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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: Loud Up
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 June 2004, 5:56 PM

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TIME: Early morning
PLACE: Armory, Jihurla
DATE: Around 2800

There were a few Hurans, but I didn't need them. I needed something more powerful, and something that won't let me down. I took two high plasma swords, two plasma rifles and few plasma grenades. I attacked my swords to my armor and picked up two extra rifles in case. My hands were full, I though for a minute and throw them away. I needed only two, because in any case; my armor will provide any ammo I need for the rifles. They are, an energy fueled.

I looked around; nothing much is useful. Except one thing, I walked up to the table; there was a key; I believe to most doors. I took it, you'll never know when you need to retread. But still, I hoped I don't have to. I'm locked and loaded and ready to roll. All I need now is; one small transportation.

I walked out form the Armory and continued through the halls. There were many glitches now; flashes of lights, doors opening and closing without stopping, and more. It was odd what mainframe can do to its surroundings. They should have added the AI in case. It was, could be useful. I still needed to fine a small transportation. I herd hissing. I looked back, but there were nothing. They were in the walls.

The Ven Virus was created for self-defense. In any case, they don't multiply by them selves; they need living and breathing things. They are pretty tamed if you know what to do. It's just they was trained to kill intruders no matter what. They don't feel, they don't experience any of the inner filings such as hate, anger, joy or sorrow. Things they see, is nothing more but just things, except their masters.

I've had experiences a lot lately with them when I was the trainer. It is sad when they die for nothing but why they were told. They die for something they don't understand, but they just do. They are serving to my people because we give them live, and this is only something that they understand. They breach, and that means a lot to them.

Vens are smart if you really take time to study them. They make plans in order how to attack and learn without been shown how to. Even if you could see a Ven moving over our cities, with weapons in their grasps, you don't see them attack any one. They just there; without any reason but protect. It is interesting, that they sometimes feel. It is only happens when they take control over a body that could feel in his/her past live. This is the only reason they learned to understate that we are not the enemy to them. We just there, just like them, living under the same trees and skies.

I walked down the hall till I was a room with the name over it; "Vehicle Room". As I walked in, I realized it was dark; the busting mainframe must have had an effect on the energy source in this structure. There we some ships, small, big any kind you want, but not that was useful enough for the fields. But as I was looking around, my eyes meet something I never thought I'll see; it was Shika.

She was beautiful, still shines like new. She has two plasma gun machine, a shield generator, and one extra launcher; that is powerful enough to destroy a mother ship. There were only one Shika I spotted, so I didn't waste my time and got on it. I actually thought they stopped doing those. Well, at least I got my self a pretty sweet ride. I tried the engines; it made a smooth sound and flue up from the ground. It was going to be a really good ride. I smiled; nothing better than first class ride.

I needed to find the way out of here, find panel destruction and fly off. I just hope I have more time, If Vens finally spotted humans, and I don't want to know what they were through. I meet with Vens ones when they were out of control; it was ugly. If Vens were in sleep in the release, and let us hope they were, it is possible for me to take the control over them. If that will be impossible, I have no choice but to use the panel.

I was riding in the Caves; I could see the exit now, but something stopped me; I heard screams, explosions, then screams again, shooting, then screams again, followed by single gun shot, but then screams mixed with shooting, then silence.

Damn, that must have been the humans, let us hope I'm not too late, if it was the first wave of the Vens, they'll come in bigger waves.

I pushed the bottom and speed away to the exit, living the silent caves behind.

