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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART 3)
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 July 2004, 11:19 PM

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TIME: 8:16 A.M.
DATE: Around 2800

Sarge was pleased to hold Ares's powerful sword, but he didn't show any sings of struggle to hold it. As we getting ready for a fight, Ares made sure everyone is loud up wish something.

I never realized that Ares is pretty awesome Admiral. He makes sure everyone is breathing and has something to fight with. It is sad, that our government don't even care about soldiers on the fields. I think I'll go on strike when I get back home. But here, Ares is our government. He knows more than you can learn. And I felt safe, as safe as I can be, I knew we'll survive.

As flood once again strike, we were more than ready. We opened fire on beasts. Sarge and Ares had team up and was smashing mixed with slashing through. I shot one elite-like-flood, but my plasma rifle was out, so I threw it aside and start shooting out the rounds from my USP, which is really useful, because the bullets flied through the flesh; ripping every single dead cell in it. After a moment or so, my pistol gagged and stopped shooting.

"FUCK!" I took the holster of it and ran on my enemy smashing my USP on everything moving thing I see. I herd loud sound as I cracked open one of the Flood skulls. The brains and blood flue up, the body fell like rock, without any following movements. I herd a shot in my head so loud that I jumped up; I though I was shot, but I was still looking down on the dead body as it got hole in it chest ripping internal organs.

"Just in case." Tom said smiling.

It was all over, the shooting, hopefully was over. As I looked around, I saw how actually beautiful the place was. I looked at the time; my hand watch was covered with guts. It was 8:06 A.M. God, the time is fast.

As I watched Ares healing him self with grasses and herbs he picked up, I realized he was never hit. Ares looked up on me;

"I got scratched from sword. You don't want to get diseased now, do you?" he smiled and handed me some of the herbs. I took them, who know, maybe he's right. Little single scratch can get you diseased which will bring you death. It was a long morning, with two waves; Ares never told us if there will be another one.

I looked up, I could see stars; odd really, but beautiful. I never in my live looked into the nature, or even around my self. And there is less beauty on earth to safe such as forests. It is hard to find one with something living in it. Civilization had destroyed most of everything. Common animals turned into instinct, instinct turned into nothing but history, nothing left to cherish except memories and yourself. Now I see why Forerunners created so big combining it into odd shaped planet that end up as halo and have everything you ever dreamed of; they want to see beauty, no matter what they do or were they go.

I watched Ares, he acted pretty strange lately. For a while I thought he's asleep, but he was just there. Quietly, waiting for something he knows, but won't say what, or believe in it. He does not want to reconsider his actions, or his believes.

I ended up with two plasma rifles, Jack was holding two pistols, one of them was mine, Tom was holding auto rifle, and so is Sarge. And Ares was holding his two swords. As he raised him self, we all know something is about to happen. Ares looked up, and then up on his own hands, them on us.

"It is my home, I wish you luck. You must go and leave right now, if not, I'll kill you my self just to make sure you died not by the flood." he turned around and slowly stroke in to the forest.

"How the hell are we going to leave this place?!" Jack screamed at Ares.

"My ship will do." he said "the code is Land of Hope." as he said it, he slowly disappeared, taking himself to the base of the control panel.

"He never said the ship works." Tom said. "That's good right?"

Sarge sighed and said, "Well, he was a big help. Let's get the hell out here before we all blow up, shall we?"

I was disturbed. "We can't just leave him, right?"

"No," Sarge said, "but he leaves us." After a short silence. "Common, don't waste time, we all know he's smarter than us."

After 2 hours of walking the platoon reached their destination.

"What do you think Ares do right now?" I asked Jack.

"I don't know, maybe playing tag with the Flood?" he smirked.

We finally founded the ship. As we walked up to the controls, we couldn't see any damn bottoms.

"So," Tom said, "the code is Land of Hope, what do..."

Tom never finished his sentence as the ship internal lights blinked and turned on. There were self image of Ares on the wall; he looked kind of young and less tense. The date was clear was saying 02-11-1725. After a while, we all herd a voice, female human voice.

What do you wish to do?

Sarge swallowed. "Can you take us to Earth, into city of New York?"

Effeminate. Please sit tight and I hope you'll enjoy your ride.

After a moment or so, the ship was on air. Lucky us any information that we asked was delivered form Admiral Ares's AI. Soon, we learned that each Forerunner have to learn how to use teleportation device to fly a ship. We had hope, and sill do that Ares is still breaths. As for us, we all got a life to live and guarantee that we never will leave Earth. It was only few moments of my life, but it was terrible as we watched Halo a.k.a. Jihurla shattered into pieces in our faces. Everything so beautifully was judged by its cover, which it makes me gag. So much hard work was destroyed only in few seconds. And it was the end of my short journey; I now don't have to worry about at all.

