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Fan Fiction

The New Heritic and the finding of a new Halo
Posted By: El Mikey of AfRo SaUcE<xxfall2dustxx@yahoo.com>
Date: 1 May 2005, 5:04 AM

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As the smoked cleared from the battle between the Arbitar and the Heritic leader,The Arbitar was left standing and the Heritic was dead.Unknown to the Arbitar that the Heritic Leaders Hologram clones were being monitered by the rest of the Heritic army,They made a new leader his name,Zumka a Strong Elite betrayed by the Prophet,seeked revenge.As the Arbitar found new contacts along his journey into a colosul facility that held the coventants gas,he reached a room that the flood haven't reached.Once he entered he gave a signal to his army to hold position.The army nodded in an ok.The Arbitar heard a voice very familiar to him.He looked to the other side of the room.He saw heritics lined up listining to the comands of thier new leader.The Arbitar left his position telling his army to stay behind.He went out in to the open to get a closer look.He thought he saw a ghost.Zumka looked upon his army saying,"We will get our revenge against the Prophets and the Arbitar.Let no covenant stand in our way.Our great journey will soon come to an end."The Arbitar Stood up and said,"You,who do you think you are?"Zumka replied,"I am Zumka,the new Heritic Leader,hellbent on desroying You and the prophets."The Arbitar,stunned,could not belive what he had heard.Zumka was his aid in battle on Halo installation 04."Zumka it is me Zeolot."said the Arbitar."I know who you are and even though you were a brother to me,I must destroy you."replied Zumka."Then that's the way it shall be"said the Arbitar."Now my brothers charge and take out the Heritics once and for all." The battle began and in an instant as covenant and heritics began to fall.The Arbitar grabbing his beam rifle and firing three shots took out four heritic elites.The third shot fired penetrated the head of an elite and took out another.plasma rifles firing everywhere.Nearly ending The Arbitar the Heritic leader shot his plasma pistol taking down The Arbitars shield and quikly attempted to switch to his carbine and take out The Arbitar.The Arbitar quicly reacted to the plasma pistol shot and hid behind a wall nearly escaping the carbine shot.The Arbitars covenant army and the Heritics army both concealed thier commanders.Beam rifles from both sides of the room fired and elites,covenant and Heritics,fell apon fire.The battle raged on as The Arbitar and The Heritic leader gave commands,all commands had the same strategey.Finally with five elites on each side The Arbitar told his elites to each throw a plasma grenade.The Heritic leader did the same.With a giant explosion all ten elites,covenant and heritics alike,fell to the large blast.The only ones standing were the Heritic leaader and The Arbitar.They faced off in a fist to fist combat each copying the same move at the exact same time.The Arbitar finally took down The Heritic leader."This the end Zumka."said The Arbitar."Then so be it."said Zumka taking his last breaths.The Arbitar,punching Zumka in the stomach with his energy sword deactivated in hand."Goodbye,Zumka."said The Arbitar activating his Energy sword into Zumka's stomach.With Zumka's gore spattering against the wall The Arbitar leaves with memories in his head.While in the Covenant dropship the Arbitar is very quiet.One of his soldiers ask"what is the matter Arbitar you sould be grateful that you destroyed the Heritics."The Arbitar replied"Don't worry about me.I am fine.Focus on defeating the humans."

While upon reaching thier destination from the slip-space rupture the Humans and the MasterChief discover another Halo.Miranda Keyes deploys MasterChief in the HEV Pods to land on Halo.The covenant that had already landed on Halo noticed the HEV pods and quickly alerted the rest of the group.Grunts,Elites,and Jackels take aim at the HEV pods.The HEV pods take heavy firing as they land.MasterChief and ten ODSTs break out of thier pods and start blasting away.Grunts and Elites go down after seconds of heavy fire.Covenant snipers take two ODSTs down,and seconds later MasterChief reaches the area from which the snipers were at and quickly takes them out.A phantom arrives and deploys more covenant.MasterChief commands two ODSTs to take the beam rifles and take down as much covenant as possible.The ODSTs take aim as they snipe the hell out of the covenant.MasterChief uses his rocket launcher to take out most of the covenant deployed.Abother dropship arrives.MasterChief and the other ODSTs begin to attack at ground-zero.Elites take out three ODSTs and indjers one.Again the covenant deployed are taken out and a pelican arrives with warthog loaded with two ODSTs.MasterChief takes the driver seat,one ODST in the gunner and another ODST in the passenger.They take off and only a few seconds later the ODST in the gunner gets taken out by the sniper.The passenger ODST takes out two of the sniper Jackels and the third takes out the ODST.MasterChief alone takes out the third sniper with duel SMGs and takes the beam rifel.He reaches a building surrounded by covenant and takes them out one by one.gore splattering everywhere.Seconds later two ghosts arrive.MasterChief takes one ghost and splatters the elite that had it and takes out the other ghost with ease.He goes inside the structure and activates the switch for the bridge to lower.As the bridge sets in place two wraiths come out of the cave ahead and start blasting away at the building.Another pelican arrives,this time with a scorpion and four ODSTs.Two Banshees arrive and start attacking the scorpion but they are blown away by the scorpions explosive shells.MasterChief and the four ODSTs take out he Wraiths across the bridge.More ghosts arrive and are easily taken out.MasterChief with only one ODST arrives at a bigger sructure and snipes the hell out of the covenant.He goes into the structure and finds more covenant.The covenant put on a fierce battle one by one they are viciosly taken out.MasterChief arrives at a beautiful oasis filled with covenant.He sees a jackel that is wielding a beam rifle he creeps up behind it and viceosly assassinastes him.He equips himself with another beam rifle and snipes more jackels and elites.Drones appear with needelers and plasma pistols attacking the MasterChief and ODST.MasterChief barley survives but the ODST dies.and After countless battles the fight between the prophet of regret and the masterchief begins.Armed with a fuel rod cannon the Prophet fires at the masterchief,not caring about the covenant around the chief,he destroys them insted of the masterchief.Masterchief grabs a hold of the prophets vehicle and viciosly beats him down ending the prophets life.
