
The Captain lowered his hand, and looked at his men again. So young, and yet so willing to give their lives, he was proud of them, proud to serve with them, and would be proud to die with them. Suddenly a loud roar pierced the silence. His head whipped around to face the source of the noise. One of the larger creatures stared at the marines position, it let out a second blood curdiling battle cry, it's fists gesturing the enemy colum forward.
      The enemy had formed into a rough colum, with the grunts at the head, then the jackled bringing up the middle, followed by the large, commander creatures. And as the large commander creature roared, the whole colum seemed to surge to life, all of them moving forward, crawling over debris but not slowing. The Captain watched them move forward as the wraiths mortars warmed and fired two large plasma rounds towards the marines.
      The Captain raised his rifle. It was time.

The Captain took aim on one of the nearest grunt creatures as it scrambled through the debris, nearing the marines position. He let out a deep breath, and squeezed the trigger, hoping the rest of his squad would get his signal.
      The rounds lept from the barrel, as the Captain let loose a ten round burst from his rifle. The small creature reeled backwards under the force of the rounds. It tried to regain it's balance but was sent tumbling backwards as the rest of the rounds slammed into it.
He then turned his rifle and sighted in on another of the grunt creatures, and fired another burst from his rifle. The rounds impacted on the creature causing it to stumble, but before the Captain could fire again, he heard the dry click of an empty magazine. He looked at the ammo counter, 00, is what it read.
      He ducked behind the stone, his back propped up against the stone. He quickly ripped another clip from his web gear as he thumbed the clip release on his rifle, the empty clip falling to the ground as he slapped the full one into the recevier and rammed the bolt home.
      He prepared to turn and face the enemy again as he heard a statico of gunfired rush towards the enemy. He smiled as he turned and propped himself up on the stone slab, but it quickly faded as he watched the plasma mortar rounds quickly decend towards the marines position.

Ha, Ha, Ha. I still love those drop off endings, hope you liked it.
