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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded:
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthrout_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 June 2004, 3:10 PM

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TIME: 4:26PM
DATE: Unknown

There were on us, flying through air trying to eat us alive, suck our blood so hard that our bones will rot. There were almost on me when something had flue through air so bright, I have to close my eyes. It exploded and I could see flood flying everywhere; in peaces. I heard the same explosions and shooting but not from rifles; it sounded more like plasma rifles. I also heard that same sound from caves; smooth engine sound. I heard yells, and screams from Tom, I though we've been ambushed by Covenants, but after some moment like it was an eternity, I was welcome by silence. It was dark, and I felt nothing.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was holding my head with both hands; yeah, like that will help to protect me.

I looked up and I saw Tom; shaking like a wet poppy, actually he was, literally wet in his pants. Not far away I saw Sarge, holding for his rifle like for his own life. But I haven't seen Jack. I started to panic, ware's Jack? He was no were in sight. But then I heard usual annoying voice. I was Jack.

"So, what do you feed this baby?"
I turned around only finding a scene I'll never forget. Jack was calmly standing over an alien that was on some sort of vehicle that was odd but beautiful shaped. Maor stroked the vehicle and smiled.

"Can I try?" he asked the alien.

It is unexplainable how he looks; the alien was more that for human eyes to take. He wasn't a Covenant, or any other alien we saw before. He was both beautiful and frightening, savage yet godlike. Sitting tall and brave he handed the vehicle to Jack. Jack's face was shining as he sits his ass down on that thing. I think he saw haven. The alien was watching Jack as he tried the engine. He was standing now in full height; you could see every muscles on his body were the armor didn't covered. The alien was about nine or ten feet tall. He was standing back to me, I couldn't see his face but he was armed with two plasma rifles.

Jack stoked the vehicle and smiled. I knew what he is about to say. But it took me by surprise when he asked the alien;

"You think he's ok?" and Jack nod in my direction.

The alien turned and looked at me. I meet his eyes. The alien was so strong and dense, but seem almost weightless. I could see his skin, it was pure, pure peach marble, swirling with rivers of perfect color, and it was so soft, you could almost feel that softness against your eyes as you gaze at it. But armor still didn't cover most of his body; you could see the dazzling think main of hair which grew not only from its head but also from his strong and muscular shoulders, tapering down to the small of his back. But the color it self form his hair had no color at all, it seemed to drag the colors out of the air, looking golden blond one moment, then ice blue or flame red the next. It reflected the moon light with such breathtaking magnificence; you'll think it was spun from diamond thread.

It was dark, but my eyes were open.

The features of his face were strong, yet angelic, from the smooth curves of his nose and chin to the clarity of his deep shining green eyes, unfettered by lashes or brows. Those eyes were hypnotic, but more that that, they were deep; deep enough to fall into. A shiver of awe slid down my spine as he spoke.

"I believe he must have damaged his brain cells form the launchers." He spoke with hard English, his voice was filler and more resonant than any human or alien I've ever herd. "But that is no problem, he'll recover soon."

Jack made a nasty laugh, and then said.

"He always recovers."

The alien turn away form me and strode toward Jack with powerful yet light-footed steps. His armor was more like we saw on Covenants, only it looked more perfect, and the color it self was more like pure gold mixed with silver. He whispered something to Jack, and stepped away to the cave's entrance.

Jack waked up to us. We were back in group, all of us, except the alien, who was watching and waiting for something. Jack asked the a stupid but yet serious question.

"Is everybody ok, had any Flood got ya?"

"We all fine as you can see." Sarge said. "Now, can you tell us; what the hell is that?" and nodded to the alien's way.

"He's a friend," jack said simply and easily. "This place, you can call his home. And he saved our ass form flood, for now." Jack continued. "You were all in coma, so were I. you were out about two hours, but I was the first to come to my senses. The alien name is or as he called as Admiral Ares. He likes to be called by his first name; Ares, which is more possible to say than his last. He was on a mission to secure something he calls 'Zizagar', which I believe is Halo that was destroyed. He said he has no idea how he got here, but he calls this place 'Jihurla', which is some second project he kept blabbering about. And as we know, it is the second Halo. "

Jack pause for a moment, and flash us a smile.

"The coolest part of all is that we actually know about his race for over eight hundred or more years all along. He, again never told me his race name as of a lack of out human thong, but we know them as The Forerunner."

Jack paused once more, giving us time to chew on what he had said. He was smiling, and he was exited. He continued.

"The mainframe of this, as Ares prefers to call, Jihurla, gone haywire. It opened some sort of Rooms that contained the Flood for self defense; from us. He is here to help us to evacuate this place, but he needs our help. He have two plans, if plan A will fail, he have plan B."

Jack flashed a personal smile to Sarge, "See Sarge, miracles does happen."

Sarge looked at him with a smirk. "It's depends what kind."

