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Fan Fiction

Miles Away From Freedom (poem)
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 May 2004, 8:05 PM

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I'm sorry if it bad, please don't be mad, get glad! I'm new hear, fresh form the start. I wish I'll satisfy your needs. But you can spit on me, like I care, anyhow. I love the e-mails, send them all, the bad, the good, the naughty, I'll take them all. I won't be sad. I'm even galdy.

Push herded on the metal, I hear the voice inside.
MY butt is pick already. Hell, I'm pushing all the way.
Why would Covenants will hang around hear?
Gosh, the flood is spreading, but I'm mile away.

Shoot, the Halo spinning, the time is running out.
The plain is falling dawn with speed, and I'm going nuts.
The warthog won't survive this race; I'm fling all around.
The flood, the Covenants, and me, we all in one.

The time about to go off, but I will not give up.
I see the ship on front of me, "My saver, hear I come!"
The flood is everywhere; I'm running in full speed.
"Hay suckers, suck it up a bit...I'm teaching you to fly!"

It's little something form my own experience at Helo level Maw. I'm not bragging, I won't push my luck. I just love this Halo really bad.
