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Fan Fiction

Liberties Bell:The Battle that changed Draco 3:Part 1
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 July 2004, 4:03 AM

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This story is about one of the largest battles ever fought during the Human-Covenant War. It takes place at the intersection of two rivers, the Tendril and the Blue River. In one of the largest cities ever bulit. It expands across a 40 mile wide radious and has a population of over 7.4 million people. It's name Zaur'Mo-Calus, which in the native tounge means liberty. To the Marines, Helljumpers and pilots who shed their blood here it was known as Libery City.

0600, West Block 7, Marine squad 106
Jennson! Yes sir, The shaky private snapped around as if an Elite had sat down next to him. Bring up the flares. The Captain turned back away from the trench full of Marines to the opposing canal bank. The city had thousands of Canals running through it to channel the river flow, and since the begining of this.....God awful mess they had to fight for every one as if it was heaven itself. Here sir, Jennson said in a quivering voice as he handed the flares to the Captain. The Captain looked at him and felt pitty and guilt, he and his men had been through a lot and he was about to send them into hell. It's okay son, just keep it steady and remeber. No fear. Sir yes sir! He said in a high whisper. Now back to your post double time the Captain said quietly as he watched the private return down the makeshift trench made of rumble from destroyed buildings. He knew he couldn't save the Marine or comfort him much but he could give him hope. Sir ready to go on your order, the stocky Sgt. whispered from down the line. Right, alright Marines listen up! He said in a high whisper, on my signal I want you to make those Covenant Sons a Bitches whish that they had picked a better race to screw with, understood? Sir yes sir! They all replied in unision. Sergant! Yes sir? Are the rafts ready? Sir inflated and ready sir! He pointed to a set of 12 inflated rubber rafts sitting near the canal edge. They were standard issue and the Captain hoped they would make it to the other side of the canal, under fire. Ready, he raised his hand and all 32 of his men tensed. This was it....the moment of truth, would he lead them to victory or death, but no matter what, he knew they would follow him into the jaws of hell itself if he ordered it, and that filled him with pride and...Hope.
GO!! All 32 Marines sprang from the trench MA5B assault rifles ready as they rushed down the enbankment towards the rafts. The Captain lead the platoon, his adreniline pumping. Keep moving! Sargent suppresing fire now! The Sergant and his 8 men went prone and began firing their rifles across the canal. Not but seconds later the Covenants answering fire returned, forcing the Sgt. and his men to brake and scramble for cover as crystal like needles and plasma peppered their position. The night sky was now awash with plasma as the Covenant began laying down a litte suppresing fire of their own. The Captain sprinted down the bank rushing for the nearest raft, as he reached it he immidently pushed it into the water and screamed, 7 men here now! Seconds later 7 Marines dove into the raft and began paddaling across with the small plastic oars. Next seven go! Another raft in the water. Next seven go! Another, finally he and seven men where all that was left, quick now! He screamed as he dove headfirst into the boat. He rolled over and looked up to get his view when suddenly, a plasma round screeched past his head, he turned and suddenly everything moved in slow motion. He watched the plasma round as it burned the hair on his nose passing mere inches in front of his face. Then it seemed to speed up to it's next target as it slammed into the Marine standing behind the raft. He stumbled and gazed at the Captain for what seemed like eternity. Jennson! The Captain screamed as the man fell onto his back dead. The Captain wanted to leap from the raft, comfort Jennson help him, but he had a duty and his men needed him. He tore his gaze away from the now dead private, and to the other six men on the bank, you, he pointed to a young looking private, get the Sergant, the rest of you, let's go get some payback. The five men boarded as the sixth rushed to the Sergants position. The enemy fire had finally died down and as the Captain began pushing off with one of the oars he wondered, should it of been him who died. No he pushed the thought out of his mind his men needed him. But one thing still haunted him, the gaze on Jennsons face.
