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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART 2)
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmaIl.com>
Date: 4 July 2004, 11:13 PM

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TIME: 6:51 A.M.
DATE: Around 2800

As the Forerunner said, it is around the year of 2800. We knew that, but still don't know the exact date. The Forerunner told us all the information, or the information he can tell us about Halo, as he calls it; "Jihurla". His name is Admiral Ares. But he expects us to call him Ares, which is exactly what I'll do.

So far, everything was quite before we herd it. The same sounds, the little sounds that so annoying that you can go mad. It was good that Ares brought two extra Plasma Rifles, without them, I don't know what we'll do. Besides, his armor, as he said; can recharge plasma rifles, and that is really useful stuff.

As the Flood coming closer, or Vens, as Ares calls them, we hold our weapons as our last shield of hope. Everyone had something, but I realized Ares had only his two Plasma swords. They were not like we saw before; those ones were much bigger and they were attached to his armor.

The flood strike, so had we.

Ares flue into the first wave, slicing everything he sees. But as I saw that look on his face, I realized something is wrong. It was terrible wrong, the flood had evolved, as you can say from ugly chicks to the roosters. We all realized that someone else is on the planet, and someone that as we all could see, was Covenants.

We kept on fighting. As I took my USP and plasma rifle I punched on the triggers hard. Chunks of meat flue, green blood were everywhere, we were all in yellowish-green goo, and that's not all. Ares was most skilled with killing, is like he was build for it. Without fear, he was punching through the group of Flood with his knuckles. He looked unstoppable as he used his style of killing. The way he killed is like that; he punches all, nothing hits him back; they never had a chance.

Jack was shooting everything he got, with his plasma rifle and pistol, he actually enjoys everything. I think I'll ask him how he does it. Tom, in other hand was shaking, but Ares always watched his back. And at last not least, Sarge was out of ammo, finally for the finals he used grenade.

"Fire in the hole!"

We all have to duck. The explosion somehow was huge; it sanded all the body parts fling thorough air like it was a food fight.

Somehow Ares ended up on me. He was kneeling and looking on me. I didn't get what had happened at first, but then realized I was too close to the grenade when it had exploded.

"I own you one." I said to Ares.

"Don't bother," he said. "It does not matter." and he flashed me a smile.

He didn't look terrifying anymore; he looked, more like he was in peace. The kind of peace when you on the lake, or by the pond; and it are quite. It was quite for a moment, but Jack broke that silence.

"WEEEAHHAHAHHA!!" Jack screamed. "Now that's what I call smash potatoes!"

I looked up, and Ares helped me up. Jack was right, every single Flood turned form rotten potato to smash potato.

I saw Tom, which was smiling now, Jack, jumping up and down on things that were left form Flood, and Sarge, that took one of his grenades, which was attached to three more.

"What do you think," Sarge smirked, "who said little of extra spice won't help?"

Sarge actually somehow attached four grenades in one, which makes in four times bigger on fire power.

I looked around, something wasn't right. I watched Ares as he carefully observed the Flood parts.

"They are fresh." Ares said.

"Of course," Jack said, "We just fried them!"

"No," protested Ares, "Covenants must be close. It's the only way the flood wound attack them."

I didn't understand Ares sometimes, he spoke with riddles. He tells us something we do not reconsider as "Truth" or "False".

"What do you mean, big fellow?" Sarge was confused as well.

Ares looked up, and in my surprise, Ares had the face of nothing less. He didn't show any reactions of feelings; his face was black from anything that he felt. Ares walked up to Sarge, which was out of ammo. Ares detached his left sword and handed to Sarge.

"Borrow it, you'll need it." As he said it, we herd more Flood.

