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Liberties Bell:The Battle that changed Draco 3:Part 4
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 July 2004, 10:53 PM

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Hey, I'm back. This should be the best chapter so far, so fasten your seatbelts. Also, I've figured out the code so this should be better in that sense to.

The Captain moved towards the cliff edge cautiously. As he neared it, he craned his neck and peered over the edge.
It was about a twelve yard slide down the cliff, then flat terrain cluttered with rubble extended to a group of near by buildings. They were small and crumbled from artillery strikes.
He took all this in. Know the terrain and know your enemy. He looked back down at the base of the cliff, and traced it to the left. Sitting there was a large pile of rubble and some stone slabs jutting from the ground. "Sir."
      The Captain gave a slight jump, then turned to face the private who had spoken. It was McDanials. "What is it?" he asked quietly.
      "Sir, we've got friendlies coming in," he said gesturing toward the path they had followed to reach the cliff. The Captain stood slightly from his crouch and looked toward the path.
Suddenly he saw a shadow move, then a tall figure emerged from the darkness. The Captain keyed his mike. "Lieutenant," he said softly.
      "Yes sir," a young voice answered back.
The Captain remembered giving lectures to the young Lieutenant Hall for trying to be a hero, and as most people know, another word for hero is casualty. "Move your squad to the right and taking up a position on my flank, got it."
      "Got it sir," Hall replied. "Moving out."
The mike then clicked as Hall unkeyed his comm. The Captain then watched as the tall figure of Hall move off to the right, followed by a squad of men. He counted them. Sixteen in all. He hoped it would be enough. He turned back and faced the path as he rekeyed his comm. "Walker," he whispered.
      "Yes sir," Walker replied hoarsely.
"Walker I want you to take your squad and link up with me, understood?" the Captain asked.
"Yes sir," Walker acknowledged, as he keyed off his comm.
Minutes later the Captain watched Corporal Walker and his squad approach from the path and join the his small unit.
Walker ducked walked to the Captain, trying to stay low. "Sir, what's going on?" he asked.
"Well," the Captain replied. "We need to secure those buildings," he said pointing towards the buildings laid out before them. "And the only way to do that is by going down." he finished gesturing towards the cliff.
"Yes sir," the gruff Corporal said studying the terrain below them.
      The Captain breathed deeply as he looked over his men. Most of them were young men, yet, they looked as if they had seen it all. The thousand yard stare is what they called it. As he looked at them he felt pitty and guilt again, for these young men, who's lives were his responsablity. He keyed his comm to all frequencies. "Alright listen up," he said into the comm his eyes never leaving his men.
      "On my signal, we're going to move down this cliff and sweep through those buildings, the Lieutenants squad will move to the right, while I take my men to the left." he ordered quietly. "When we reach the buildings, we will link up the two squads into a rough delta formation and clear out the buildings, understood?" he asked plainly.
      "Yes sir," all the men said in unison. He looked at them, and they looked at him. At that moment, all the fear he had, vanished. He turned and faced the cliff edge."Move!" he shouted into the comm.
His men leapt into action instantly, moving toward the cliff edge. The Captain hesitated for a brief second then leapt over the edge. His boots contacted with the cliff as he began to slide down the steep incline.
His eyes fell on the large rubble pile as he slid toward it.
      Suddenly his boots contacted with solid ground as he landed at the base of the cliff, he looked up towards the rubble pile, and came face to face with the tri-barreled nose of a shade. His eyes widened in terror as he saw a purplish light collect inside the barrel. He shook himself out of the shock and took action. He rocked himself back on his heels as hard as he could as purple light filled his vision. He fell onto his back as the shade fired, heat washed over him as the round passed a mere foot above his body.
      He wiped the terror and shock from his mind and rolled to the left, then leapt to his feet.
What he had thought to be a rubble pile was actually a long rectangular, concrete bunker. It seemed to jut out from the cliff, and with rubble carefully piled on top it was excellently camouflaged. He followed it's length. It was solid concrete except for a small square window, and form out of that poked the barrel of the shade.
      He watched the shade as it turned and began firing at the marines still moving down the cliff. Anger grew in him as he ripped a frag grenade from his web gear and prepared to prime it. When suddenly he heard the sounds of rifle fire, coming from inside the bunker. He quickly moved toward the bunker, his assault rifle cradled in his right hand, the frag clutched in the other. As he neared the bunker, the rifle fire ceased, and the shade fell silent.
      He eased his head around the corner, assault rife raised. Inside stood two figures crouching on either side of a kicked in metal door. He recognized them instantly. One was Lieutenant Hall, the other was Private Anderson. Both of them had their assault rifles raised at the shade that sat at the other end of the bunker.
      Slouched dead over the controls was one of the stocky, grunt, troops and laying at the base of the shade was the corpse of a dead jackle. Both bodies had bullet holes pock marking their bodies. The Captain turned back to his men, releasing his death grip on the frag. "Nice job marines," he said lightly. They both turned and faced him startled.
"Oh, thanks sir." Hall answered. The Captain smiled. Suddenly a loud explosion erupted from the buildings. The Captain whipped his head around. Dust and rubble flew from one of the buildings as a wraith tank burst from it's hiding place. It was followed by, ground troops who also burst from hiding.
"AMBUSH!" one of the marines screamed. The Captain turned back to the cliff and realized that his entire squad was on the ground spread out along the rubble. He keyed his comm. "Walker, get those yellow flares in the air now!" he screamed.
"Yes sir!" Walker acknowledged.
      The Captain turned and faced the oncoming enemy counter attack. "Take cover!" he screamed at his men. But as he motioned toward them, the wraith fired. It's projectile arched high into the air, and began to descend towards the bunker.

Ha, Ha, Ha. I love those drop off endings, and for all of you who were disappointed about the lack of action, I promise that's all the next one is, is action. See ya and hoped you liked it.
